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The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Chapter 8
WHY MEN BECOME PRIESTS Attracted by the essential sacramental role the priest has for the Church Being Christ for the world Consecrates Eucharist, absolves sins, heals the sick, etc. Called by the Lord just as the Apostles were to cast away their current lives and take up a new one
Who Can Be Ordained Holy Orders is to perpetuate Christ’s mission handed over to the Apostles until the end of time Episcopate (bishop) Presbyterate (priest) Diaconate (deacon) No one has a right to receive Holy Orders nor does anyone claim office for himself; he is called by God Reserved only for baptized males Gender is not incidental. It is part of who we are and it determines how we relate and are perceived by others. (Father-figure; roles of a father/provider; acts in person of Christ; we learn through senses)
More Requirements… Men who take vow of celibacy
A sign of new life and service to which the Church’s minister is made holy Men who pledge to follow the spiritual gifts of humility and obedience; sometimes poverty Attend seminary Undergo rigorous coursework for their priestly formation Human (personality), Spiritual, Intellectual, Pastoral
The orders of bishop and priest enable the one who is ordained to act in the person of Christ Deacons are ordained so that they may serve the priests and bishops
Priesthood in the Old Testament
Prior to Moses it was the head of the clan Passed on to sons During the Exodus, Moses selected seventy elders to aid in leading the twelve tribes Prefigures the ordained ministry of the new Testament
The Priesthood of Christ
Christ is High Priest The only “actual” priest All others are his ministers Ordained priesthood Common priesthood Jesus is present to the Church in the ordained ministers as the Head of his Body Instituted for the good of all people and the Church As the Church grew, the Apostles appointed presbyters to look over local churches and epsicopoi to serve over larger areas Decisions affecting the entire Church were made at councils by the episcopoi acting together
Brief History of Holy Orders to the Present
Early Church Bishops were chosen by the community; he ordained priests and deacons Eventually parishes selected priests Middle Ages An increase in need for priests Deaconate became a stepping stone to priesthood and the ministry declined Protestant Reformation Pointed out a lack of education in the clergy Led to requirement of seminary Second Vatican Council Called for restoration of permanent diaconate Called for new Rite of Ordination; recalled original meaning of ordained ministry and its service to communion Renewal
Three degrees Episcopy (bishops), presbyterate (priests), and diaconate (deacons) Deacons help and serve bishops and priests Bishops may only confer Holy Orders to priests, deacons, and other bishops The essential rite of Holy Orders is the imposition of hands on the head of the ordinand Takes place within the celebration of the Eucharist in the diocesan cathedral
The Ordination of Bishops
The fullness of the Sacrament The summit of sacred ministry Chosen by the pope Identified and recommended by Archbishops (delegate to Vatican) The ordinary bishop confers the Sacrament on the bishop-elect Laying on of hands and consecratory prayer Anointing with Sacred Chrism (4th time in life) Signifies his role as head of Christ’s body within the dioceses Given a Book of the Gospels as sign of ministry to proclaim the Word Ring = sign of lifelong commitment to the Church, which is the Bride of Christ Mitre = sign of authority Crosier = sign of bishops role as shepherd of the Lord’s flock
Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Bishops Within Archdiocese of Detroit
Bishop Michael Burns Bishop Arturo Cepeda Bishop Donald Hanchon Bishop Francis Reiss
The Ordination of Priests
Bishop confers the Sacrament by laying on of hands and gives consecratory prayer New priest is invested with a stole A long narrow scarf worn straight from the shoulders As well as a chasuble The outer vestment worn at liturgy. The color follows the liturgical season Purple = Advent and Lent White = Christmas, Easter, and other feasts of Christ Red = Good Friday and Pentecost Green = Ordinary time Then bishop anoints new priests hands with Sacred Chrism This gives the grace for his ministry to be fruitful; consecrate Eucharist, absolve sins, etc.
