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Off campus access to journals using your University login “It keeps asking me for money, but I’ve been told we should get it for free!” – a frequently.

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Presentation on theme: "Off campus access to journals using your University login “It keeps asking me for money, but I’ve been told we should get it for free!” – a frequently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Off campus access to journals using your University login “It keeps asking me for money, but I’ve been told we should get it for free!” – a frequently asked question

2 “Why can’t I get access – it works on campus?”  Access to journals is not free – the university has to pay for this  Off campus you need to tell the supplier that you belong to the University of Southampton For example – Science Direct and Institutional login

3 Off Campus Access to ScienceDirect Click on Login

4 Login option box appears Click on Go to Athens/Institution Login

5 Select UK Access Management Federation from the list and click on Go

6 Scroll down and select University of Southampton

7 This should bring you to the University authentication page. Here you enter your University username and password

8 Return visit You should be offered the University of Southampton Login option on subsequent visits to ScienceDirect assuming that you allow Cookies and are on the same machine

9 “So all journal sites use the term Institutional login?”  No but the principle will be the same i.e. telling the publisher that you are from the University of Southampton  Route and wording may be different e.g.

10 “How can I tell if I can use my University login?”  Check on TDNet  Search for the journal title  Look for an next to the publisher/ supplier and click on it.

11 On TDNet you can find advice on access in the Notes

12 For Further Assistance  View “Accessing resources from off campus”  ( /offcampus/index.htm) /offcampus/index.htm

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