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Wireless Cities In addition to the physical environment, the role that technology plays Jon Lane Director, BT Wireless Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Cities In addition to the physical environment, the role that technology plays Jon Lane Director, BT Wireless Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Cities In addition to the physical environment, the role that technology plays Jon Lane Director, BT Wireless Cities

2 © British Telecommunications plc Our lives are changing Time and energy Choices and personalisation Security Friends, family & community Information and advice Time is money Real time information Security Anytime, anywhere Business collaboration At Home At Work

3 © British Telecommunications plc Wi-Fi is today’s technology of choice Consumer devices are a key driver of Wi-Fi growth –Widely adopted by the mass market today –Wi-Fi handsets forecast to increase nearly 1300% through to 2010* –245.9 million Wi-Fi portable devices globally by 2010** –22 million in the UK alone by 2011 * –Wi-Fi Alliance has already certified over 3000 products Wi-Fi Networks are expanding –Over 142,407 free and paid Wi-Fi hotspots in 132 countries –Over 300 wireless cities deployed Mobile WiMAX will take time to offer a credible alternative –Fixed WiMAX available today. Useful for infrastructure but limited use for end users –Mobile spectrum auction due to take place late 2007 / early 2008 –Mobile Devices not available till 2008/9 –Mass market will take at least 5 years to mature BT delivered Wi-Fi Networks* * Infonetics Research ** Wireless Cities, BT Openzone, Wi-Fi Consumer & Business networks

4 © British Telecommunications plc The Vision is Compelling - Broadband Access - anywhere, anytime, anyplace Wireless Broadband is about making Broadband access totally ubiquitous Wireless broadband Home Business Wireless Broadband at the heart of our strategy Wireless broadband Wi-Fi hotspots Wireless cities

5 © British Telecommunications plc What is a Wireless City? A Major BT strategic initiative to Wi-Fi enable City Centres Extends the power of wireless broadband into public spaces Provides a Wi-Fi Network for shared public and private access Public / private partnerships with local authorities Joint promotion and development of a WC eco-system A platform to enable innovative new applications and services Delivering an open network with a wide range of service providers A phrased programme, developed in-line with demand from the city “anchor tenant” and others A significant (& sustainable step) to deliver city wide wireless broadband

6 © British Telecommunications plc A platform to deliver a sustainable vision Remote traffic congestion monitoring, cashless parking payments Providing a safer, cleaner street environment, improving public security - CCTV, noise and pollution monitoring Providing city visitors with the information they need when and where they need it Supporting care in the community initiatives Supporting social inclusion programmes Helping make the city an attractive place to live and work Platform for education and remote learning Supporting city “front line” staff with innovative mobile worker applications

7 © British Telecommunications plc Some applications Actively working on many solutions with authorities Some examples are: Deploy moveable Wi-Fi IP-Video cameras –To ease traffic congestion and issue penalty notices –Monitor new bus station for public safety with images relayed to PDA Licensing and environmental health officers can update records “on the street” from Wi-Fi PDA integrated into authority’s systems and immediately initiate any actions needed Childrens’ services can access client information in real-time via Wi-Fi laptop or digital pen and agree a care package with clients immediately City guardians can access council information using Wi-Fi PDA to help the public, and report local issues instantly Walled Garden to help citizens and visitors gain free Wi-Fi access to council public service information Corporate Fusion VoIP as part of the Authorities’ IP Convergence strategy Wi-Fi mobile working as part of an overall mobile working initiative including home working

8 © British Telecommunications plc Benefits Greater productivity as employees do not have to return to the office to log work – Significant effectiveness, efficiency and accommodation savings are achievable Demonstrably improved public service by immediate and visible access to information and back-end systems Employees can be multi-rolled “eyes on the street” e.g. street cleaning operative can report traffic obstructions, graffiti, anti-social behaviour via simple PDA integrated into back-end systems to relevant department With more time “on the street” less office space is needed, enabling significant property rationalisation Solutions are customised to meet the needs of authority and are based around the specific business benefits that can be achieved Wireless City is not a technology deployment but an enabler to transform the business of delivering citizen services

9 © British Telecommunications plc Need to serve the Wider Market City Resident City Commuters City Visitors (Tourist) City Visitors (Business) Local Businesses Local Communities Citizen Services

10 © British Telecommunications plc Bringing it back to the ‘Green Agenda’

11 © British Telecommunications plc Westminster Pioneers Scheme A partnership to reach into the community to help build ideas for how a wireless network can be used to improve a city environment  for individuals  for business  for Westminster City Council  for the community

12 © British Telecommunications plc Business: My Van is My Office Supporting enterprise in the city Supporting improvement in service Supporting quality of work life Westminster Pioneers Scheme - Winners Special Award: Bus Busters Speeding up commuter journeys Speeding up parking enforcement Living: Virtual Blue Plaque Building sense of place Building sense of history Building sense of community Staff Award: Help! Improving the visitor experience Improving on the role of City workers Improving perception of Westminster as a place to work and play

13 Thank you Jon Lane Director, BT Wireless Cities

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