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Statoil´s involvement with IUB and IRRCM. C A M P U S.

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Presentation on theme: "Statoil´s involvement with IUB and IRRCM. C A M P U S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statoil´s involvement with IUB and IRRCM

2 C A M P U S

3 IUB IS A RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Main Areas of Emphasis in the Research Program of the School of Engineering and Science Bioscience: Evolutionary biology, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, microbiology, neurobiology biochemical engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Autonomous systems, robotics, artificial intelligence GeoAstroscience: Research Center ‘Continental Margins’. IUB is member of an international consortium Center of Interdisciplinary Computational Science

4 Current Graduate Programs School of Engineering and Science Mathematical Sciences Courses in pure mathematics and in computational and applied mathematics. GeoAstroscience Courses in (marine) geology, geophysics, ocean science, space plasma physics, and astrophysics, including lab courses. School of Humanities and Social Sciences Culture, Publics, Institutions: Integration and Fragmentation in Democratic Communities Mapping the World: Cultural Orientations in Changing Societies Professional Master Program in Utility Management (endowed chair)

5 Why IUB? Highly selective admission, independent of financial circumstances English as the language of instruction Private governance and independent management, ensuring flexibility and quality service to students Financial assistance to those admitted students who could not otherwise afford IUB's tuition charges Residential colleges with strong student life programs Multinational faculty and student body Hands-on, practical research for undergraduates as well as graduates Faculty committed to teaching as well as research Small class size and student/faculty ratio (12/1) Interaction between students and faculty outside the classroom Internationally recognized bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees Credits transferable to other highly selective institutions Currently 650 students from 72 nations

6 Teaching and research in the School of Engineering and Science have as their missions two important goals: all students should receive thorough training in their primary subject and explore more than one field of study. In addition, courses in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the transdisciplinary University Study Courses broaden the scope even further. All students choosing a major in the School of Engineering and Science will receive solid training in the basic sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, and can select specialized undergraduate programs from a variety of subjects, such as electrical engineering and computer science, biochemical engineering, biochemistry and cell biology, bioinformatics and computational biology, geosciences and astrophysics, and computational science. These subject areas share many links, for example, the ever-increasing need for numerical modeling and data mining.

7 IUB Premiere: First graduating class receive their certificates On June 2, 2004 at IUB’s first graduation ceremony, 104 students were awarded the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science respectively. Additionally, three students received their Master’s degree and one his PhD. Representing 37 different nationalities, the new IUB graduates celebrated the occasion together with their parents, the IUB community, and numerous guests, amongst them keynote speaker Heinrich v. Pierer, head of Siemens AG. Many students, who want to continue studying at graduate schools are already admitted to universities, amongst these Cambridge University, University of Oxford, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Columbia University, and Rice University. 18 are admitted to graduate programs at IUB. A sizeable portion of the “class of 2004”, some 20 %, have already landed attractive positions.

8 IES Three aims: Science, Training and joint Infrastructure Status: 4 projects with industry, 1 upcoming large joint EU project

9 IRCCM processes on continental margins Integrated approach –Mathematical, geological, oceanographic, biological, chemical Emphasis on –Surface & subsurface imaging – Fluid flow –Methane cycle

10 IRCCM Organogram Carbon/Methane Cycle (MPI) Shallow Sediment Processes and Imaging (UniB, UNH) Deep Sediment Processes and Imaging (UniB, UNH) Gas Hydrates (GEOMAR) Continental Margin Structure and Tectonics (RCOM) Observatories (IUB/UW) Education (NIOZ/IUB) Data analysis And Modeling (AWI/ IUB)

11 IRCCM concepts and goals 1.Quantification of methane and carbon fluxes Several large international and national projects 2. Education, training and outreach Around 1500 scientists, engineers, lectures, professors, technicians 3. Provide infrastructure and expertise for partners 9 large RVs (70-110 m) incl. Icebreaker Polarstern 10 midsize and small RVs (20-50 m) 4 ROVs, 3 AUVs, 3 IOVs

12 Data management PANGAEA is a public data library for science aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data with special emphasis on environmental, marine and geological basic research.

13 Focal regions Norwegian Margin North Sea Strait of Gibraltar Black Sea US coast ? From NPD

14 Petroleum Systems Modeling allows the realization of dynamic processes such as depositional history, temperature development, maturity, hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation by using geologic data such as stratigraphy, lithology, and time. PetroMod allows an integrated approach of data management, process modeling, and data/result visualization. PetroMod IES 3D n-component, 3-phase migration modeling with Darcy and hybrid simulators; includes PetroCharge and PetroGen 3D functions 3D thermal, hydrocarbon maturation and pressure modeling; tools to model the effects of faults, salt movements, igneous intrusions, etc. Multi-1D thermal and hydrocarbon maturation modeling; 3-phase migration modeling in multi- level carrier systems with flowpath (= ray-tracing) simulator PetroChargePetroGen PetroFlow Darcy flow modeling of pressure driven leakage from reservoir. Flowpath modeling of lateral transport in effective carrier.

