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GCSE BUSINESS STUDIES Unlock your potential Our Aims To work together, with you, in order that you can reach your potential. To advise you of the syllabus.

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2 GCSE BUSINESS STUDIES Unlock your potential

3 Our Aims To work together, with you, in order that you can reach your potential. To advise you of the syllabus content and support you in your learning and examination preparation To facilitate your enjoyment of the subject. We expect you to equal our commitment with your own!

4 Organisation of Course In Year 10:- one single and one double lesson, many lessons will include use of ICT for the purpose of research and presentations In Year 11:- one lesson a week in ICT classroom in order that students can do “marketing” coursework. One double lesson in classroom. Visits to industry arranged and individuals will link with a business for research to enable coursework module.

5 The Content Business Activity and the Changing Environment Effects upon business of such things as; laws, exchange rates, inflation, customers tastes, and war! Researching the effects that businesses and the consumerism they encourage have upon our environment. Look at the reasons for and the ethics of “outsourcing”. Discussing Globalisation and E commerce and the new approaches to locating industry.

6 Globalisation Force for good Multinationals are a powerful force for good in the world. They spread wealth, work, technologies that raise living standards and better ways of doing business The case against business globalisation The bitter legacy is growing poverty in all regions of the developing world, except China Corporations have promised to adopt voluntary ethical standards in response to growing public concern over social and environmental damage

7 Human Resources People and organisations Looks at the roles, relationships, motivation and management in business today. Workplace stress is now the fastest growing cause of absence from work, costing British companies £3.7 billion pounds a year. Last year, more than 13 million working days were lost to stress- related illnesses in the workplace

8 Accounting and Finance Use of accounting and financial information to analyse the performance of a business. Banking group Abbey has announced a £686m ($1.3bn) pre-tax loss in 2003, its second straight year of major losses The bank, rebranded as Abbey, started a three-year overhaul of its operations last year and has announced job cuts

9 You need to understand: Why cash is important to a business. The difference between profit and loss. Why and how businesses draw up cash flow forecasts.

10 Cash Flows can be compared to water flowing into and out of a bath. The important thing is to maintain a reasonable amount of water in the bath and never allow it to drain away. Cash In Start up capital Cash from sales of goods/services Bank Loans Grants etc. Cash Out Raw materials or stock Fixed costs Tax payments Equipment Wages and salaries etc.

11 A cash flow forecast is a way of trying to predict what money will come in and go out over a fixed period of time (normally a month). A negative closing balance (a deficit) at the end of a month indicates that there is not enough cash to pay the immediate bills. A regular large surplus in the closing balance suggests a business could afford to pay off some debts, or buy new stocks or equipment.

12 This is another example of a cash flow forecast.

13 FTSE - The chart is updated every 15 mins

14 Production Examines the way organisations use and organise their resources in order to be more profitable. More than 150,000 jobs have gone in the sector over the past year. Controversial moves by some British companies to close call centre operations in the UK and move them abroad have become more of a rush recently, with thousands of jobs being created in countries such as India.

15 Marketing Coursework based upon this module; promoting a new business of your choice. Looks at identifying and satisfying customer needs in a changing and competitive environment. environment. Picture to right is a life style sleeping space; formally called a bedroomPicture to right is a life style sleeping space; formally called a bedroom

16 If it asks for money, ignore it You've probably had one of those letters through the post promising you untold riches.

17 The CEO of Nokia had the following Marketing Forecast:- Four billion people, or half the world's population, will communicate using mobile phones by 2015, up from the 1.3 billion or so who have them now, the industry's top executive has predicted.

18 Post 16 and Higher Education Here AS /A2 Business Studies All universities including “red bricks” offer a range of courses in Business Administration with a focus e.g.: Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, European Studies or with a language etc. OR A Combined Degree with subjects such as Sociology, Economics or Psychology

19 Business Management - alive today. Business Management don’t just do it – live it!

20 Will Business Studies suit me? If you like a challenge, learning a new subject will give you that as each lesson is very busy. If you are interested in the financial, ethical and political news in the world today you will enjoy the lessons. If you like lessons that are involve independent research of current issues you will enjoy the course. If you wish to see a text book or have further questions please come and see me in C4

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