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Chapter 2: Elementary Keynesian Model (I)- Two-sector

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1 Chapter 2: Elementary Keynesian Model (I)- Two-sector
HKALE Macroeconomics Chapter 2: Elementary Keynesian Model (I)- Two-sector

2 References: CH 3, Advanced Level Macroeconomics, 5th Ed, Dr. LAM pun-lee, MacMillan Publishers (China) Limited CH 3, HKALE Macroeconomics, 2nd Ed., LEUNG man-por, Hung Fung Book Co. Ltd. CH 3, A-L Macroeconomics, 3rd Ed., Chan & Kwok, Golden Crown

3 Introduction National income accounting can only provide ex-post data about national income. The three approaches are identities as they are true for any income level.

4 Introduction In order to explain the level and determinants of national income during a period of time, we count on national income determination model, e.g. Keynesian Models.

5 Business Cycle GNP Recovery Boom Recession Depression Time

6 Business Cycle It shows the recurrent fluctuations in GNP around a secular trend Trough Recovery Peak Recession Employment level the lowest Rising the highest Falling Growth rate of real GNP Negative Prices falling

7 HK’s Economic Performance

8 Assumptions behind National Income Models

9 Assumptions behind National Income Models
Y = National income at constant price Potential/Full-employment national income, Yf is constant Existence of idle resources, i.e. unemployment The level of price is constant as Y = P×Q & P = 1, then Y = (1)×Q  Y = Q Price level tends to be rigid in downward direction

10 Equilibrium Income Determination of Keynesian's Two-sector Model (1)- A Spendthrift Economy

11 John Maynard Keynes

12 Assumptions Two sectors: households and firms
no saving, no tax and no imports no leakage/withdrawal Y=Yd while Yd = disposable income consumer goods only  no investment or injection

13 Simple Circular Flow Model of a Spendthrift Economy
National income National expenditure Households C Income generated Payment for goods and service Y E Firms

14 By Income-expenditure Approach
AD → (without S) E = C → Y (firms) ↑ ↓ Y (households) ← AS ← D for factors

15 By Income-expenditure Approach
Equilibrium income, Ye is determined when AS = AD Y = E Y = E = C

16 Equilibrium Income Determination of Keynesian's Two-sector Model (2)-A Frugal Economy

17 Assumptions 1. Households and firms 2. Saving, S, exists
Income is either consumed or saved  Y ≡ C+S leakage, S, exists 3. Without tax, Y=Yd

18 Assumptions 4. Consumer and producer goods
Injection (investment, I) exist 5. Investment is autonomous/exogenous 6. Saving and investment decisions made separately S=I occurs only at equilibrium level of income

19 Simple Circular Flow Model of a Frugal Economy
National income National expenditure Households C S Financial markets I Income generated Payment for goods and service Y E Firms

20 Income Function: Income line/45 line/Y-line
an artificial linear function on which each point showing Y = E 45 E Y Y-line E2 Y2 E1 Y1

21 Expenditure Function (1): Consumption Function, C
showing that planned consumption expenditure varies positively with but proportionately less than change in Yd A linear consumption function: C = a + cYd where a = a constant representing autonomous consumption expenditure c = Marginal Propensity to Consume, MPC

22 A Consumption Function, C
E C = a + cYd C2 Y2 C1 Y1 a Y

23 Marginal Propensity to Consume, MPC, c
E Y C = a + cYd a M △C △Y

24 Properties of MPC: the slope of the consumption function 1>MPC>0
the value of 'c' is constant for all income levels

25 Average Propensity to Consume, APC
E Y C = a + cYd a M C Y

26 Properties of APC: the slope of the ray from the origin
APC falls when Y rises Since C = a + cYd Then i.e. Thus, APC>MPC for all income levels

27 Consumption Function Without ‘a”
If ‘a’ = 0, then C = cYd E Y C = cYd a = <45

28 Consumption Function Without ‘a”
If ‘a’ = 0, then MPC = APC = E Y C = cYd a = M C = △C Y = △Y

29 Expenditure Function (2): Investment Function, I
showing the relationship between planned investment expenditure and disposable income level, Yd