15 Surface and subsurface imaging (UB, NH)

16 Gashydrates


18 The Hermes consortium includes IRCCM partners as Coordinator and workpackage leaders SOC IUB AWI Ifremer IfmGeomar UniBremen MPI RCOM Hermes got highest ranking and is a 35 Mill. Euro program with 47 partners. IRCCM partners have leading positions. Four Hermes study sites are IRCCM study sites including the area north of Storregga

19 Main study sites 1.Norwegian margin Data support by StatOil, BP, Norsk Hydro possible EU study site for 2004 2. North Sea Data support by StatOil, BP, current EU study site, project support MPI + recommended IRCCM funding (eg MAERSK) 3. Pacific MARS/Neptune site Infrastructure support by Seattle, MBARI current NSF study site, project support IUB,GEOMAR, MPI,UB, AWI + recommended IRCCM funding Additional study sites 4. Gulf of Cadiz possible data support by RWE current EU study site, project support Uni Bremen/Geomar + recommended IRCCM funding 5. Black Sea possible data support by oil company ? current EU study site, project support MPI/Geomar + recommended IRCCM funding Corals Slides Mud mount Cold seeps

20 Development of a Long Term Observatory Based on ESONET, MARS and NEPTUNE Sponsored by StatOil To quantify fluid flow and carbon/methane oxidation To develop long term monitoring observatories for oil/gas industry Educational outreach and publicity

21 The central lander will be equipped with 1 CTD 1 down-looking profiling ADCP for hydrodynamic 1 up-looking single point flow meter 1 in situ filtration with 21 filters for particle measurements 1 sediment trap with settling tube 1 sonar to detect gas bubbles 1 pan/tilt/zoom web cam for monitoring and video mosaicking

22 The Monterey Bay Canyon 1.Seismic survey 2.Detailled bottom topography 3.Online data transfer 4.OBH underwater network Methods In situ robotics within long term ocean bottom instrumentation Online control via cable Applications and questions Enhanced 3D visualization of multi parameter dataset Slow versus fast flow Are the estimates correct ? Hydroacoustic studies Fluid, methane flow/ tectonic movement Carbon mineralization rates Static versus dynamic process Lateral export of the carbon Vertical export of methane (ground thruthing of satellite data) Use of the techniques for the development of a European network of underwater platforms Educational outreach by IRCCM The first stage of the network will consist of 62 km (39.5 miles) of submarine cable and a single science node located 1,200 meters (almost 4,000 feet) below the ocean surface. The node will have four separate ports (docking stations) for oceanographic instruments. Each port will support bi-directional data transfers of up to 100 Mbits per second—comparable with some of the fastest land-based commercial data networks. The cable will also supply up to 10 kilowatts of power to the instruments-enough power to supply a small neighborhood, and several orders of magnitude more power than could be supplied using batteries alone

23 The BBL longterm lander ( v.Weering ) to modify this lander for online controlled longterm deployments to measure BBL characteristics (ADCP, CTD, cameras, sediment trap) tectonic movement to controll a small Crawler-ROV for the investigation of spatial and temporal variability of fluid flow under different hydrodynamical conditions (IUB, GEOMAR, TU-HH, Uni-Bremen, MPI, NIOZ, UW) 100 cm

24 The three crawlers will be equipped with following sensor systems and experimental devices: 1 CTD 2 methane sensors 1 newly developed Schlieren optic for the detection and quantification of fluid flow 4 oxygen micro profilers 1 benthic flow simulation chamber to determine particle dynamics 3-4 pan/tilt/zoom web cams for controlled tele-operated crawler movement 1 newly developed parametric echosounder system to image mineral deposits in the upper sediment column at the decimeter scale and to detect pathways of fluid flow

25 1 The IRCCM cabled observatory Ongoing real-time basic environmental data (boundary layer structure and currents, flow rate and composition of venting fluids, status of benthic communities) 50 cm

26 Parametric echosounder Based on non linearity of sound propagation using a dual frequency systems Innomar Technologie GmbH, Rostock, Germany Used for –detection of fluid mud layers and dredging levels –surveying of the morphology of the bottom surface and sediment structure

27 Online Observatory EU/US projects Internet online data automatic download Data from project data bank Pangaea - IRCCM Data bank IRCCM data management, modelling and visualization lab Data GIS modellingIndustry partner IRCCM Dissemination Outreach Final static data

28 IRCCM-Statoil visualization laboratory GIS Fledermaus Seismic Interpretation & Processing Cray Server Software Fledermaus GIS Opendx Grass ESRI-ARC GIS GMT/iGMT Seismic Unix dGB Tecplot Landmark Geowall - 3D stereoscopic visualization

29 Modelling, data management & visualisation status Pangaea – data archival GIS lab – for visualisation, modelling in final implementation stage Seismic interpretation software Basin Modelling software – PetroMod in place PetroMod Workshop on 27 th & 28 th May

30 Current modelling Confined – either shallow or deep Whole earth approach –From deep to shallow, solid to fluid –Mathematical to bio, geochemical –Using PetroMod –Parametric Echosounder GEOMOUND – A. Revil CERGE

31 Milestones March:Begin of projects June:Publication of Job Offer IRCCM-StatOil Professorship July: Draft proposal of EU program on network of excellence July:IRCCM website Sept.: EU negotiations to merge two EU proposal written by IRCCM members October: Draft proposal of HERMES Nov.: Job offer to Vikram Unnithan Dec.: Test of IRCCM observatory at MBARI, California Febr.:Submission of HERMES proposal March:Oceanology exhibition, presentation of Crawler April:Start of IRCCM-Statoil Professorship, visit to Statoil May:Start of contract negotiations HERMES June:IRCCM Petromod workshop, Data management concept Sept.:Presentation of IRCCM-Statoil visualization lab concept 2003 2004

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