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Done by: Harris Yee Kiat Zachary Dylan Wong Liang Yi.

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Presentation on theme: "Done by: Harris Yee Kiat Zachary Dylan Wong Liang Yi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Done by: Harris Yee Kiat Zachary Dylan Wong Liang Yi

2  Why Singapore was chosen by the British  The founding of Singapore Did you know?? In 1969, the theme of singapore’s national day celebration was the 150 th anniversary of the founding of singapore. The nation issued a set of six commemorative stamps.

3  He is popularly regared and honoured as the ‘founder and architect of Singapore’.

4  Beside the old parliament house  In front of the Victoria Concert hall

5  They were competing fiercely outside Europe for PROFIT and MONOPOLY of trade routes.

6 BritishDutch ChinaThe Malay Archipelago IndiaJava A small part of The Malay Archipelago Melaka This is why competition was so fierce between the British and the Dutch.

7  They were charged high fees for using the port  They had to pay heavy taxes on goods which they sold or bought.  They had to fly a Dutch flag and carry a Dutch permit or pass.  They were not allowed to trade with any ports except Dutch-controlled ones.

8 BritishDutch PenangMelaka BencoolenJava The Malay Archipelago

9 BritishDutch Penang- It was lying to the far north of the Straits of Melaka and was not very useful for controlling the Straits of Melaka and protecting british ships using the Straits. Melaka- It had a better position in the Straits. It was useful for controlling the Straits of Melaka. Bencoolen- It was situated on the wrong side of Sumatra, facing the Indian Ocean instead of the Straits of Melaka. Melaka- It could control the Straits of Melaka unlike Bencoolen as it was out of the way.

10  He was concerned about the British losing out to the Dutch.  He wrote to the British East India Company to inform them of the dangerous situation they were facing.  He then began his search for an ideal place for the British to start a new trading settlement.

11  Singapore had:-  An excellent harbour.  A good supply of drinking water.  It occupies a central position in the Straits of Melaka. It is in a commanding position to protect their trading ships between China and India.

12  Only the Sultan could allow the British to start such a settlement. However, the Sultan was under the control of the Dutch.  The comic strip on pg 26 explains why.

13  They acknowleged the younger son(Tengku Hussein) as the rightful sultan and asked him for permission instead.  He agreed and British managed to use Singapore as their port.

14 BritishTemenggo ng Tengku Hussein They had a good port to make money for them. He got an allowance of $3,000 a year. He got an allowance of $5,000 a year.

15  The treaty was signed on 6 February 1819.  It gave the Birtish East India Compant the right to establish a trading settlement in the southern part of Singapore.

16  They were very angry with Raffles for setting up a settlement in Singapore.  They claimed that Singapore indirectly belonged to them.  Both the E.I.C. directors and the government in Britain were very displeased with Raffles for starting a quarrel between them.

17  No. They did not. Why?  Both parties had nothing to gain from war.  They would only lose money and not earn any money.  They were in a dangerous situation as if they went into war, other countries could easily come and destroy them.

18  The Dutch and British government signed this in 17 March 1824 allowing British to keep Singapore.  The Dutch gave their port of Melaka to Britain in exchange for the British port of Bencoolen in Sumatra.

19  When Raffles concluded the 6 February 1819 treaty, the British did not gain control of the island yet.  Singapore only officially became a British colony in August 1824 when the British extended control over the whole island.  Dr. John Crawfurd, the second Resident of Singapore, was the one who made Singapore a British possession. He signed a treaty with Sultan Hussein over the whole island to the British East India Company in return for the payment of larger sums of money than what they had previously received.

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