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N EW S UBMISSIONS & C OPYRIGHT Part 1 of Hayden Course Reserve Manual.

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1 N EW S UBMISSIONS & C OPYRIGHT Part 1 of Hayden Course Reserve Manual

2 1.1 R ECEIVING R ESERVE C OURSE S HEETS 1. Make sure the instructor fills out the entire top part of the form especially the course number (ENG 101) and the take off date. Also, make sure he/she designates a loan period and signs the form. 2. If an instructor wants multiple copies or volumes of the item, record the call number only once. The form has room for up to four Barcode numbers, one for each copy of the item. 3. Explain the Reserve loan periods to the instructor: 2 Hour Overnight If the patron checks out the item within 2 hours of closing, it will be due back within the first hour of opening the next morning. 2 Hour/No Overnight 4 Hour Overnight If the patron checks out the item within 4 hours of closing, it will be due back within the first hour of opening the next morning. 4 Hour/No Overnight 1 Day Loan (24 Hour) 3 Day Loan (72 Hour) 7 Day Loan (168 Hour) 4. Photocopies of copyrighted items must be submitted on 8½ ” x 11” paper. Check for source information and adherence to Copyright Law. 5. Copyright Restrictions. See Salmon Sheet. 6. Sources (Title, author, publisher and year) need to be cited on photocopies; a copy of a book’s title page is also acceptable. On articles, the journal title and volume can often be found on the bottom of one of the pages. Professors need to provide this information. If it isn’t written on the photocopy/copy of title page is not provided, they can email the information to us ( 7. Ask professor how soon his students will need the items. If it is during the beginning of the semester rush, let him know that they are processed in order received and it might be several days before they are ready. If during the semester, they should be ready in less than 24 hours. If he says the students are on their way over now, or something equally impossible, politely let him know we need time for processing, and estimate a more likely time when the items might be available for the students. 2 New Submissions/Copyright

3 1.2 R ECEIVING O NLINE S UBMISSION F ORMS 1. Check your Hayden Reserve email for online submission forms from professors. 2. Before printing, be sure to check the log sheet and the Outlook Reserve Folder to determine whether or not someone else has already printed the forms. If not, print the online submission forms. 3. Print the online submission form: a) Click on forward b) Delete any unnecessary information: subject line, top portion except Sent line and Course Reserve Information line, “empty” entries, the section under the comment box, etc. c) Items 1-4 should be on p.1 automatically; if there are more items, add spaces so that items 5-9 are on p.2, 10-14 are on p.3, etc. Check your work in Print Preview to be sure all 4 lines of each item are on the same page d) Be sure to keep: Comments box (even if empty) e) Print f) Close without saving g) Drag the submissions that you have printed, into the folder of the particular semester, for which the submissions are intended. 4. Be sure to write prof’s name and course in the upper right hand corner of all pages. Highlight take-off date in yellow if other than current semester. If there are multiple pages write, at the bottom of the second page, down the date and time of the submission. (In case if it get separated from the first page, we know exactly how to find the first page as all the information is on the first page.) 5. Be sure to note the online submission on the log sheet, located on shelf by stats. In the notes section, write the number of submissions and items as well as any info found in the comment section or pertinent info we might need in processing the form (summer, fall, need by, etc.) 6. Do not number the page(s) until filing into the black course notebooks. 3 New Submissions/Copyright

4 1.3 R EQUESTING & P ULLING M ATERIALS TO BE P ROCESSED 1. Click on the Search/Holds button in Millennium. 2. Search for item by call number first. If the item is not found, search by title 3. Check that author and title match the submission form 4. Below and to the right of each item request, list all available copies in the following manner: Location: H = Hayden, W = West, A = Architecture, M = Music, S = Science, D = Phoenix Downtown, E = East/Polytech, St = Storage Shelf Status: sh = shelf; ch = checked out Barcode: leave off A150 – only write down last 8 digits See p. 7 of this section for examples 5. Determining whether to hold, recall, or page Hayden items are the first choice If there are two Hayden copies, either copy can be chosen If Hayden copy is checked out and other campus copy is on the shelf, recall the Hayden copy and page the other library copy (we will return the other library copy once the Hayden copy is returned) If only another library has a copy, page it (click yes on print paging slip). If Hayden does not own a copy, but there is one from another Tempe campus library and an off campus copy, page the on campus copy. If item is on the shelf at Hayden, do nothing unless the item is not found on the shelf (see below for how to proceed in that instance). 4 New Submissions/Copyright

