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New Hire Orientation. New Employee Orientation Is it necessary?

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Presentation on theme: "New Hire Orientation. New Employee Orientation Is it necessary?"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Hire Orientation

2 New Employee Orientation Is it necessary?

3 Benefit! Preventing injuries, saving money and lives!

4 What’s on the agenda? Employee Safety Orientation Company Safety Policies Job Safety Analysis Incident/Injury Reporting Procedures Safety Committee PPE Emergency Plan/First Aid Procedures Orientation Tour

5 Company Safety Policies Company Expectations Commitment Accountability Prevention!

6 Company Safety Policies What’s in the Policy? The Employee’s Role Reporting Requirements Emergency Evacuations Lifting (Specific Hazards) Hazard Communication Lock Out Tag Out Defensive Driving Return-to-Work Program

7 Job Safety Analysis Hazard Identification / Risk Assessment


9 Job Safety Analysis Housekeeping affects everyone! Safe means of entry and exit Equipment Immediate Work Areas Fire Safety

10 Incident/Injury Reporting There is only one benefit from an accident. 1. Learn from the experience and prevent future occurrences. Who? When? Why?


12 Safety Committee Provides formal structure Empowerment Responsibility Representative Voice Positive Influence

13 Why Personal Protective Equipment?


15 Orientation Tour Please follow up the orientation with a tour of the workplace, introducing the employee to co-workers, indicating departmental areas as appropriate; location of restrooms, water fountains, coat hanging areas, vending machines, refrigerator, stairs, elevators, etc. and pointing out safety information (fire escapes, fire extinguisher, etc.).

16 Orientation Tour First Aid Kits Eye Wash Stations Fire Extinguishers Entry/Exit Points Evacuation Area Hazards (Furnace, Confined Space) PPE required areas

17 Emergency Plan Procedures Disaster Preparedness Plan Medical Information “In Case Of…” Alarms (differing signals) Evacuation Routes

18 First Aid Procedures Stroke Chemical Burns Choking Sprains Open Wound

19 Summary Employee Safety Orientation Company Safety Policies Job Safety Analysis Incident/Injury Reporting Procedures Safety Committee PPE Emergency Plan/First Aid Procedures Orientation Tour

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