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Stories, Stars & Stereotypes …or how you can empower your supporters to tell their stories using Engaging Networks Joe Hall National Campaigns Manager,

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Presentation on theme: "Stories, Stars & Stereotypes …or how you can empower your supporters to tell their stories using Engaging Networks Joe Hall National Campaigns Manager,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stories, Stars & Stereotypes …or how you can empower your supporters to tell their stories using Engaging Networks Joe Hall National Campaigns Manager, Scope

2 How to get our supporters – mainly little connection to the issue – to put pressure on MPs?

3 Video animation Promoted through website Multiple emails to supporters Promoted via Scope social media Katie Price, MumsNet, GransNet and others promoted Infographic Good for people close to cause and politically motivated Struggled to get others Impersonal Email your MP with template message…

4 Children What could we do instead? Families Wish they had better support Christmas Stars Event Snowflakes Gifts MPs Disabled

5 Children What could we do instead? Families Wish they had better support Christmas Stars Event Snowflakes Gifts MPs Disabled

6 Reaction from our supporters and staff

7 Reaction from MPs

8 Good for anyone – connection to cause or not Got more people doing it with less time and less promotion Very personal Intrinsically enjoyable Allows you to tell your own story

9 Data capture e-action – made to look attractive Promote, promote, promote Export data Sort and clean data in Excel Office print onto star template on card Glitter, glue & cutting out 1,700 stars! Bring to Parliament

10 We’ll print your message on a special star and bring it your MP in Parliament Disabled children are missing out on vital support. Will you make a wish for them this Christmas? Please show you care. Give it a concept & make action page look attractive Show where their messages will go Ask a “why” question Give examples of what to say & length Simple call to action

11 Data capture e-action – made to look attractive Sort and clean data in Excel Export data Office print onto star template on card Glitter, glue & cutting out 1,700 stars! Event in Parliament


13 Data capture e-action – made to look attractive Sort and clean data in Excel Export data Office print onto star template on card Glitter, glue & cutting out 1,700 stars! Event in Parliament




17 Quantity Where are we going with public campaign actions? Quality Neither Both (the promised land)

18 What we’ve learnt since… Most people see disabled people as a separate, homogenous, passive, hopeless group Surprising, positive personal stories are one way to begin to change this stereotype See for more on this research

19 What we’ve done since… “I want this to be the time of my life – not the end of it” “For my brother James” “What did the Queen forget?” Unbranding all our campaign emails – as much like a personal email as possible Telling it from the heart ‘Lending’ our list to disabled people & families Making a story out of campaign news

20 Inspiration

21 Questions? Ideas? Or happy to talk afterwards

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