5 1.3 R EQUESTING & P ULLING M ATERIALS TO BE P ROCESSED ( CONT.) 6. How to hold/recall/page Click “Hold selected items” Index = “Name”, type in RESERVE HAYDEN – click search Hold note = “PROF FULL NAME 3 spaces COURSE 2 spaces LOAN PERIOD (copy and paste if there are several) If item is not checked out and needed from another library, place hold and choose the option to print the paging slip. Write “p” and today’s date in the upper corner next to the barcode number. If item is checked out, place a hold on the item to recall it – 15 days from today’s date – write “r” and the new due date in the upper corner next to the barcode number. e.g. r 2/14/11(recall due date), p 1/30/11(date of paging), h 1/30/11(date of hold placed) Exception: videos are never recalled. If it is checked out, select “place hold without recall” during this process. 7. Miscellaneous types of issues that can occur: If an item is checked out to a non-ASU library patron through Interlibrary Loan, contact Library Supervisor in ILL to request that the item be returned as soon as possible. Place hold on item without changing the due date. If a patron has already placed a hold on the item, place the hold as usual and then use the Change Priority function so that Reserve request is first in line. If the item is already on the hold shelf, then we have to wait for the patron to check it out and return it and cannot change the priority. If the item is already on reserve for another course, be sure to link the item to the new course and note on both course sheets the name, course number and loan period for the other course. Use the shortest loan period requested. - Example: Dr. Smith has a book on for 1 day and Dr. Jones would like the same book on for his class for 2 hours. The loan period becomes 2 hours for both classes. Items that are overdue/billed and needed for Reserve: if the item has been overdue less than three months, send a letter to the patron (see shared reserve documents for sample letters). After three months, the item should be re- ordered. 5 New Submissions/Copyright

6 1.3 R EQUESTING AND P ULLING M ATERIALS TO BE P ROCESSED ( CONT.) 8. Once looking up each item requested is completed: Make a copy and cut each entry into strips; write the professor name and course # on each slip Place original Course Sheets in black binders If the item is a Hayden recall or page/recall from another library, place the slip in the appropriate slot in the brown organizer. If the book shows a Hayden shelf status, go to the main stacks and search. If found, bring it to Reserve for processing. 9. If a Hayden item is not found on the first search: Look up the item again in Millenium and place a hold on the item Page/recall an item from another library if one is available Check the item record to see if there is any further information to indicate where the item might currently be located and write anything you find on the slip Then, write N/F (not found) and today’s date on the slip. Put the slip in the brown plastic organizer for further searching. Items should be searched again one week and two weeks after the original search date if not found. After the third search, items that are not found should be declared missing and ordered (if a copy is not owned by another library). 6 New Submissions/Copyright

7 1.3 R EQUESTING AND P ULLING M ATERIALS TO BE P ROCESSED ( CONT.) Slip Examples Item 1 Call Number: JF51.C62 2008 Title: Comparative Politics Today Author: Almond, Gabriel Loan Period: 4 hours, No overnight Item 3 Call Number: PN1997.H42983 2005 DVD Title: Heat Author: Mann Loan Period: 4 hours, No overnight 7 New Submissions/Copyright

8 1.4 P LACING O RDERS F OR M ATERIALS 1. Purchase orders are placed with acquisitions when: there are no copies owned by any of the ASU Libraries the only copy that was owned has been searched for and declared missing Special circumstances: if there is only one copy at all University Libraries, and it is needed on Course Reserve at more than one library, we have to determine on a case by case basis whether or not to order another copy; speak with the main contact person for Reserve to determine whether or not to order Please note: we DO NOT order textbooks 2. Begin the order process by searching for the item on 3. Once the item has been found on Amazon, fill out the online Firm Order Request Form ( as detailed in the screen shot on the next page. 4. After the form has been submitted put a small post-it on the course sheet that says: “Order placed, (today’s date).” 5. If the item is not found on, complete as much information in the form as you can and write “not on amazon” (in addition to “order placed, today’s date”) on the post-it. 8 New Submissions/Copyright

