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Aptitude Tests - LAB  Paul Pimpleur developed Language Aptitude Battery in 1960s with 6 subtests Grade-Point Average in academic areas other than foreign.

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1 Aptitude Tests - LAB  Paul Pimpleur developed Language Aptitude Battery in 1960s with 6 subtests Grade-Point Average in academic areas other than foreign languages. Interest in learning a foreign language Vocabulary test on the knowledge of native-language vocabulary Language Analysis test of ability to identify the function of language elements in a foreign language for which the equivalents in the native language is given. Sound Discrimination learners aurally learns three similar words in sounds and are expected to recognize them. Sound-Symbol learners recognize the graphic form of the nonsense words they hear when they were given them in sentences.  These tests are useful for the purposes of prediction and diagnosis.  They do not tell us who will succeed or fail in learning a foreign language.

2 Proficiency and Achievement Tests Proficiency Tests  Tests may be devised the proficiency level of the students  They may be used for placement into an appropriate classes high schools.  Teachers take such courses to demonstrate certain levels of proficiency in the four skills before they are permitted to teach.  Educational Testing Service (ETS) administers proficiency tests such as SAT, TOEFL, or GRE. Achievement Tests  Usually based on available course of study and students expect to be tested on what they are supposed to have been learning.  They may be faulty testing instruments  Standardized Achievement Tests are constructed by organizations outside schools.  Such tests enable teachers to see how their students compare with those of other teachers.

3 Diagnostic Tests  Designed to indicate to teacher and students areas of strength and areas of weakness.  Results of such tests show what sections of the work should be retaught or restudied.  Clearly indicates to the teacher whether the students are ready to move on to new work.  Most useful if corrected thoroughly.  It should be regarded as a natural step in the learning process.  Well-designed tests are also a guide to the teacher, revealing areas in which the teaching has not been effective.  Example – GED test

4 Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Tests  Norm-Referenced tests rank the achievement of students in relation to that of other students.  Norm stands for mean score achieved by the group.  The results usually show the percentile level each student has reached.  If the level is low, teacher decides whether re-teaching is needed.  Criterion-referenced tests serve a different purpose.  These tests are used for courses where students must all demonstrate a certain level of mastery.  There is no attempt at comparisons with the achievement of others.  In this testing, students know in advance exactly what knowledge they will be required to demonstrate. Ex. Russian – Cyrillic, Arabic – Arabic writing system.

5 Know What You are Testing  One important concept in testing is that of validity.  A valid test measures the intension that designer hopes to test.  Language learning involves skill getting and skill using.  Students need knowledge of many small details and facility in activating this knowledge.  Also need to be able to perform in the language with a certain fluency and coherence.

6 Discrete-Point and Integrative Testing  Discrete-point testing is a test intended to measure the knowledge on the details of a language such as grammatical structures, word order, phonetic sounds, vocabulary and spelling.  Helps to focus students’ attention on specific points.  Integrative Test requires that test-taker pay less attention on specific points than to the total communicative effect.  It must involve functioning of language – meaningful discourse evolving message.  The response requires the use of several skills.  It is sometimes called overall language proficiency tests  Discrete-point tests test skill getting whereas integrative tests test skill using.  Difference between these two tests should be clear.

7 Objectives of the Course  Course objectives must be clear to the teacher before devising a test.  Teacher identifies the skills needed to perform the kinds of language tasks after identifying the objectives.  Then, teacher goes ahead and select the types of tests appropriate for the level of students.  This way teacher validly tests students’ ability to perform

8 Dictation  Teachers often assume that students will need to be able to understand the spoken language.  Dictation can test the recognition of grammatical structures and of the elements of the vocabulary.  It also involves the ability to write the language accurately and correctly.  Requires ability to adjust to different kinds of voices, levels of language, speed of speech and dialectical variations.  It is a demanding test.  It can be a test of temperament. Nervous and anxious students often suffer emotional blocks.  Materials for dictation must be selected with great care.  Dictation as a placement test is easy to administer and has mechanical nature in correction.

9 Reading Comprehension  Often tested by asking the student to translate a passage from the foreign language into the native language.  It is possible for students to understand the passage very well and yet do very badly on a test like this.  It is a valid test if you would like to test the comprehension of the foreign language, stylistic differences and cultural contrasts.  The grading of such a test is to some extent subjective, since the “perfect translation” exists only in the mind of the narrator.  It is a suitable test for advanced classes, where translation is studied.  A common test of reading comprehension requires the answering in the foreign language questions in foreign language.  More validly tested by selection of the correct answer in multiple-choice questions.  No other skill has to be demonstrated at the same time.

10 Listening Comprehension  Tested by means of printed questions in the foreign language to be answered in the foreign language.  Students may understand perfectly but misinterpret it and get no credit.  Teachers looks for three skills in this type of test – comprehension of spoken language, comprehension of the printed word and ability to express oneself.  If the students are to be tested for listening comprehension alone, the credit must be given to the comprehension of what students heard.  Listening comprehension may be tested with the use of pictures and objects.

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