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Positively about youth Tallinn – Child and Youth Friendly City.

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1 Positively about youth Tallinn – Child and Youth Friendly City

2 Statistics  1,34 million people in Estonia  400 200 of them in Tallinn  82 000 of them are youth in Tallinn (age 7- 26)  37 % of young people are unemployed in Estonia

3 Best practises in Tallinn  Youth centers program  “Coming to the market”  Work-camps  Student-companies  Voluntary service  Career-centers  Starting-point

4 ESF program  Introductory assignments on work life and professions in youth centers;  The aim: Planned activities help youngsters better understand the work-environment and market, as well as what would be needed to know as future employers or entrepreneurs.  Involves: introduction of 9 different professions, 10 activities related to the introduction of the work-environment and market, enterprising  Target-group: Youngsters between the age of 16-24 (Unemployed or currently not in school)

5 Student-companies  One of the possibilities to participate in economical relations, process of making a company and being an entrepreneur is creating a student company. This ensures the possibility to better understand the principles of economical basics, enhancing the will-power to do things by their own and solving problem-situations by themselves.  The separation line in between a real company and a student one is that the latter is a part of the learning process. The company is signed under development fond, and is being guided only by local professional or teacher, who is also responsible for the actions of the company. Student-company could only be formed by students and has to have at least three members.  All student-companies have the opportunity to sell their products/services in student-fairs, where best are selected. Best salesperson, the nicest work-environment, the most interesting product or service are amongst the categories. Every year the best company is selected who represents Estonia in European fair of student-companies.  Target-group: Youngsters aged 14-18, who have the will to start their own company

6 Coming to the market  Long-term training program „Coming to the market” provides know-how on entering the job- market.  Participants got to know how to plan their career; developed their public speaking and practiced job-interviews; participated as a „shadow“ in a company or for a specialist; made a video-CV for themselves which could be used applying in the future. Also mapped their personalities, know- how and capabilities, met the opportunities program European Youth offers, including the possibilities of European Volunteer Service; learned from the experience of other participants and found mutual support.  Target-group:16 young unemployed participated

7 Voluntary service  Gives young people the opportunity to get new practical skills and broaden their network.  Rise awareness concerning volunteer- work. Motivate and inspire youngsters further develop co-operation between different organizations. Motivate people to participate in volunteer-work, gaining necessary job-experience.  Examples in Tallinn: Young Volunteers Conference, Workweek  Target-group: All youngsters

8 Career-services  Free career counseling, career information - possibilities of studying here and abroad, information about professions, work-market, CV-counseling accross Tallinn.  Target-group: 15-26 year olds in Tallinn and Harjumaa

9 Starting-point  Is an online CV-environment, which helps youngsters to further develop their competitive-abilities in the work-market, getting into internship programs, applying in to projects of all sort, everywhere where competence is needed to be proven.  Starting place helps as well as connecting youngsters participating with employers offering jobs.  Target-group: Youngsters entering the work-market

10 Workcamps for students  Work-camp means for a youngsters working side by side with young people of their age and a schedule full of fun and educational extra activities. The aim is to give them their first job-experience.  Working-camp is an opportunity for the youngsters to gain their first job experience earning money, finding new active contacts and forming networks across the city, participating in a various forms of educational, creative and developing activities. Different kind of jobs are represented from picking berries, selling ice- cream, cleaning city-space or beaches, renovating, helping outdoors (farms, zoo-parks) etc.  Target-group: Youngsters aged 11-14 can participate in inner-city camps, 14-18 can participate in outer-city camps.

11 Thank you

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