9 1.4 P LACING O RDERS F OR M ATERIALS ( CONT.) 9 New Submissions/Copyright

10 1.5 F ACULTY R ESERVE FAQ S Can I keep items on Reserve indefinitely? Unless otherwise indicated on the Reserve Course Sheet, all material will be taken off Reserve at the end of the semester. Notification of ongoing need must be given before the end of the semester. Files are returned through campus mail but personal copies of books must be picked up. Materials must be removed from Reserve if an instructor is off campus for one or more semesters (including sabbaticals, leaves of absences, etc.) Due to copyright restrictions, photocopies of copyrighted materials may not be placed on reserve for more than one semester without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Do I have to pull the items from the stacks myself? Reserve staff will retrieve books from the stacks throughout the semester. However, due to the high volume of material being processed during first few weeks of each semester, it is highly recommended that all materials be submitted with the Course Reserve Sheets. After submitting my course list, how soon will the items be ready for my students to check out? All materials submitted to Reserve must be processed before they are available for student use and will be processed in order of their receipt. Depending upon the length of the list and the backlog of the other items, it may take several days for a Reserve Course Sheet to be completely processed. Items brought in right after a class cannot be immediately available and will be queued behind earlier requests. Will you make the copies from journals for me? Reserve staff does not pull and copy journal articles or text chapters. Photocopies must be submitted with the Reserve Course Sheets and must conform to the University Libraries’ Copyright Guidelines and Restrictions. Can I put my own personal copy on Reserve? Yes, but the Library is not responsible for the damage or loss of personal books, photocopies, etc. while they are in use on Reserve. Each item will be identified with Reserve tape, personal copy label and when applicable, copyright warning. In the instance that a professor’s personal copy is not returned, the patron will be billed $150 in addition to the $20 late fee. If the item is returned within 6 months, the $150 fine will be reversed and the patron will only owe the $20 late fee. If the item is not returned within 6 months, the paid $150 fine will in turn be paid to the professor. After this point, even if the patron wants to return the item, he/she will not be refunded the $150. 10 New Submissions/Copyright

11 1.5 F ACULTY R ESERVE FAQ S ( CONT.) Can I place journals or reference materials on Reserve? Neither current nor bound library-owned journals may be placed on Reserve. A function of the Reserve files is to contain copies of needed articles to allow journals to remain on the shelf. Reference materials may be placed on Reserve if there are no other copies available but for no longer than a 4 hour, no overnight loan period. We will only place it on Reserve during the time the students actually need to refer to the item for that course (determined by the professor) and we will only place a Reference item on Course Reserve at the owning library Can I have items on Reserve in more than one library for my students? Materials will be placed on Reserve in the library, which primarily serves the subject needs of the course being taught, unless the majority of the books on a specific course sheet would dictate otherwise. In such cases, materials will be placed on Reserve in the library, which owns the majority of books on a specific Reserve Course Sheet. If a specific item is requested for Reserve in two libraries, it will be placed in the library, which received the earliest request. Is there a limit to the number of items I can place on Reserve? No, but faculty may be asked to re-evaluate the list at the end of the semester. Can you accept PDFs? Yes. Please submit the online Course Reserve submission form and email the PDFs to us at May I just give the information to you over the telephone? No, but we do have an Online Submission form that may be submitted without coming into the library. (Directions on how to do this are written out and readily available in Reserve. Directions on how to do the on-line submission may be given over the telephone.) What is the copyright policy? The general rule is one copy for one semester without copyright permission. Refer the professor to the salmon guidelines sheet or the Online Reserve guidelines, for more detailed information ( 11 New Submissions/Copyright

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