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5 MINUTES PER DAY SELF DEFENSE A little something just in case… Check out techniques at Submitted by Hoa Nguyen Illinois Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "5 MINUTES PER DAY SELF DEFENSE A little something just in case… Check out techniques at Submitted by Hoa Nguyen Illinois Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 MINUTES PER DAY SELF DEFENSE A little something just in case… Check out techniques at Submitted by Hoa Nguyen Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL

2 Key points Quick, sudden move: surprise is the biggest factor Target weak or sensitive areas: eyes, neck, middle of chest, and of course ___ use your environment to your advantage: figure nails, keys, pens, books, cell phone, hair brush, umbrella... Escape Attract attention

3 NOTE Situations are different. Followed are some self defense moves but keep in mind the basic key points for specific cases. Practice self defense with a friend (below moves and other that you can find). Remember practice makes perfect!

4 Escaping From Wrist Grab: Opposite Hand Offender grabs your right wrist with his left hand Make a fist with your hand and turn it palm down Move toward the outside of his arm Shift your elbow towards his elbow (as picture) This will pry your arm out without strength Move to a safe distance or strike back

5 Wrist Grab: Same Hand He grabs your right wrist with his right hand. Make a fist and turn it palm up. Turn towards his right side, bringing your right elbow toward his right elbow. Your wrist will pop out due to leverage.

6 Wrist Grab: Both Hands Opponent grabs both your wrists Place hands together (DONT lock your hands) Drive close to his stomach area Drive hands up his center line When his grip slips pull hands back over your shoulder Get away

7 Escaping Holds From Behind Make a wrist or kick back with your heel to the groin Or elbow to the chest Or stump onto the foot (high heels are extremely effective) Pain will get him lighten the grip. Then run!

8 Hold From Behind (More Difficult) Opponent grabs you in a bear hug from behind. The arms are pinned. Squat slightly, thrusting your hands forward to release the hold Grab his right arm with both hands Throw over your shoulder by bending forward then pull both arms to the left. Note dont forget to squat.

9 Front Bear Hug Opponent grabs in a front bear hug Grab their hips Pivot to make them turn and open the legs Send knee strikes into the groin

10 Escaping From Front Choke The opponent grabs you by the neck with both hands Clasp your hands in front of you. (DO NOT interlock your fingers.) Squat down about an inch or two This will put you in a prayer-like position Shoot your hands up and stand straight in an explosive fashion Raise your arms completely above your head. This will break the hold. Push the opponents arms away on the outside RUN!!! Get away as quick as possible!

11 Quick Return: Targeting and Striking Striking with your elbow (note that this is your strongest strike at close distant), or poke in the eyes. Remember the sensitive areas This should buy you time in these situation to escape

12 Other Good Techniques Oct 99, dec 99, dec 00, Oct 01, Nov 03 + dec 03 (hair grab)

13 Dont forget to use everyday pocket items as a weapon… keys, pens, books, cell phone, hair brush, umbrella...

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