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Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 1 A West Michigan Workforce Innovations Lab West Michigan Strategic Alliance Workforce Innovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 1 A West Michigan Workforce Innovations Lab West Michigan Strategic Alliance Workforce Innovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 1 A West Michigan Workforce Innovations Lab West Michigan Strategic Alliance Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) Initiative Funded by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor For Additional Information, Contact: Greg Northrup, President West Michigan Strategic Alliance, 616-356-6060 Bill Guest, WorkKeys Presentation, June 2006 616.430.0828, WorkKeys and the CRC

2 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 2 WMSA Region Allegan Barry Ionia Kent Muskegon Newaygo Ottawa

3 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 3 The Innovation “Funnel” 1. Opportunity Identification 2. Opportunity Selection 3. Development & Testing 4. Production & Launch 5. Managing the R&D Portfolio The five different innovation processes relate to different stages of the “innovation funnel” – the progression from a broad set of innovation ideas to actual implementation and commercialization.

4 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 4 Workforce Innovations Lab Operating Design INNOVATION PROCESS 1. Concept Definition 2. Business Planning 3. Testing & Prototype 4. Production & Launch Managing the Innovation Portfolio STRATEGIC ADVISORY TEAM Oversight of the Innovation Process WMSA Stage-gate decisions Investment decisions Champion selection Innovation Champions Development of the innovation through the stages Hosting of the prototype Development of implementation resources Regional Engagement & Outreach Learning from the process Contributing to development Application environments Innovation Portfolio Innovation Institute: Innovation Curriculum IP Commercialization Innovation Forum Industrial Design Council WorkKeys and Work- Based Learning Global School Accelerated Engineering Manufacturing Skills Standards Manufacturing Skills Coop Regional SOURCE Health Care RSA West Michigan Entrepreneurial League System SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS Market Intelligence Emerging Sector Analysis Global Supply Chain Analysis Knowledge Workers

5 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 5 What is our common language? Employers say “New hires need more math.” Educators ask “How much more?” Employers say “We need better reading skills.” Educators ask “How much better?” We all know these can be endless discussions. This communication problem extends throughout the entire Workforce Development System.

6 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 6 WorkKeys is a measurement tool. WorkKeys quantifies skills in the following categories: Applied Mathematics Applied Technology Business Writing Listening Locating Information Observation Reading for Information Teamwork Writing

7 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 7 The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) and Jobs WorkKeys Skill Levels: Bronze Silver Gold Reading for Information3 45 Applied Mathematics3 45 Locating Information 3 45 Job Readiness* 30% 65% 90% * Job Readiness indicates the % of jobs in the occupational database that holders of these certificates are qualified to apply for. The CRC is a credential.

8 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 8 CRC deployed:CRC in progress:Interested in CRC: Kentucky Indiana Virginia Louisiana Missouri North Carolina Oklahoma Alabama Tennessee North Dakota South Carolina Wyoming District of Columbia New Mexico West Virginia Iowa Nevada Washington Kansas Ohio Colorado Michigan California Delaware Maryland Rhode Island Illinois Hawaii Montana Minnesota Oregon Idaho Mississippi Florida New York Alaska Arizona Nebraska Georgia Arkansas 9 States 11 States 20 States From:, revised January 2006.

9 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 9 WorkKeys measures important workplace skills such as: Reading for Information Applied Math Locating Information The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) is a nationally portable credential that documents skills on three levels: Gold 5-5-5 Silver 4-4-4 Bronze 3-3-3 WorkKeys and the CRC put the student, knowledge worker, and/or lifelong learner in control. Now they can plan, achieve, and document skills that are valuable to the marketplace. High School students have clear goals for learning that are directly linked to skills employers value. The CRC “Going-for-the-GOLD” theme provides low or unskilled workers with a target to encourage lifelong learning. The CRC provides displaced workers with an objective system to document learning and valuable workplace skills. The CRC is portable across state lines and portable across occupational lines. The WFD system has a common skill language based on a trusted and nationally recognized test system.

10 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 10 We need a sustainable demand driven system. How do we get employers to use a common target?

11 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 11 Tools Promote Change “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.” -- Buckminster Fuller WorkKeys is a transformational tool

12 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 12 Typical Occupational Beginning Annual Salary (2002), by WorkKeys Profiled Skill Level WorkKeys profiled skill level WorkKeys test Applied Mathe- matics Applied Tech.Listening Locating Infor- mation Obser- vation Reading for Infor- mation Team- workWriting 1 $13,000 $15,000 2 $17,000 3$16,000$17,000$18,000$14,000$16,000$15,000$17,000$19,000 4$20,000$19,000$20,000$19,000$18,000$19,000$20,000$22,000 5$23,000$22,000$23,000 $20,000$22,000 $24,000 6$27,000$24,000 $27,000$21,000$25,000$24,000 7$30,000 $28,000 Notes: 1.The skill levels for a particular WorkKeys test range from the lowest level that employers typically need, to a level beyond which specialized training is required. Skill level ranges are 4 or 5 points, depending on the particular skill assessed. Adjacent skill levels can be distinguished both in terms of job requirements and individual skill development. 2.The WorkKeys Business Writing test was introduced in 2002. Therefore, job profile data were not yet available to include Business Writing in this study.

13 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 13 The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) and $ WorkKeys Skill Levels: Bronze Silver Gold Reading for Information3 45 Applied Mathematics3 45 Locating Information 3 45 Starting Salary Range* 14-16 19-20 22-23 * Annual Salary Range in $,000s

14 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 14 Employers Options – WorkKeys and CRC Employer Engagement Levels: Crawl – Walk – Run Crawl: Require a CRC based on starting wage for position: Under $16,000 – Diploma + Bronze $16 – 20,000 – Diploma + Silver Over $20,000 – Diploma + Gold Walk: Assess Job Requirements using Estimator, SkillMap, and Profiles to set hiring standards (Diploma + CRC). Run: Use WorkKeys as an integral Human Resources and employee Training and Development tool.

15 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 15 Questions & Discussion

16 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 16 WIRED WorkKeys Advisory Board Agenda Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:30 Welcome & Trophy Presentation – Bill Guest 10:45 CRC and Dow – Dave Herrala – Dow, Midland 11:30 Lunch – Host: Rachael Jungblut, GRCC 12:15 Team Workshop #1 – CRC in West Michigan 1:15 Team Workshop #2 – County Leadership Teams 2:15 Wrap Up – Action Items – Meeting Evaluation 2:30 End of Meeting

17 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 17 WIRED WorkKeys Workshop #1 1.Organize into Teams (3 to 5 per team) 2.Is the CRC a valuable tool to create a common credential between employers and regions? 3.Review supporting forces for the CRC 4.Review restraining forces (barriers and obstacles) 5.Update actions to overcome obstacles 6.Pick a spokesperson and prepare a 3 minute report 7.Be ready to report at: 1:00

18 Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) 18 WIRED WorkKeys Workshop #2 1.Organize into Teams by County 2.Identify the support team for your county 3.Identify a core leadership team (3 to 5 people) 4.Identify “lead user” employer candidates 5.Identify employers as: small, medium, or large 6.Identify employers as: crawl, walk, or run 7.Select your teams preferred lead users (3 to 5) 8.Pick a spokesperson and prepare a 3 minute report 9.Be ready to report at: 2:00 “this workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) as implemented by the U. S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, Warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including and information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its Completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible. All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.”

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