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NORLEX Norwegian Interactive Offshore Stratigraphic Lexicon Felix Gradstein and Oyvind Hammer.

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Presentation on theme: "NORLEX Norwegian Interactive Offshore Stratigraphic Lexicon Felix Gradstein and Oyvind Hammer."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORLEX Norwegian Interactive Offshore Stratigraphic Lexicon Felix Gradstein and Oyvind Hammer

2 Industrial mandate to update the 20+ year old Lithostratigraphic Bulletins 1- 5...1600+ wells reported with Formations…

3 a new beginning …..

4 NORLEX Meetings and Workshops* Neogene – NGU Trondheim, March 2005 Neogene – NGU Trondheim, March 2005 Paleogene – Statoil and RWE, Fall 2005 Paleogene – Statoil and RWE, Fall 2005 Triassic – Jurassic, RWE, November 2005 Triassic – Jurassic, RWE, November 2005 Jurassic – Idemitsu, March 2006 Jurassic – Idemitsu, March 2006 Cretaceous – Hydro, April 2006, Cretaceous – Hydro, April 2006, Statoil, May 2006 Statoil, May 2006 Annual Workshop – NHM, January 2007 Annual Workshop – NHM, January 2007 Annual Workshop - NHM, November 2008 Annual Workshop - NHM, November 2008 Special Worskhop - NPD, October 2009 Special Worskhop - NPD, October 2009 Twenty working meetings on Paleogene, Cretaceous, Jurassic* Four long-term planning/policy meetings with NPD- NGF Public lectures at many conferences. * About 75 Norwegian professional and academic earth scientists participated * About 75 Norwegian professional and academic earth scientists participated

5 Policy Kjell-Sigve Lervik (Statoil and Norw. Strat Committee) at the 2007 NORLEX workshop gave an overview of activities of the Norwegian Stratigraphic Committee (NSC), and advised to follow the guidelines and recommendations of the International Stratigraphic Guide (2nd edition, 1994).


7 Regional Literature

8 Interactive ’Oracle’ System for Biostratigraphy, Taxonomy and Well Correlations 12000 offshore fossil names + synonyms


10 Thickness Map Hordaland Group, northern North Sea, with lineaments Wells with rings have Rogaland + Hordaland tops Red wells have biostrat = clickable

11 The final manuscript of this study was reviewed in detail by Jon Gjelberg, James Ogg, Vigdis Løvø, Tom Dreyer and Mike Charnock. NHM Bulletin 2010

12 Egga Member is used widely Not formally defined Now formally defined in Norlex

13 Since Deegan and Scull (1977) most sandstone units are Members (not Formations), following papers published in UK/NOR and DK. We appreciate this approach, that is in full agreement with the Stratigraphic Code.

14 International Commission on Stratigraphy WHAT DOES THE STRATIGRAPHIC CODE SAY: The formation is the primary formal unit of lithostratigraphy, identified by lithologic composition and stratigraphic position. Where a unit changes laterally, or through abrupt gradation, or intertongues with a markedly different kind of rock, a new unit should be proposed for the different rock type. A member is the formal lithostratigraphic unit next in rank below the formation. It is recognized as a named entity within one or more formations because its lithology distinguishes it from adjacent parts of the formation(s). Change in rank of a stratigraphic unit does not require redefinition of the unit or of its boundaries, or altering of the geographic part of its name. Thus, a formation may be reduced to a member without changing its name. Redefinition should make a unit more useful, easier to recognize, map and extend through the area of its occurrence.

15 Ahmadi et al. (2003), in Millennium Atlas.

16 Maureen/Ty unit Formation or Member? –Are Maureen/Ty Sst’s more shoreline attached than the Heimdal Sst’s? –We can not see that that is the case, and accordingly propose Maureen as a Member

17 Slope to shelf facies From Ahmadi et al. 2003, in Millennium Atlas, (in agreement with Knox & Holloway 1992 and Mudge & Copestake 1992). Fiskebank sand unit Formation or Member ? –Beauly Mbr (intra Balder) of Millennium Atlas comparable in genesis to the Fiskebank unit (intra Sele ). –In this context, the Fiskebank unit should be ranked as Member. Delta Plain Facies shoreline linked


19 Cretaceous Norwegian Sea NORLEX Proposed Units in RED NORLEX Proposed Units in RED

20 NORLEX – Jurassic lithostratigraphy STATFJORD GP. DUNLIN GP. BRENT GP. HEGRE GP BÅT GP. FANGST GP. VIKING GP Ness Fm. Tarbert Fm. Etive Fm. Rannoch Fm. Heather Fm. Draupne Fm. Rogn Fm. Garn Fm. Not Fm. Ile Fm. Ror Fm. Tofte Fm. Tilje Fm. Åre Fm. JURASSIC U M L CRET. TRI. SOUTHERN North Sea NORWEGIAN- DANISH BASIN SOUTHERN Viking Graben NORTHERN NORTH SEA TRØNDELAG PLATFORM HALTEN TERRACE NORDLAND RIDGE Haut. Valang. Ryaz. Volg. Kimm. Oxf. Call. Bath. Bajoc. Aalen. Toarc. Plienc. Sinem. Hett. Rhæt. Nor. Ula Fm. Tau Fm. Mandal Fm. Hauge- sund Fm. Sauda Fm. Flekkefjord Fm. E Farsund Fm. Egersund Fm. Gassum Fm. Fjerrit- slev Fm. Munin Mbr Drake Fm. Cook Fm. Amundsen Fm. Johansen Fm. Burton Fm. Nansen Fm. Eriksson Fm. Raude Fm. S F K S: Sognefjord Fm. F: Fensfjord Fm. K: Krossfjord Fm. O: Oseberg Fm. B: Broom Fm. E: Eldfisk Mbr. A: Atrid Mbr. Fr: Fraoch Mbr. F: Fenris Mbr. A O B Tarbert Fm. Heather Fm. Fr F


