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Welcome to your first assignment! This assignment will be very easy. Grab your binder, both your math and science composition books, a black Sharpie (or.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to your first assignment! This assignment will be very easy. Grab your binder, both your math and science composition books, a black Sharpie (or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to your first assignment! This assignment will be very easy. Grab your binder, both your math and science composition books, a black Sharpie (or permanent marker), and a pencil. When you are ready for the next step, click on the forward button.

2 First grab your binder with the dividers. On the last two dividers, label them MATH and SCIENCE. You will have more dividers than this example, but you get the idea. MATH SCIENCE

3 Now you are going to work with your math composition book. On the front cover, write your first and last name and MATH in black Sharpie (or permanent marker). Don’t worry if your composition book does not look like exactly like this. Just find a place on the front cover. Mrs. Frago MATH

4 On the inside of the front cover, write your first and last name and MATH in black Sharpie (or permanent marker). I want you to label both places because your composition book will be going back and forth from home and school everyday. By the end of the year, some composition book covers are so scratched up that the front cover is unreadable.

5 Coming to class prepared is important to being successful! Everyday you need to bring the following: Math composition book with completed assignments ToC (Table of Contents) Math book Binder Pencils

6 I ask you to bring your math composition book to school everyday for several reasons. Here are the top three: 1.) I get a chance to look over your work and see areas I need to review. 2.) You can go over your work and ask questions about specific problems from your assignments. 3.) When we have extra time in class you can start your assignments. All assignments are to be done in your composition book. Math composition book with completed assignments

7 You will keep your ToC in your composition book. Your ToC will act as a bookmark. The nice thing about using it as a bookmark is that you will not forget to bring it to school because you will always have your composition book. If you are not sure what a ToC is, don’t worry, we will be talking about them in class. ToC (Table of Contents)

8 I do not have class sets of our math books. We often work on practice problems directly from the math books. There will also be days when you can begin your assignments in class. Math Book

9 You will need to bring your binder anyway for Language Arts and History. Almost all of your math work will be done in your composition book. There will be a few assignments that will need to be placed in your binder under your math divider. Binder

10 ALL math work is to be done in pencil ONLY. Pen gets messy. Make sure you pack several pencils in your pencil box/backpack. Pencils

11 On the very first page of your math composition book, please write the five things you need to bring to class everyday. Use pencil! Things to bring to school everyday: Math composition book with completed assignments ToC (Table of Contents) Math book Binder Pencils Please copy everything in the box.

12 Now you are going to work with your science composition book. On the front cover, write your first and last name and SCIENCE in black Sharpie (or permanent marker). Don’t worry if your composition book does not look like exactly like this. Just find a place on the front cover. Mrs. Frago SCIENCE

13 On the inside of the front cover, write your first and last name and SCIENCE in black Sharpie (or permanent marker). I want you to label both places because your composition book will be going back and forth from home and school everyday. By the end of the year, some composition book covers are so scratched up that the front cover is unreadable.

14 On the very first page of your science composition book, please copy and finish the following sentences in pencil. Explain your responses with complete sentences. 1.) My favorite topic in science is _________. (explain why) 2.) I would like to learn more about ___________. (explain why) 3.) In complete sentences, tell me about your favorite science experience. It can be a lab/experiment, a demonstration, a field trip, etc.

15 Did you label two dividers MATH and SCIENCE in your binder? Did you label the front and inside cover of your math composition book with your full name and MATH in black Sharpie? Did you write the five things you need to bring to class everyday on the very first page of your math composition book? Did you label the front and inside cover of your science composition book with your full name and SCIENCE in black Sharpie? Did you write your three responses on the very first page of your science composition book? Let’s double check that all directions were followed.

16 DONE! To end this presentation, click the return button on your web browser. Just like you do if you want to go back a page when you are looking at a website. Don’t forget to read the second part of the assignment on the webpage.

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