30 Autonomous Investment Function
Autonomous investment function: I = I* where I* = a constant representing autonomous investment expenditure E Y I = I* I*

31 Induced Investment Function
Induced investment function: I = I* + iYd where i = Marginal Propensity to Invest = MPI = E Y I = I* + iYd I*

32 Properties of MPI: the slope of the investment function 1>MPI>0
the value of ‘i' is constant for all income levels

33 Average Propensity to Invest, API
E Y I = I* + iYd I* M I Y

34 Properties of API: the slope of the ray from the origin
API falls when Y rises Since I = I* + iYd Then i.e. Thus, API>MPI for all income levels

35 MPI under Autonomous Investment Function
If I = I*, then Y will not affect I Therefore, MPI = E Y Slope = MPI = 0 I = I* I*

36 Expenditure Function (3): Aggregate Expenditure Function, E
Showing the relationship between planned aggregate expenditure and disposable income level, Yd Aggregate expenditure function: E = C+I

37 Aggregate Expenditure Function, E
Since C = a + cYd I = I* (autonomous function) E = C+I Then E = (a + cYd) + (I*)  E = (a + I*) + cYd Where (a + I*) = a constant representing the intercept on the vertical axis ‘c’ = slope of the E function

38 Aggregate Expenditure Function, E
Since C = a + cYd I* + iYd (induced function) E = C+I Then E = (a + cYd) + (I* + iYd)  E = (a + I*) + (c + i)Yd Where (a + I*) = a constant representing the intercept on the vertical axis ‘c + i’ = slope of the E function

39 Aggregate Expenditure Function
(a+I*) E = C + I E Y a C = a + cYd E2 Y2 E1 Y1 I* I = I*

40 Aggregate Expenditure Function
E Y (a+I*) E = C + I E2 Y2 a C = a + cYd E1 Y1 I* I = I*+iYd

41 Leakage Function (1): Saving Function, S
showing that planned saving varies positively with but proportionately less than change in Yd A linear saving function: S = -a + sYd where -a = a constant = autonomous saving s = Marginal Propensity to save, MPS

42 A Saving Function, S E, S Y S = -a + sYd -a S2 Y2 S1 Y1

43 MPC (c) and MPS (s)

44 Marginal Propensity to Saving, MPS, s
E, S Y S = -a + sYd -a M △S △Y

45 Properties of MPS: the slope of the saving function 1>MPS>0
the value of ‘s' is constant for all income levels Since Y ≡ C + S Then Hence 1 = c + s and s = 1 - c

46 Average Propensity to Save, APS
E, S Y S = -a + sYd -a M S Y

47 Properties of APS: the slope of the ray from the origin
APS rises when Y rises Since S = -a + sYd Then i.e. Thus, APS<MPS for all income levels

48 Saving Function Without ‘-a”
If ‘-a’ = 0, then S = sYd E, S Y S = sYd -a = <45

49 Saving Function Without ‘-a”
If ‘-a’ = 0, then MPS = APS = E, S Y S = sYd -a = M S = △S Y = △Y

50 Determination of Ye by Income-expenditure Approach
Equilibrium income, Ye is determined when AS = AD Total Income = Total Expenditure i.e. Y = E = C + I Given C = a + cYd and I = I* Ye = Y and Yd = Y

51 Determination of Ye by Income-expenditure Approach
In equilibrium: Y= E = C + I = (a + cYd) + (I *)  Y- cY= a + I* Then Y(1-c) = a + I* Therefore

52 If Investment Function is Induced …
In equilibrium: Y= E = C + I = (a + cYd) + (I *+iYd)  Y- (c+i)Y= a + I* Then Y(1-c-i) = a + I* Therefore

53 Graphical Representation of Ye
Y-line (a+I*) E = C + I E Y a C = a + cYd Ee Ye I* I = I*

54 If Investment Function is Induced….
Y-line (a+I*) E = C + I E Y a C = a + cYd Ee Ye I* I = I*+iYd

55 Determination of Ye by Injection-leakage Approach
Equilibrium income, Ye is determined when Total Leakage = Total Injection Given S = -a + sYd I = I* Ye = Y and Yd = Y

