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RENESENG builds dedicated systems engineering technology for biorefineries. RENESENG builds tools to prevent expensive experimentation saving capital,

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Presentation on theme: "RENESENG builds dedicated systems engineering technology for biorefineries. RENESENG builds tools to prevent expensive experimentation saving capital,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RENESENG builds dedicated systems engineering technology for biorefineries. RENESENG builds tools to prevent expensive experimentation saving capital, preventing from unsuccessful attempts, and preparing reliable scale-up studies. Such dedicated tools could systematize the analysis and contribute towards the development of innovative solutions. RENESENG brings together different systems layers: process synthesis to screen the broad spectrum of feedstocks, products, and chemistries; process integration to combine multiple and varied processes and to integrate with petroleum refineries; flowsheeting and supply chain analysis to scope for decentralized network of facilities. RENESENG supports innovation with advanced tools to target efficiencies, both in process equipment and flowsheets, also a deeper understanding of integration, and a high-throughput environment to review and evaluate alternatives. RENESENG is a FP7 Marie Curie project that researches and trains a new breed of engineers with project experience in biorefineries and emphasis on advanced process design, synthesis, model-based screening and analysis and process integration. RENESENG continues and builds on a series of successful EU and national projects and will be training future scientists and engineers in biorefinery related topics. The award is worth approx. 4,2 million EUROS to a European Consortium of major universities and biofuel companies. The project duration is 4 years starting on 1 st of November 2013. The aim is to develop and validate modelling, synthesis, integration and optimization technology addressing: 1) Lignin-based and cellulosic processes 2) Water-based paths to biomass production 3) Waste treatment paths 4) Hybrids of bio-renewables with other forms of renewables. RENESENG Renewable Systems Engineering The development and integration of advanced biorefineries cannot afford a century of experimentation to achieve efficiencies competitive with the petrochemical industry. A convincing number of industrial sites and pilots have already demonstrated the bio-refinery concept as a promising technological alternative. The socio-economic benefits can be tremendous. By 2020, in Europe alone they account for 1,000 new plants, €32,3bn in revenues and 1 million jobs (Bloomberg 2012); similar trends are expected worldwide. The biorefinery concept, however, is yet to be realized, researched and applied as an industrial complex. In the absence of alternatives, biorefinery designs continue to rely on fossil-oil process engineering technology using short-cut models, flowsheeting and scale-up methods as validated in Oil & Gas. The analysis is often misleading and disappointing. Preventing the green revolution of unnecessary time waste and money, bioprocess engineering should prepare its future with reliable, dedicated and advanced systems tools. RENESENG subsequently envisages a new generation of specialists to serve the new multi- disciplinary field that is embracing process engineering (chemical, physical and mechanical), agricultural engineering, agronomical sciences, economics and social sciences. Academics and industrial partners are called to contribute in upgrading engineering practices, streamlining academic curricula, and in providing training to disseminate new knowledge. In that respect, RENESENG builds curricula, organizes schools and aspires to build a platform to share data, models and expertise. The principal scientific challenge of the networks would be to foster inter-disciplinary research from among expert groups with dedicated interests and subsequently mobilizing a critical mass in the research community (both academic and industrial). Contact: Coordinator :National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Prof. A. Kokossis +30 210 772 4279 Partners

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