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 We went on a amazing field trip to a library.  We got books that were on our topic.  I had so much fun and plan to come again.

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2  We went on a amazing field trip to a library.  We got books that were on our topic.  I had so much fun and plan to come again.

3  Today we did pyramids and to how strong they were.  We built it with straws and paper clips to support it.  We learned that triangles are stronger then squares.  I really enjoyed today.

4  We made cubes today.  It had to be strong so we used paperclips and straws.  We learned that squares are not as strong as triangles.

5  We made 3-D columns today.  I made mine with pink and purple with a ionic design.  It didn’t look 3-D because we used different colors but it was still very fun.

6 Today we made columns with some toilet papers rolls. It had to hold at least 5 or more books. Mine only held 3 until we were given salt rocks to see if it will help. It did work and I mine got to hold at lest 13 books! This was a very fun activity.

7  Today we made columns out of clay.  We had to choose which design we wanted and mold it out of clay.  I choose ironic because it was not too easy and not too hard.  My friends all said that my column was great and felt great toady.

8  Today we went on a fieldtrip to downtown Houston to learn about our city.  We went to city hall and looked at all kinds of things and got to watch a small video about what is happing to our city  I really enjoyed our trip and can’t wait if we can go again.

9  How I built my bridge?  I built my bridge with only two pieces of paper and two congruent books witch was hard cause our goal was to at least hold 50 pennies.  After that with two fails I had finally found out a way to hold it all the 50 pennies I needed.

10  Today we made ginger bread houses for Christmas.  We had to bring candy, cream, and some graham crackers.  When we finished We got to take it home for Christmas.  It was a great day because we got to take this

11  We went to see an amazing play called “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”  It was about a pageant that seems to go wrong but then turns out to be the best one yet!  It told an exciting story and everyone enjoyed it and they all clapped.

12  We built a Eiffel tower today out of popsicle sticks and hot glue.  We all made our own design so none of them were alike.  I enjoyed today and I got to bring mine home to show my family.

13  We made domes today out of gumdrops and toothpicks.  It was so much fun arranging them all to a gummy dome.  In the end, we got to take them home and show our families.

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