56 Determination of Ye by Injection-leakage Approach
In equilibrium: S = I (-a + sYd) = (I *) Then sY = a + I* Therefore

57 If Investment Function is Induced…
In equilibrium: S = I (-a + sYd) = (I *+iYd) Then (s-i)Y = a + I* Therefore

58 Graphical Representation of Ye
E, S Y I = S -a S = -a + sYd I* I = I* Ye

59 If Investment Function is Induced…
E, S Y -a S = -a + sYd I = S I* I = I*+iYd Ye

60 Graphical Representation of Ye
E = C + I S Y-line 45o Ye

61 If Investment Function is Induced…
Y($) I C E = C + I S Y-line 45o Ye

62 A Two-sector Model: An Example
Given: C = $ Y I = $40 Since E = C + I = ($ Y)+($40) Then, E = $ Y

63 A Two-sector Model: An Example
By income-expenditure approach, in equilibrium: Y = E = C + I Then Y = ($ Y) (1-0.6)Y = $120 Thus, Y = $120/0.4 = $300

64 A Two-sector Model: An Example
By injection-leakage approach, in equilibrium: Total injection = Total leakage i.e I = S Given I = $40 and S = -a + sYd Then, $40 = (-$ Y) 0.4Y = $120 Thus, Y = $120/0.4 = $300

65 A Two-sector Model: Exercise
Given: C = $ Y I = $50 Question: (1) Find the equilibrium national income level by the two approaches. (2) Show your answers in two separate diagrams.

66 A Two-sector Model: Exercise
By income-expenditure approach, in equilibrium: Y = E = C + I Then Y = ($ ) + 0.8Y (1-0.8)Y = $80 Thus, Y = $80/0.2 = $400

67 Graphical Representation of Ye
E Y $50 I = $50 $30 C = $ Yd $(30+50) E = $80+0.8Yd Y-line Ee Ye =$400

68 A Two-sector Model: An Example
By injection-leakage approach, in equilibrium: Total injection = Total leakage i.e I = S Given I = $50 and S = -a + sYd Then, $50 = (-$ Y) 0.2Y = $80 Thus, Y = $80/0.2 = $400

69 Graphical Representation of Ye
E, S Y I = S -$30 S = -$ Yd $50 I = $50 Ye=$400


71 Aggregate Production Function
It relates the amount of inputs, labor (L) and capital (K), used by the entire business sector to the amount of final output (Y) the economy can generate. Y = f(L, K) Given the capital stock (i.e. K is constant), Y is a function of the employment of labor. Thus, Y = 2L (the figure is assigned)

72 An Application Given Ye = $300 and the labor force is 200. Find (1) the amount of labor (L) required to bring it happened; (2) the level of unemployment and (3) the full-employment level of income

73 An Application (1) Since Y = 2L ($300) = 2L Then, L = 150
(2 Unemployment level = = 50 (3) Since Yf = 2L = 2(200) = $400 Then, Ye < Yf by (400 – 300)$100

74 Ex-post Saving Equals Ex-post Investment
Actual income must be spent either on consumption or saving Y ≡ C + S Actual income must be spent buying either consumer or investment goods  Y ≡ E ≡ C + I

75 Ex-post Saving Equals Ex-post Investment
In realized sense, Since Y ≡ C + S and Y ≡ C + I Then, I ≡ S At any given income level, ex-post investment must be equal to ex-post saving, if adjustments in inventories are allowed

76 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
If planned investment is finally NOT realized (i.e. unrealized investment is positive), then past inventories must be used to meet the planned investment, thus leading to unintended inventory disinvestment. Unrealized investment invites unintended inventory disinvestment

77 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
Therefore, Realized I = Planned I + Change in unintended inventory OR Realized I = Planned I – Unrealized investment

78 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
As planned saving and investment decisions are made separately, only when the level of national income is in equilibrium will ex-ante saving be equal to ex-ante investment.