22 Insufficient and deficient Biostratigraphy No Sequence-Stratigraphy, no Cyclo-Stratigraphy Litho - Chronostratigraphy to be updated !

23 Summary of 2010 Norlex Plan Summary of 2010 Norlex Plan Finalize the newly proposed Paleogene, Cretaceous and Jurassic Lithostratigraphy More and better formation and member tops in wells. Oracle style database of Paleozoic and Mesozoic bio/lithostratigraphy of the Barents Sea Organize Norway -UK - Danmark workshop to improve stratigraphic integration..clarify lithostratigraphic ambiguities across political borders (e.g. Heno versus Ula Fms)..better correlate Triassic units in UK and Norwegian sectors of North Sea Expand Norlex web pages to better present supra-regional content

24 What is STRATLEX ? Concise International Stratigraphic Guide Guidelines to Lithostratigraphy and Biostratigraphy Lithostratigraphic template Geologic Time Scale (new interactive GTS book) Staff, contributors and sponsors Links Organisations and Others Email us STRATLEX STRATLEX Portal for Stratigraphic Nomenclature and Interactive Lexicon

25 Danmark - biostratigraphy lithostratigraphy lithostratigraphy sequence stratigraphy sequence stratigraphy chronostratigraphy chronostratigraphy Great Britain - Greenland - The Netherlands - Russia (incl. Novaya Zemlya) – Eastern Canada – (= BASIN portal) Regional Literature STRATLEX STRATLEX Portal for Stratigraphic Nomenclature and Interactive Lexicon

26 NORLEX NORLEX Norwegian Interactive Stratigraphic Lexicon Guidelines and Objectives Links organisations and other Lithostratigraphy Offshore Formation Tops Offshore Formation Tops Wells by Map Wells by Map Formations and Members Description Formations and Members Description Lithostratgraphic Charts Lithostratgraphic ChartsBiostratigraphy Regional Biozonations by Interval Regional Biozonations by Interval Zonal Search Zonal Search Master Dictionary with search menus Master Dictionary with search menus Well data from selected authors Well data from selected authors Selected literature Scanned well reports Improve understanding of Vidar Member (catastrophic mass flow) and P/E boundary

27 No MFS - maximum flooding surface tables for regional use

28 Interactive on Norlex website No Norwegian Atlas of Triassic through Pleistocene Microfossil Biostratigraphy

29 A CALL FOR ACTION ! The lack of response from people who are and should be involved in the A CALL FOR ACTION ! The lack of response from people who are and should be involved in the lithostratigraphy of the various parts of the succession is unbelievable… Also, the time is clearly ripe for UK/Danish/Dutch/Norwegian cooperation; British and Norwegian systems must now be coordinated. David Worsley (Nov 2009) David Worsley (Nov 2009)

30 Dear FelixDear Felix Dear Felix, ……….I look forward to hearing from you again and working with you in the future, both with respect to BGS and my involvement as Secretary of the Geological Society’s Stratigraphy Commission. Kind regards Colin Dr Colin Waters, British Geological Survey Linking Norway and UK subsurface stratigraphy …Triassic…. Updated UK-Norway North Sea Stratigraphic Wall Chart

31 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We like to acknowledge the Norwegian operations of Chevron, Dong, ENI, Endeavour Energy, RWE, Hydro, Idemitsu, Lundin, ConocoPhillips, Shell and Statoil for financial support. The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate provided detailed access to cultural and science technical data in and behind the ‘Fakta Siden’. The International Commission on Stratigraphy provided long term guidance and advice with the standards and nomenclature in stratigraphy Many scientific administrators and geoscientists and have made vital contributions. In particular, we like to acknowledge Elen Roaldset, Elisabeth Aronsen and Arne Stabell, respectively ex-Director, Executive Secretary and IT Manager of the Museum of Natural History that houses and administrates NORLEX, Eric Toogood, Manager of the Diskos Project, and geoscience colleagues Harald Brunstad, Mike Charnock, Terje Hellem, Erik Anthonissen, Sorin Filipescu, Mike Kaminski, James Ogg, Adam Lugowski, Filippos Tsikalas, Steve Crittenden, Luis Vergara, Winfried Dallmann, Robert Williams, Jon Gjelberg, Tom Dreyer, Vigdis, Løvø, Gitte Laursen, Iain Prince, Martin Pearce and Jan Zalasiewicz.


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