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A Christmas Carol ~England~ Savannah Marshall Kara Gaspari 13.1.12.

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1 A Christmas Carol ~England~ Savannah Marshall Kara Gaspari 13.1.12


3 Important Days in England January- New Years Day February- Kissing Friday (a day where schoolboys can kiss a girl without the fear of rejection and punishment) March- Mother’s Day April- St. Georges Day (church festival of St. George) May- Oak Apple Day (birth of Charles II) June- The Queen’s Official birthday July- London 2012 Olympic Games (this year) August- Notting Hill Carnival (Europe's biggest carnival) September- Harvest festival October- Trafalgar Day November- All Saints Day and All Souls Day December- Christmas

4 Connections Text-to-text- Not sure. Text-to-self- Thinking about my past to make me think about what I am today Text-to-world- Greed

5 Themes Greed - Scrooge is very greedy when it comes to his money Self - worth - even though Tiny Tim and his family have very little worry they all seem to keep their heads up Happiness - after Scrooge is visited by the ghosts he looks at life a different way and is happy

6 Views My view on, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, hasn’t changed. I learned that people in old time England had apprenticeships, they were very proper, in Scrooge’s case, very greedy, cherish family time, and want to help out the poor.

7 Seen a ghost Been an appr- entice No family Scrooge Been in love Giving Happy Marshall Has a family Never been an appr- entice Never seen a ghost

8 WOW! That’s cool! The money issues- it’s amazing to see the differences between a rich person and a poor person. The rich person is miserable and the poor person is happy. The dialect- It amazes me the words and ways they say things You really think so?

9 Conflict Internal- Scrooge is fighting with his past present and future to see what’s wrong with him External- Scrooge is fighting with the ghosts, Marley, the ghost of Christmas past, present, and future If I was Scrooge I think I would’ve handled it just the way he did by finding out who I am and following the ghosts

10 Rewind! And try again! Alternative Ending Five years later after Scrooge changed his act around, he passed away. People missed him, especially Tiny Tim. When Tiny Tim grew up, Scrooges will stated that his house was given to Tiny Tim. All of Scrooges money was distributed between his nephew and Tiny Tim. Tiny Tim used the money to get help with his leg and help his family out.


12 A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

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