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Options for Absorber Testing Barry Norris’s Random Thoughts November 8th, 2002.

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1 Options for Absorber Testing Barry Norris’s Random Thoughts November 8th, 2002

2 Present status of Hydrogen MTA Work Process schematic with instrumentation is 80-90% complete with the efforts of Christine Darve and assistance of Del Allspach. Cryostat design for forced flow design is only 20% complete at best. Internal BD/Cryo Engineering review gave us a level of satisfaction about direction…gave us a list of items to focus upon - review also highlighted how much effort we as a Dept. have put into MTA and voiced concerns about future commitments Bottom line: we continue onward but we need concise goals and milestones to be in sight

3 Issues: PPD is only allowing Del Allspach to participate at 10% level AND specifically to safety issues; thus no real engineering time. - in my mind, this eliminates Del as a ‘player’ in support of the Japanese convection tests at Fermi - this places burden on BD/Cryo. (Present plan is Barry to handle this but requires management assist to help secure proper location for test. Forced flow absorber - BD/Cryo requires nozzle arrangement for absorber to come to ‘convergence’ so that we can be confident concerning cryo loop parameters (operating pressure, mass flow, pump speed, and so forth). Need Lau, Black, Cummings, Darve to collaborate closely so answer can come forth.

4 Timing Issues: MTA and Japanese Unit Minimum of six months required for Cryo installation following Beneficial Occupancy at MTA. Latest date for BO? Can we test Japanese unit at MTA? This is about timing. Do Kuno and Co. need results before MTA can be ready? If results needed in summer or even fall of 2003 then we need to pursue other facility options: - New Muon Lab - Meson Center Detector Building - Test in tunnel hoop used at Fermi? (short-term setup) - Spare test refrigerators at Fermi - ER is possibility!? Japan has given $50K. We can spend on MTA facility soon, but if need to SPECIFICALLY be convection test in different area this needs to be designed yet. (Don’t think March a problem.)

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