79 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
In equilibrium, By the Income-expenditure Approach, Actual Income = Planned Aggregate Expenditure  Y = E = Planned C + Planned I Y = (a + cY) + (I*) By the Injection-leakage Approach. Total Injection = Total Leakage  Planned I = Planned S (= Actual I = Actual S)

80 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
If planned aggregate expenditure is larger than actual income or output level, i.e. E > Y, then  AD > AS  planned I > planned S  unintended inventory disinvestment  AS (next round) = AD  Y = E

81 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
If planned aggregate expenditure is smaller than actual income or output level, i.e. E < Y, then  AD < AS  planned I < planned S  unintended inventory investment  AS (next round) = AD  Y = E and unintended stock = 0

82 Ex-ante Saving Equals Ex-ante Investment
If ex-ante saving and ex-ante investment are not equal, income or output will adjust until they are equal. In equilibrium, therefore Y = E or I = S Unintended inventory = 0 Unrealized investment = 0

83 An Illustration MPC, c = (140-80)/(100-0) = 0.6
(1) =(2)+(3) (2) = (1)-(3) (3) =(1)-(2) (4)=I* (5) =(2)+(4) (6) =(1)-(5) (7) = -(6) (8) =(4)+(6) Y P. C. P. S. P. I. P. A. E. U.C.I. UR.I. A. I. Level of Income Planned Consumption Expenditure Planned Saving Planned Investment Expenditure Planned Aggregate Expenditure Unintended Change in Inventory Unrealized Investment Actual Investment 80 -80 40 120 -120 100 140 -40 180 200 240 300 260 400 320 360 500 380 420 MPC, c = (140-80)/(100-0) = 0.6 C = a + cYd = Yd I = 40 and E = C + I = Yd

84 An Illustration Actual income or output level (Y) 200 300 400
Planned aggregate expenditure (E) 240 360 Ex-ante E>Y E=Y E<Y I>S I=S I<S Unintended change in stocks -40 40 Actual aggregate expenditure 240-40 =200 360+40 =400 Ex-post YE

85 Exercise 1 Given: C = 60 + 0.8Y & I = 60
Find the equilibrium level of national income, Ye, by the income-expenditure and injection-leakage approaches.

86 Answer 1 Given: C = Y & I = 60 By the Income-expenditure Approach: Ye = E = C + I Ye = ( Y) + (60) Ye = 600 #

87 Answer 1 Given: C = Y & I = 60 By the Injection-leakage Approach: I = S 60 = Y Ye = 600 #

88 Exercise 2 Given: C = 60 + 0.8Y & I = 60
Show the equilibrium level of national income, Ye, in a diagram.


90 Exercise 3 Y P. C. P. S. P. I. P. A. E. U.C.I. UR.I. A. I. 60 -60 120
(1) =(2)+(3) (2) = (1)-(3) (3) =(1)-(2) (4)=I* (5) =(2)+(4) (6) =(1)-(5) (7) = -(6) (8) =(4)-(7) Y P. C. P. S. P. I. P. A. E. U.C.I. UR.I. A. I. Level of Income Planned Consumption Expenditure Planned Saving Planned Investment Expenditure Planned Aggregate Expenditure Unintended Change in Inventory Unrealized Investment Actual Investment 60 -60 120 -120 200 220 -20 280 -80 80 300 360 400 380 20 440 -40 40 500 460 520 600 540 700 620 680


92 Exercise 4 Given C = 10 + 0.8Y and I = 8 If Y = 1000, then
What is the level of realized investment?

93 Exercise 4 Given C = 10 + 0.8Y and I = 8 If Y = 1000, then
What is the level of realized investment? As Y = 1000, C = (1000) = 810 As Y  C + S  Actual S = I = = 190

94 Exercise 4 Given C = 10 + 0.8Y and I = 8 If Y = 1000, then
What is the level of unplanned inventory investment?

95 Exercise 4 Given C = 10 + 0.8Y and I = 8 If Y = 1000, then
What is the level of unplanned inventory investment? Unplanned inventory investment = actual I – planned I = 190 – 8 = 182

96 In Equilibrium… Actual Y = Planned aggregate E
Ex-ante I = ex-ante S (=actual I = actual S) Unplanned investment = 0 Unrealized investment = 0

97 Movement Along a Function
A movement along a function represent a change in consumption or investment in response to a change in national income. While the Y-intercepting point and the function do NOT move. YC = a + cYd C YI = I* + iYd I

