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Stations March 5 th -March 9 th. Project Overview It’s mapping time! The students will be introduced to their next project this week focused on living.

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1 Stations March 5 th -March 9 th

2 Project Overview It’s mapping time! The students will be introduced to their next project this week focused on living things and mapping skills. We will focus on the mapping portion of the project before spring break and dive into living things the final nine weeks. On March 15 th, we will visit the Kids Commons for an interactive experience with maps.

3 Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.You will need a reading partner and a Geography book. 2.Read Lesson 1, “All About Location.” 2.Tuesday 1.Read Lesson 2, “Where We Live.” Wednesday Read Lesson 3, “Land and Water.” 1.Thursday Read Lesson 4, “All About Weather.” Friday Read Lesson 5, “Earth’s Resources.” Visit our website for interactive mapping activities if you finish your partner reading early. What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Reread the story During SSR station With an adult You have more time during workshop. Great! Move on to Challenge Read. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Geography Books Computer Mapping Activity Home Skills and Standards 2.1.6- Read aloud fluently and accurately SS 2.3.1- Identify directions 2.3.4- Community features on a map 2.3.5- Map symbols Reading: Geography Project Connection: Mapping Skills

4 Writing: Columbus- Favorite Location Monday- Tuesday Graphic Organizer on your favorite Columbus location Wednesday- Thursday Rough Draft of what makes your location in Columbus meaningful to you Friday Final draft due Skills and Standards 2.5.2- Write a brief description of a familiar place 2.5.5- use descriptive words when writing 2.4.7- proofread and edit writing 2.6.2- Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences Materials Needed Paper/ Pencil Computer Rubric Home Project Connection: Locations on a Map

5 Self-Selected Reading / Accelerated Reader Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder.. Skills and Standards 2.1.6- Read fluently 2.2.5- Restate facts and recall information SSR and AR points What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Choose another Book. You will have more time in stations. Great! Take the AR test and choose a more challenging book for your next test! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice Computer Home

6 Working with Words Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Complete the activity to practice your new spelling words. 2.Paper is in the binder 2.Tuesday 1.In your group, work with the leader to put your list in ABC order after you finish and turn in your practice on your new spelling words. 2.If you complete ABC order, look up the words in the dictionary to find their meanings and apply to your writing. 3.Wednesday 1.Fluency Practice- Use book provided 4.Thursday 1.Review for test on Friday- Spelling City 5.Friday 1.TEST! Skills and Standards 2.1.2- spelling patterns, 2.1.11- common word families 2.2.11-ABC order What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. Great! You can work on the challenge list! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed: 1.Vocab list 2.Fluency Book Home Project Connection: Challenge List

7 Math Journal Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.243 and 244 2.Estimating and exact costs 2.Tuesday 1.245, 246,247 2.Making Change 3.Wednesday 1.252 2.Math Geoboards MM 252 4.Thursday 1.253 and 254 2.Place value with money Skills and Standards 2.5.12- Value of collection of coins 2.6.2-Choose appropriate tools to solve story problems 2.2.2- Add two whole numbers 2.2.3- Subtract two whole numbers What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! You may attempt the challenge activity for Unit 1. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Math Journal Pencil Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales

8 Problem Solving Noise Level 0 1.Monday 1.Tic Tac Toe Money Addition 2.Tuesday 1.Math Masters 310 2.Making Change 3.Wednesday 1.Math Masters 314 and Math Journal 249 2.Revisiting area and polygons 4.Thursday 1.Math Journal 255 and 256 2.Money Place Value Skills and Standards 2.5.12- Value of collection of coins 2.6.2-Choose appropriate tools to solve story problems Materials Needed Pencil Reference pages Money Game mats Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales

9 Math Skill Application Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1.Coin exchange Game 2.Tuesday 1.Math Masters 312 2.Making Change 3.Wednesday 1.Math Masters 315 2.Tangrams 4.Thursday 1.Pick a Coin Game Materials Needed Math Masters Money bucket Coin mats Math Journal Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales Skills and Standards 2.5.12- Value of collection of coins 2.6.2-Choose appropriate tools to solve story problems

10 Everyday Math Online and DIBELS Noise Level 0 Monday and Wednesday 1.Working independently and following our expectations for using a computer properly, you may complete the math game activity that is on the computer at the station. 2.Use your Everyday Math Card to Log In. 3.Be sure you are in 2 nd grade games. Tuesday and Thursday 1. Complete the DIBELS practice activity.. Skills and Standards 2.2.1- Model addition 2.2.6- Mental arithmetic 2.3.4- Number patterns 2.1.9-recognize, name and compare fractions What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! Click on the Grade 3 level! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card DIBELS practice Home Project Connection: Money for cookbook sales

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