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Leds. Economia: “In its report, the Energy Department said that if all conventional incandescent Christmas lights in the United States were replaced with.

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Presentation on theme: "Leds. Economia: “In its report, the Energy Department said that if all conventional incandescent Christmas lights in the United States were replaced with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leds

2 Economia: “In its report, the Energy Department said that if all conventional incandescent Christmas lights in the United States were replaced with LED lights, annual energy savings would total 2 billion kilowatt-hours - enough to power almost 200,000 homes for an entire year” "By converting, for instance, in California the 44,000 traffic lights to LEDs, they can save enough power to power about 90,000 homes,"

3 Lasers CD, DVD,... Telecomunicações Leitura ótica Metrologia Defesa



6 Quantum Cascade Lasers

7 Modulador de Amplitude


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