The Ordination of Deacons
This ordination given to both transitional deacons and permanent deacons Transitional deacons must be celibate and promise to remain celibate Bishop confers the Sacrament by the laying on of hands and consecratory prayer Invested with a stole Worn diagonally from one shoulder Also given a dalmatic His outer liturgical vestment Receives a Book of the Gospels A sign of his mission to proclaim the gospel of Christ
Deacons Saint Stephen, one of first seven deacons in the Church
Conforms one closer to Christ than he had been after baptism and confirmation However, does not necessarily mean that ordained ministers are automatically holier than lay members Offers conversion from A life focused on serving themselves to serving the will of God; selflessness and obedience “I have to do this” to “I get to do this”; genuine and loving attitude, feeling privileged Being motivated by pleasure to being motivated by self-sacrifice for the greater good of the Church Celibacy Persecution; being martyrs for their faith
Acting as Christ the High Priest
In the New Covenant there is only ONE sacrifice and ONE priest Jesus replaces the Temple sacrifices of the OT Christ is the only mediator to God we need He offered himself once and for all The Mass is not a new offering made by the priests every time it is celebrated Rather they preside over it and Christ, the High Priest, that works through them to offer us the same sacrifice he initially gave It is not a re-sacrifice, it is the same one occurring all over again for us to experience
Acting as Christ the Teacher
Not only by spreading the Gospel message but also by their words and actions Attempt to take advantage of every opportunity to teach the Church’s faith and address contemporary problems All in light of Christ’s teaching, not own subjective beliefs
Acting as Christ the Good Shepherd
Bishops, priests, and deacons are to engage in a ministry of service Especially the bishops who are the leaders of the diocese “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10:11-15)
Priesthood is a life-long vocation Similar to marriage Holy Orders provides priests with the special grace they need to remain steadfast in their vocation; consecrates those who receive it Each bishop is the vicar of Christ A representative Serve the people of God and increase their holiness through: Teaching Divine Worship Pastoral Governance Serve both the universal Church and the local Church
Service to the Universal Church
The bishop is the highest authority within his diocese However, cannot make his own rules or interpret Church doctrine differently from the universal Church Ordination makes him a member of the episcopal college An assembly of bishops that functions as a governing body in union with the Pope, who is the bishop of Rome Scattered throughout the world Still live in communion with each other and act in a way that keeps them and all their flocks (diocese) united
Service to the Universal Church
Pope (Bishop of Rome) Has supreme authority Location is due to primacy of Rome as the place where St. Peter founded the Church Position of leadership comes from succession that traces back to St. Peter Primacy; First leader of Church hand-picked by Christ
Service to the Universal Church
Episcopal college (assembly of bishops Regional assemblies Meet regularly to discuss the needs of the Church in a certain geographical area. (ex. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) Synod of Bishops A group of bishops, usually chosen throughout the world, who come together to advise the pope on certain issues Ecumenical Councils An assembly of all bishops in union with the pope Highest Authority in the Church when it comes to deciding matters of faith and morals The Second Vatican Council
Service to the Universal Church
Infallibility a gift received by the Church from Christ whereby she is protected from error in matters of faith and morals Finds its source in the work of the Holy Spirit Ruling of the Magisterium effected by this Pope and bishops acting together Teaching authority of the Church Proclaims doctrine of faith
Service to the Universal Church
Imprimatur A bishops approval to print a religion textbook because its contents agree with Church teaching Ensures that all contents in the book are free of doctrinal and moral error All textbooks used in Catholic schools must receive bishop’s imprimatur
Service to the Local Church
Most Diocese have two types of priest: Diocesan Live and serve at a parish Religious Live in community groups devoted to a particular charism or spiritual founder (ex. Basilian Fathers) Take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience (along with celibacy)
Service to the Local Church
A general description of a priests job is to build and maintain communion in the local Church Accomplished in three ways: Preach the Gospel to all -Through their homilies, teaching of religious education classes and writings Cultivate holiness by providing the sacraments -As well as praying for the holiness of the people they serve by praying the liturgy of the hours Govern the parish through pastoral ministry -Priests represent the bishop -Canon Law states that each parish is to establish a pastoral council that serves an important role in maintaining unity
Is the Priesthood For You?
Candidates must be at least 18 years old Must be called by God to this vocation, must recognize the call, and respond to it all under their own will Other Catholics have the responsibility to encourage someone who we think God is calling to the priesthood Have the responsibility to tell that person
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