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Math and Scientific Method Unit 1. Chemistry Math Topics  Scientific Notation  Significant Figures (sigfig)  Rounding  Exponential Notation  SI System.

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Presentation on theme: "Math and Scientific Method Unit 1. Chemistry Math Topics  Scientific Notation  Significant Figures (sigfig)  Rounding  Exponential Notation  SI System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math and Scientific Method Unit 1

2 Chemistry Math Topics  Scientific Notation  Significant Figures (sigfig)  Rounding  Exponential Notation  SI System  Metric Conversion  Factor Labeling  Density  Percent Error

3 Significant Figures  When a scientist measures something the precision of the investigator and instruments must be considered  ALL digits that are part of the measurement are significant (important) but sometimes numbers are used as place holders and not significant  These are usually zeros

4 Sigfig Rules  Zero’s between digits are significant 700007 has 6 sigfig  Zero’s after digits when no digit is present are not significant 120000 has only 2 sigfig  Decimals change the rules

5 Decimal Rules  If a decimal is present Zeros to the right of the decimal are significant  12.00 has 4 sigfig Zeros to the left of the decimal are significant  3400. is significant Zeros to the left of the digits BUT the right of the decimal are NOT significant  0.00234 has only 3 sigfig

6 Rounding  Basic rules from math  “5 and above, give it a shove; four and below, just let it go.” DJ  Because you must round to sigfig, you may need to look at several digits to round  DO NOT ROUND UNTIL THE FINAL ANSWER!

7 Rounding to Sigfig  For addition and Subtraction- the last digit to the right in the answer must be the same as the LEAST precise in the problem -24.5 +6.27 18.23 BUT the sigfig is 18.2

8  For multiplication and division the answer must have the same number of digits as the least precise in the problem 48.4398 X1.52 73.628496 but in sigfig it is 73.6

9 Exponential Notation  A way to express numbers that are very large or very small  Here are the rules Only use sigfig Decimal always goes after the 1 st digit The exponent represents the number of spaces moved by the decimal  Positive number if it moves to the left  Negative if it moves to the right 120 000 000 = 1.2x10 8 0.000 003 450 = 3.450 x10 -6

10 SI units – Le System International d’Unites  Measurement represents quantity Something that has magnitude, size or amount  The single measurement system that all scientists have agreed to  They are of constant value  Standardization in style and format were also determined

11 SI Base Units  Length – meter  Mass -kilogram  Time -Second  Temperature – Kelvin  Amount of substance- mole  Electric Current - ampere  Luminous intensity - Candela

12 SI Prefixes  Prefixes added to the names are used to represent quantities that are larger or smaller than the base units  You are expected to know these K,h,da,unit,d,c,m And recognize the rest  Know the exponential notation for each

13 Metric conversion  Moving from one SI unit to another is metric conversion  Moving the decimal point is how it works  Practice is the only way to learn this skill

14 Factor Labeling  Used to help change the UNITS of something, so that numbers are still equivalent  Math Fact: Multiplying by one does not change the value of a number  When the numerator and denominator are equivalent (equal) then it is like multiplying by one

15  If you have 12 dozen donuts, how many donuts do you have? See you can use factor labeling (12 dozen) x 12 donuts = 144 donuts 1 dozen

16 Here are the steps  Identify what you have and what you need I have 2.5 miles and I need to know how many feet  Put a one in front of the unit you have, and how many of the other unit is equal to (look it up) 1 mile=5280 feet

17  Set up the problem 2.5 mile x 5280feet 1 mile  Solve  Put it into sigfig

18 Practice Practice Practice  A car is traveling 65 miles per hour. How many feet des it travel in one second?

19  Convert the following 7.02 kg to lbs 8 L to quarts 15 inches to cm 98 kg to slugs 45 kcal to J

20 Now they will get harder  If a man can move 35 lbs of dirt per minute, how many kg per hour will he move?

21 More two unit problems  78 miles/hour to meters/sec .345 mm/sec to inches per minute  476 gallons/ hour to pints per minute  You’ll see more…

22 Percent Error  How far away from the accepted value are you?  Theoretical = actual (Actual value – expected value) x100 = actual value Percent error

23 Practice  Actual 45.6 Expected 46.0 89.495.0 1238.3691225. You get the drift….

24 Accuracy and Precision  Accuracy – how close you answer is to the accepted value The closer you are to the correct answer, the more accurate you are  Precision How similar your range of answers are  You want to be both right ( accurate) and repeatable (precise)

25 Scientific Method  A quick review A process used to test a hypethosis Hypothesis is a tentative explanation to a problem or question that is based on observation or past knowledge A hypothesis must be tested through valid experimentation

26 Steps in Scientific Method  Formulate a hypothesis  Test the hypothesis Using controlled experiments with experimental and dependent variables  Experimental – what you change  Dependent – what changes as a result  Obtain data, document and analyze it  Draw conclusion  Publish for peer review

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