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General Methods and Strategies for Math Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "General Methods and Strategies for Math Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Methods and Strategies for Math Instruction

2 A Quick Word About Strategies We must take time to teach the strategy first and give students sufficient time to practice the strategy without a focus solving the problem.

3 Cover-Copy-Compare This method is for independent drill and practice. Math worksheets for computational problems. Left side - completed problem with answers. Right side - same problem - blank and unsolved. Cover left side with large index card Copy the problem on the right Solve and compare with answer on the left. -Jim Wright, Intervention Central

4 Differentiated Cover-Copy-Compare Provide the problem on the right. Provide boxes, lines, and spaces for students to write their answers. No peeking! Laminate a flip folder and velcro left side down. Partner work.

5 Incremental Rehearsal Builds student fluency in math facts. Pairs unknown computation items with increasing known items. 80:20% ratio Use index cards or flashcard creator. -Jim Wright, Intervention Central

6 Incremental Rehearsal How-to 1. Review a collection of math facts with the student. 2. Anything the student answers in 2 seconds place in the known pile. 3. Anything the student cannot answer within 2 seconds goes in the unknown pile. 12 + 7 _______________ 2 + 3 _______________ UnknownKnown

7 Incremental Rehearsal How-to 1. Choose one card from the unknown pile. 2. Read the fact and answer. 12 + 7 = 19 3. Student repeats. 4. Choose a card from the known pile. 5. Student reads the fact and answers in sequence. 6. Correct = answered within 2 seconds.

8 When Helping Students Learn Basic Facts... Create real- world problems for the students to apply the facts. Create problems they can make a personal connection to.

9 STAR Method S earch the word problem T ranslate the words into an equation in picture form A nswer the problem R eview the solution

10 F O P S F ind the problem type O rganize the information using a diagram P lan to solve the problem S olve the problem -Asha Jitendra, 2005

11 General Adaptations 1) Re- word directions on worksheets 2) Highlight/bold/underline key words 3) Fewer items on a page 4) Chunk test items by function 5) Provide ample space to solve 6) Use checklists for lengthy problems 7) Terminology/vocabulary posters 8) Give correct examples

12 Allow Students to Play Teacher (Remember Mr. Khan) This aids students in: Learning the language of math Explaining their reasoning Connecting and integrating knowledge

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