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National Event Manager Marilena Chatzimichali Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

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Presentation on theme: "National Event Manager Marilena Chatzimichali Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Event Manager Marilena Chatzimichali Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

2 To know me better… Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali | (almost) 22 years old BSc Business Administration Erasmus? Not yet Volunteer for 3 years ESN section: ESN We.G

3 My ESN story… Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

4 Local Level Founding member Local President 2014 Public Relations Responsible 2015 ESNcard manager 2015 Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

5 National Level NP Thessaloniki 2014 (Delegate) NP Athens 2014 (Delegate) LC “The Crete Trip 2015” NP Ioannina 2015 (Delegate) Skype NPs Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

6 International Level Gadgets Team ComCom Summer meeting 2015 Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

7 Find the team Bonding-Strengthening Make it viral, with better promotion Support and be there for the team Action Steps ( before the trip)

8 Action Steps (during the trip) Keep the team together (show the participants that the team exists) Inform the team about their image/actions during the trip “Teach” them how to face the unexpected difficulties (if any) Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

9 Action Steps (after the trip) Feedback Discuss about changes & future plans about the trip Budget (in cooperation with the national treasurer) Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

10 But why choose me? Highly motivated I love what I do I always want the job to be perfect Organized Time management Fast learner Always in the DDL* Team worker (*deadline) Good listener Solution oriented I like challenges Dedicated to my job “Implementer” Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

11 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Candidacy National Event Manager | Marilena Chatzimichali |

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