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Semester 1 Final Review Word Parts PPT. Cardiovascular Word Parts  Erythr/o - Red  Leuk/o - White  Tachy- – Fast, rapid  Arter/o - Artery  ather/o.

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Presentation on theme: "Semester 1 Final Review Word Parts PPT. Cardiovascular Word Parts  Erythr/o - Red  Leuk/o - White  Tachy- – Fast, rapid  Arter/o - Artery  ather/o."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semester 1 Final Review Word Parts PPT

2 Cardiovascular Word Parts  Erythr/o - Red  Leuk/o - White  Tachy- – Fast, rapid  Arter/o - Artery  ather/o – plaque, fatty substance  Atr/i - Atrium  Cardi/o - Heart  coron/o - Coronary  Valv/o - Valve  phleb/o - Vein  hem/o - Blood  hemat/o - Blood  Erythr/o - Red  Leuk/o - White  Tachy- – Fast, rapid  Arter/o - Artery  ather/o – plaque, fatty substance  Atr/i - Atrium  Cardi/o - Heart  coron/o - Coronary  Valv/o - Valve  phleb/o - Vein  hem/o - Blood  hemat/o - Blood  -  itis – Inflammation of  -ac – Pertaining to  -emia – Blood, blood condition  -lysis – Breakdown, separation  -malacia – Abnormal softening  -megaly - Enlargement  -osis – Abnormal condition  -rrhexis - Ruptures  -sclerosis – Abnormal hardening  -stenosis – Abnormal narrowing.

3 Digestion Word Parts  -ac: pertaining to  -al: pertaining to  -ary: pertaining to  -an: pertaining to  -ical: pertaining to  -ial: pertaining to  -ic: pertaining to  Peri-: surrounding  Endo-: in, within  -esis: abnormal condition  Dys-: bad, difficult, painful  -itis: inflammation  -ologist: specialist  -osis: abnormal condition  -ac: pertaining to  -al: pertaining to  -ary: pertaining to  -an: pertaining to  -ical: pertaining to  -ial: pertaining to  -ic: pertaining to  Peri-: surrounding  Endo-: in, within  -esis: abnormal condition  Dys-: bad, difficult, painful  -itis: inflammation  -ologist: specialist  -osis: abnormal condition  -scopy: visual examination  Aliment/o: to nourish  Gastr/o: stomach  Rect/o: rectum  Chol/e: bile, gall  -Cyst: bladder, bag  Enter/o: small intestine  Gingiv/o: gingival tissue, gums  -phagia: eating, swallowing  Pyr/o: fever  -emesis: vomit  Hepat/o: liver  Proct/o: anus and rectum

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