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Division of Portfolio Planning August 12 th, 2011 SIG Funds Info Session for Transformation / Restart Schools.

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1 Division of Portfolio Planning August 12 th, 2011 SIG Funds Info Session for Transformation / Restart Schools

2 Goals of this session 2 Discuss OTPS rules/restrictions related to ARRA funding All OTPS services must have a contract 1 Discuss hiring procedures Restart schools will need to revisit their SIG plans/budget ASA funds: timeline and restrictions Steps for choosing an already-contracted vendor If schools want to work with a non-contracted vendor Remodeling and travel restrictions Asset inventory and tagging

3 3 Personnel Services and Hiring Procedures Restart Schools The Office of School Development will estimate a “net allocation’ (i.e. base allocation minus EPO cost) for each one of the Restart Schools Restart schools will be asked to revisit – in coordination with EPOs – their SIG plan/budget and send it to the Office of School Development. ASA funds will be allocated based on the number of FTEs on the revised plan Transformation/Turnaround Schools ASA funds have already been allocated based on original SIG budgets and considering average salaries for each school ASA funds can only be used for Salaries (i.e. NOT for per session and NOT for OTPS)

4 4 Rules for contracting professional services (ARRA) All OTPS services must have a contract Vendors must have an active contract with the DOE and sign an additional ARRA addendum regardless of the size of the procurement. This means that non- contracted services below $25,000 are NOT ALLOWED. Services cannot start until a contract is fully executed and registered with the Comptrollers Office The Office of School support will send a list all SIG proposed vendors, specifying the ones that do not have an applicable contract

5 5 Rules for contracting professional services (ARRA) In order to find the list of already-contracted vendors, schools need to: Go to Click on type of services they need to procure (e.g. PD for school leaders, program evaluation, WSR, etc.) Steps for choosing an already-contracted vendor Vendors must submit an MTAC application for title(s) that best fit their scope of services. Download RFP from vendors’ portal If schools want to work with a non-contracted vendor… The DOE has already vetted and approved hundreds of qualified vendors for most – if not all – services related to student support, PD and Whole School Reform services Since the awarding process could take up to nine [9] months, schools should not expect to be able to start work with these vendors before the spring of 2012

6 6 Other OTPS rules and restrictions (ARRA) Asset inventory and tagging On top of Standard Operating Procedures, equipment and textbooks must have asset tags which say “Property of NYC DOE” and “Funded by ARRA.” Textbooks must be stored in a separate place on the shelf from non-ARRA textbooks and the shelf should be labeled as “Funded by ARRA.” Travel restrictions Travel expenses are allowed. However, travelers must use personal funds to pay for all expenses (air/train fares, lodging, meals and incidentals). Expenses will be reimbursed after trips. Use of travel agency is not allowed. Remodeling and capital projects are not allowed

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