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The Story of Troy & The Sources of the Aeneid Background Information p. 18-26.

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Presentation on theme: "The Story of Troy & The Sources of the Aeneid Background Information p. 18-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Story of Troy & The Sources of the Aeneid Background Information p. 18-26

2 #12) Theme and Purpose Theme: arma virumque cano Glorification of Rome * Purpose: show the history was part of a divine plan Founding of Rome - Empire “No other literary work, with the exception of the Bible, has perhaps had such an influence on so many generations of writers and thinkers.”

3 #13) Troy Location: Asia Minor Today: Turkey Founder: King Ilus

4 #14) Laomedon as King Goal: Build defense walls Help of Apollo and Poseidon Error: Refused to pay promised reward to the gods Sea Monster to whom his daughter must be sacrificed

5 #15) Hesione and Hercules Rescue: Hercules destroyed the monster Hercules killed Laomedon and all of his sons except Priam and destroyed Troy Third King: PRIAM

6 #16) Priam’s family Daughters: Creusa, Cassandra, Polyxena Sons: Hector, Deiphobus, Helenus, Polites, Troilus, Paris

7 #17) Aeneas and Troy Creusa + Aeneas Creusa is DAUGHTER of Priam Son - in - law Venus and Anchises Homeric Hymn

8 #18) Discovering Troy 1st excavator: Dr. Henry Schlieman 19th Century 1937: Carl Blegen Professor at UC

9 #20) Causes of Trojan War Start: Romance Paris and Helen Greeks v. Trojans End: Trick Horse Greeks defeat the Trojans

10 #21) Aeneas Aeneas represents an ANCESTOR OF AUGUSTUS and a model of PIETAS Idealized leader Ruler Father (people, family)

11 Sources of the Aeneid p. 23-26

12 #22) Homer Iliad: Content: Odyssey: Content:

13 #23 & #24 & #25) Sources Vergil used other Greek sources than Homer: Agronautica Naerius Ennius Dido and Aeneas = Jason and Medea Some Roman sources used: Naerius Ennius

14 #26 & #27) Similarities and Differences COMMON WITH VERGIL AND HOMER Long speeches Muse invocation Flashback Verse 12 books Divine intervention Extended similies DIFFERENT BETWEEN VERGIL AND HOMER Prophecy Concept of a hero Roman spirit

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