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When did God say, “They would die”? To Adam and Eve if they were to eat the fruit.

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Presentation on theme: "When did God say, “They would die”? To Adam and Eve if they were to eat the fruit."— Presentation transcript:


2 When did God say, “They would die”? To Adam and Eve if they were to eat the fruit

3 In what story is God’s loving compassion revealed? The story of the lost son A selfish son

4 What was the result of original sin? We are born without sanctifying grace

5 Where did Adam and Eve live? Garden of Eden

6 What do we call Mary’s being, body and soul, taken into Heaven at the end of her life? Mary’s Assumption

7 What do we call Mary’s being free from all sin and filled with grace from the very first moment in her life? Mary’s Immaculate Conception

8 As Jesus was dying on the cross, to whom did he say, “Behold, your mother”? John the Apostle

9 Why is their suffering and evil in the world? Original Sin

10 In which sacrament are we freed from Original Sin? Baptism

11 In the story of the Lost Son, what did the father do when the younger son returned home? He forgave him

12 What is the perfect happiness with God forever? Heaven

13 What is the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of friendship with God, which can be done by God alone? Salvation

14 Through the actions of Adam and Eve the grace of holiness was replaced by the effects of what? Original Sin

15 Through what actions did Jesus forgive us of our sins? Sacrifice on the cross Glorious resurrection Ascension into Heaven

16 What is the term for living with God forever in Heaven? Eternal Life

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