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Presentation on theme: "1 AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGY Kathleen Ingenhousz NSWC Corona MS-42."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Automatic Identification Technology Automatic Identification technology (AIT) is not new– l Barcodes are the most common AIT devices. They are found on all consumer products. In industry a variety of AIT devices are being used. –RF tags for automatic access –Shipping labels to track shipments around the world and in grocery stores, speeding you through checkout. –Warehouses use barcodes to more efficiently manage product inventories.

3 3 Automatic Identification Technology l The most common barcodes used, are known in the industry as ‘1-D’ barcodes or one dimensional tags. l The information contained within is a single data field that when used with application software, cross-links to a database that identifies a product or service. l The use of contact memory buttons (CMB) is being closely analyzed and tested within the Navy environment. Dependent on size, up to 32 k of data can be stored on one CMB.

4 4 Automatic Identification Technology l In a laboratory environment, AIT use can significantly reduce manpower required to process inbound/outbound workload by providing a data file that can be transferred into the production management software (using Microsoft office products). l In addition, a handheld scanner can efficiently record all assets handled in a pickup and delivery evolution, reducing data entry error and ensuring data integrity

5 5 Automatic Identification Technology Considerations Technology used will have to be compatible with current and planned improved lab management software applications Labeling will have to be compliant with new DoD identification policy and ISO Standard 15434 Technology and application has to be consistent with policy and practices established by Navy AIT project office

6 6 Automatic Identification Technology During a Business Case analysis at NSSF New London, process analysis determined various laboratory and production functions that could be improved with technology infusion. Production induction and pickup/delivery were determined as primary areas that could be made more effective with new technology that would assist in the efficient identification of equipment inbound into the calibration laboratory

7 7 Automatic Identification Technology l Handheld scanners loaded with Microsoft Office products, identify test equipment by a data convention consisting of UIC, model, CAGE and serial number l This data convention on a 2-D barcode is in compliance with the new DoD policy establishing the requirement for the use of Unique Identification (UID) on all items and the ISO Standard 15434

8 8 Automatic Identification Technology Plan of Action Funding has been obtained to field hardware and process to two Regional areas for implementation Northeast and Pacific Rim have been initially identified for fielding – pending discussion with activities The initial hardware outlay will consist of Handheld scanners and corresponding printers Acquisition process requires acquiring an NMCI waiver for hardware, that process is currently underway and hardware requirements are in contracts Hardware roll out time line will be firmed out once NMCI waiver obtained and hardware contract awarded

9 9 Automatic Identification Technology Future AIT initiatives Request further funding to obtain hardware and complete the fielding of the hardware to the remaining Regional Calibration Activities, Intermediate Maintenance activities and Field calibration activities

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