98 Movement Along a Consumption Function
YC = a + c Yd C C1 Y1 E Y C = a + cYd A B C2 Y2

99 Exercise 5 Given C = Yd. How is consumption expenditure changed when Y rises from $100 to $150? Show it in a diagram.

100 Answer 5 140 100 E Y C = $80+0.6Yd A B 170 150

101 Exercise 6 Given I = Yd. How is investment expenditure changed when Y rises from $100 to $150? Show it in a diagram.

102 Answer 6 I = $40+0.2Yd E Y A B $70 $150 $60 $100

103 Shift of a Function A shift of a consumption or investment function is a change in the desire to consume(i.e. ‘a’) or invest(i.e. ‘I*) at each income level. As the change is independent of income, it is an autonomous change. a  C = a + cYd I*  I = I* or I = I* + iYd

104 Shift of a Function A change in autonomous consumption or investment expenditure (i.e. ‘a’ or ‘I*) will lead to a parallel shift of the entire function. The slope of the function remains unchanged. An upward parallel shift in C function implies a downward parallel shift of S function

105 Shift of a Consumption Function
a  C = a + cYd C1=a1+cYd a1 E, Y Y C2=a2+cYd a2

106 Exercise 7 Given C=80+0.6Yd & Y=$100. How is consumption function affected if autonomous consumption expenditure rises to $100? Show it in a diagram.

107 Answer 7 C1=80+0.6Yd 80 E, Y Y 140 100 C2= cYd 160 100

108 Shift of an Investment Function
I*  I = I* I1=I*1 I*1 E, Y Y I2=I*2 I*2

109 Rotation of a Function A change in marginal propensities, i.e. MPC and MPI, will lead to a rotation of the function on the Y-axis. The slope of the function rises with larger marginal propensities; vice versa. An upward rotation of C function implies a downward rotation of S function

110 Rotation of a Consumption Function
c  C = a + cYd C1=a+c1Yd a E, Y Y C2=a+c2Yd

111 Exercise 8 Given C=80+0.6Yd & Y=$100. How is consumption function affected if MPC rises to 0.8? Show it in a diagram.

112 Answer 8 C1=80+0.6Yd 80 E, Y Y C2=80+0.8Yd 160 140 100

113 The Multiplier A n autonomous change in consumption expenditure (‘a’) or investment expenditure (‘I*) will lead to a parallel shift of the aggregate expenditure function (E). The slope of E function rises with larger autonomous expenditure; vice versa.

114 The Multiplier a or I*  E E > Y  planned I > planned S
 unintended inventory disinvestment  AD > AS  excess demand occurs  AD = AS (next round)  E = Y (higher Ye)

115 The Multiplier The (income) multiplier, K, measures the magnitude of income change that results from the autonomous change in the aggregate expenditure function. If I is an autonomous function, then autonomous expenditure = (a + I*). Multiplier,

116 The Multiplier

117 The Multiplier

118 The Multiplier E, Y Y-line E2 (with a2) E2  E E1 (with a1) a2 E1
E1 (with a1) a1 E1 Y1 E, Y Y Y-line E2 (with a2) a2 E E2 K=Y/E Y Y2

119 The Multiplier

120 The Multiplier If I is an induced function, then...

121 Remarks on the Multiplier
If I is an induced function, then the value of multiplier is smaller. The larger the value of MPC or MPI, the larger the value of the multiplier; vice versa. The smaller the value of MPS, the larger the value of the multiplier; vice versa.

122 Remarks on the Multiplier
If MPS = 1 or MPC = 0 and MPI = 0 then, k=1/1-c = 1 If MPS = 0 or MPC = 1 and MPI = 0 then, k=1/1-c = 0, i.e. infinity then there is an infinite increase in income

123 Exercise 9 Given C = $80 + 0.6Yd Find the value of the multiplier if
I = $ Yd

124 Exercise 10 ‘By redistribute $1 from the rich to the poor will help increase the level of national income.’ Explain with the following assumptions:

125 Exercise 11 What is the size of the multiplier if the economy has already achieved full employment (i.e. Ye = Yf)?

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