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Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers SECTION OPENER / CLOSER INSERT BOOK COVER ART Section 24.2.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers SECTION OPENER / CLOSER INSERT BOOK COVER ART Section 24.2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers SECTION OPENER / CLOSER INSERT BOOK COVER ART Section 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers

2 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Strategies for making smooth employment transitions will help you make the most of your career. WHY IT’S IMPORTANT

3 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Why Change Jobs? Before deciding to change your job, analyze what is missing from your current job and what you want from your new one.

4 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Because You’re Not Happy Before giving up on your job, consider whether there might be a way to stay and solve the problem.

5 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Because You’re Not Happy If you stay, set goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve? A pay raise? A promotion? New responsibilities and challenges?

6 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Because You’re Not Happy Some signs that you may not be happy at work are: You feel your coworkers ignore you. You feel like you’re wasting your time. You daydream about what your life would be like without your job. continued

7 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Because You’re Not Happy Being sick is a relief, because you don’t have to go to work. You seem to always be making someone at work angry or upset. You feel you have no future with the company. You worry about your job at night.

8 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Because Your Job Is Terminated Sometimes a job change is forced on you. Downsizing, corporate restructuring, and global economic factors have created a working world in which little is constant—except change.

9 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Because Your Job Is Terminated Stay alert to signs of trouble, including signs that your supervisor is displeased with your work or the company is not doing well. Read articles about your industry to detect industry trends.

10 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Focusing Your Search If you don’t like what you’re doing, consider a new job with a new company. You can go to school to receive the training you’ll need to start a whole new career.

11 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Focusing Your Search Think about your skills and what tasks you enjoyed most in your previous job. Consider how you can use proven skills in new ways.

12 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Focusing Your Search When you’ve found a new job, give proper notice to your current employer. Notice is an official written statement that you are leaving a company.

13 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Focusing Your Search Most people prepare a formal letter of resignation when they leave their jobs. Businesses usually have a policy stating how long they expect employees to work after giving notice.

14 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Focusing Your Search Don’t tell coworkers about your job hunt. Wait to tell coworkers about the new job offer until after you’ve given notice. Leave a good impression by continuing to work hard through your last day.

15 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Dealing with a Job Loss Losing your job may make you feel depressed, embarrassed, resentful, angry, afraid, or discouraged. Try to remain positive and view the event as an opportunity to start over.

16 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers Dealing with a Job Loss You may be able to do what you’ve always wanted to do. You may even be able to earn a better income than you did before.

17 Chapter 24 Adapting to ChangeSucceeding in the the World of Work 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers SECTION OPENER / CLOSER INSERT BOOK COVER ART End of Section 24.2 Changing Jobs or Careers

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