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1 PTSW (in Italian PIL) P ath of T ransition from S tudying to W orking of University of Ferrara (Italy) _________ Beijing, May 27 2011 Job Centre (Unife)

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Presentation on theme: "1 PTSW (in Italian PIL) P ath of T ransition from S tudying to W orking of University of Ferrara (Italy) _________ Beijing, May 27 2011 Job Centre (Unife)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PTSW (in Italian PIL) P ath of T ransition from S tudying to W orking of University of Ferrara (Italy) _________ Beijing, May 27 2011 Job Centre (Unife) in partnership with: Cds (Centre Documentation Study)

2 2 PTSW preview  Relationship with the students in the last University year (close to the degree) in companies  Throught a pathway of 120 hours of education, 3 months of internship and 12 months of real work.  The goal is: An integration of the last step of the studying process with a first, full, payed work experience

3 3 PTSW (PIL) program tutorship …  Help the students in the last university year to get a first full payed work with a tutorship … by an organization with 3  partners : - University - An Education Centre (Cpf) - A private Research’s Centre, expert in labour market (Cds)

4 4 PTSW- P IL is a program of Transition and Alternating studying and working a) (Traditional) approach to “Transition”: The development of individual pathway is “in sequence”: b) (PIL) Approch to “Alternating Studying and Working”: The pathway is “interlaced” in the last step of University instruction: Instruction Education Instruction Work Education Work

5 5 3 years of University degree: 180 credits  Education Credits (about 30), half year of study : - 12 credits for the lectures of teachers and companies - 8 credits for internship - 10 credits for the work  Education feed back from work to education: - The work experience of students provides feed- back to the University education programs

6 6 120 hours, half by the companies 380 hours with 24 hours in University 12 months of job full time 2. Internship3. Work The 3 steps of PTSW-PIL credits Selection,Candidature and Matching 1. Lectures

7 7 Involvment of companies Lectures Internship Work June ---October --- February -- May --------------------------- April PTSW-PIL Timing Registration of Students Selection and Allocations

8 8 The process of selection students - companies in the PIL process - Students: registration at the PIL - Companies: availability to take part Students: Preliminary talk Companies: Agreement for a temporary job of 12 months Workshops of presentation Professional positions / Jobs

9 9 Generally we have 200 students and 50 companies offering 100 jobs Every Company have 1 hour of presentation time. This is a real lecture. Every student chooses the companies where he/she wants to have an interview

10 10 The process of selection students - companies in the PIL process Every Company prepare a ranking list and identifies the eligible students: i.e. out of 20 students only 7 are eligible Finally we have i.e. 50 Rankings of students in 50 Companies and the eligible Students choose the Company in ranking order: 1,2,3,4,5,…

11 11 The student who arrived first in the ranking chooses the company (The “little market 2”)

12 12 We research the companies in a large area, not only in the Ferrara area, but also in the regional area and further (The map shows where the pil students worked)

13 13 Partecipation of Students and Companies at PIL in 10 years

14 14 A typical process for the students involved in PIL (2004-2006)

15 15 Faculties involved Students (average media 2004-2005-2006)*

16 16 Companies involved % for sector (PIL 2001 – 2006)

17 17 Companies size (PIL 2001 – 2006)

18 18 Potential Jobs 80 Students at work after 3 months (internship) 52 Students with Job 61 Lack of suitable candidates 11 % Vacancy Jobs 21% Retreats in the internship 10% 58 % Number of jobs 90 68 % A typical process of PIL (Average Data PIL 2004-2006)

19 19 Efficiency of matching (PIL 2004-2006) Number of allocated students over number of participants to interviews with companies

20 20 Insert Areas% Planning Industry, electronic, architeture,… 28,0 Administration Account, finance, budget’s controll 17,7 Marketing, Forniture and marketing 12,8 Organization of the production Logistic, process management, maintenance, quality and security 12,2 Computer System software,… 11,6 Human Resources Management, Education,… 6,7 Insurance, social security, … 6,1 Public Services and coop Sociai, education, green, mobiltiy, 4,9 Areas of the first work (PIL 2004 - 2006)

21 21 Every 100 students that complete PIL… Carry on in the same company 55% Transit to other company 21% Work 76% Studying 10% Others* 14% * Not in the work. Job’s situation at the end of PIL (2001-2005)

22 22 6121824 20 60 40 100 80 % students with job Total (source Alma Laurea) Degree PIL Months to degree Occupability in the PIL process (estimate, PIL 2001 – 2005)

23 23 6121824 20 60 40 100 80 Totale (dati Alma Laurea) Laureati PIL Mesi dalla laurea Occupability in the PIL process (2001-2005) % Students with job

24 24 Different ideas of the students for the job (PIL 2005-2006 ) Candidature (% average) for… A. Coherence of this job with the study B. Interest for a specific Job C. Interest for a any job (like first work) Total students35,938,425,7 Economics 37,339,623,1 Engineering42,132,225,7 Architetcture46,043,410,6 Science40,442,916,7 Literature26,338,834,9 Law30,546,922,6

25 25 Entry and going out of the University and % of degrees inside the PIL process (goal of the experimentation University of Ferrara) Registered 500 Entry 100 Retreats 50 Close to degree 100 PIL 10 “Speed up” effect of PIL is because: - more tutorship of PIL project; - more value and shorter way of PIL (credits of work) Degree 50 The PIL speeds up University studying

26 26 PIL Organizzation Faculty, Degree’s Courses, Job Centre and partners Degree Course CompaniesTutorship Partner EM Job Centre of University Faculty Education Management Education Management of the Course Committee of Education Partner

27 27 Students that have a degree by PIL process % on the degrees of the Faculties 15% 10% 5% 1% Economics Engineering Architecture, Law, Literature, Science Medicine, Pharmacy* * These degrees have their own speicific forms of internships

28 28 A possible evolution of the PIL process v/s the “new apprenticeship” a) PIL approach “alternating studying-working”: the ways “interlace” in the last step of university instruction b) PIL with the ”apprenticeship”: PIL’s steps of studying and internship are the “educational part” of apprenticeship studyinginternshipwork studyingWork- apprenticeship Project Work

29 29 We have too Masters with 1 year of work with the same PIL technology and apprenticeship We have too ITS (2 years not University instruction, professional) after the Secondary Level, students of 19 and 20 years old, with the same Technology (PIL process): 1 year of studying and 1 year of working studyinginternshipworkstudying Work- apprenticeship

30 30 The external service supports an innovative organization in the University. Every University is concetrated on own internal core process (education & research) and assures the routines. The flexibility and the reduction of uncertainty is assured with “organizational slack”, abounding resources (external resources) to control the uncertainty (Thompson).

31 31 A lternate learning and working “ Pray,read and work” San Benedictus 500 A.C.

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