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The Federal R&D Budget: Past, Present and Future Matt Hourihan March 5, 2014 for the University of North Carolina Federal Relations Council AAAS R&D Budget.

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Presentation on theme: "The Federal R&D Budget: Past, Present and Future Matt Hourihan March 5, 2014 for the University of North Carolina Federal Relations Council AAAS R&D Budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Federal R&D Budget: Past, Present and Future Matt Hourihan March 5, 2014 for the University of North Carolina Federal Relations Council AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program







8 Items of Note: Base Budget DOD S&T cut (but not DARPA) NIH: BRAIN Initiative to double; another ARPA? NCATS, NINDS, NIMH, largest relative increases USDA: Extramural research boost, but not intramural Three new “innovation institutes” NASA Science, Orion/SLS, Aero cut; Space Technology, some exploration activities boosted DOE Science: cuts to fusion, high-energy physics, others increased DOE renewables, efficiency, ARPA-E boosted NSF: Social sciences boosted? Interagency initiatives flat or declining

9 Items of Note: OGSI “Opportunity, Growth and Security Initiative” $56 billion in additional funding BEYOND the base budget Split between defense and nondefense NIH: $970 million (BRAIN, “DARPA NIH”, grants) NSF: $552 million NASA: $886 million (spread across agency) NIST: Manufacturing institutes DOE: cleantech funding – at least $600 million? DOD: “$2.1 billion for R&D” USDA: ~$300 million, Athens poultry lab, competitive grants

10 Looking ahead… Congress already has FY15 number agreed Senate: no budget resolution Opportunity Initiative reception? Does it matter for science? Debt ceiling suspended COMPETES?


12 For more info… 202-326-6607

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