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Dante Alighieri’s Inferno home!index storyboard.

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2 Dante Alighieri’s Inferno home!index storyboard

3 Dante’s Inferno An exciting journey through all the circles of Hell

4 These words were posted above the entrance to Hell: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here " Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

5 Tone Encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work. To determine tone consider the following: 1. descriptive details 2. diction – the word choices and syntax, or order of words

6 Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Dante was born poor but noble Dante was exiled in 1302 by civil warfare Wrote Divine Comedy in Italian

7 Divine Comedy 1.Written between 1308 and 1321 2.Describes his journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Paradise (Paradiso). 3. He is guided first by the Roman poet Virgil and then by Beatrice, the woman he loved in real life, only saw twice. 4.http://www.dantesinfern

8 The Seven Deadly Sins Lust Gluttony Avarice Sloth Anger Envy Pride Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell Limbo Lustful Gluttony Prodigal Wrathful Heretics Violent Fraudulent Treacherous

9 Five Rivers in Hades Cocytus –”the river of wailing” Acheron – the river of pain Lethe- River of forgetfulness Phlegethon – means flaming stream of fire that runs parallel to the River Styx (7 th circle of violence) Styx – means hate/detestation: forms boundary between Earth and Hades


11 The First Circle Limbo Virtuous pagans & unbaptized infants Virtuous pagans & unbaptized infants Homer, Socrates and Plato Homer, Socrates and Plato

12 The Second Circle The Lustful The Lustful Blown about forever by stormy winds just as, in life, they were blown about by the winds of passion Blown about forever by stormy winds just as, in life, they were blown about by the winds of passion


14 The Third Circle The Gluttons

15 Guarded by Cerberus Wallow in mud and muck Besieged by hail & filthy water The Third Circle

16 The avaricious and the prodigal Avaricious (greedy) Prodigal (wasteful) Useless Labor The Fourth Circle

17 The Fifth Circle The Wrathful, Sullen, or Slothful The Wrathful, Sullen, or Slothful Attacking one another Attacking one another

18 City of Dis Boundary between upper and lower Hell.

19 CIRCLE #6: Heretics CIRCLE #6: Heretics CIRCLE #7.1: Violence Against Neighbors CIRCLE #7.2: Violence Against Oneself (Forest of the Suicides) CIRCLE #7.1: Violence Against Neighbors CIRCLE #7.2: Violence Against Oneself (Forest of the Suicides) CIRCLE #7.3.1: Violence Against God CIRCLE #7.3.2: Violence Against Nature (Homosexuals) CIRCLE #7.3.1: Violence Against God CIRCLE #7.3.2: Violence Against Nature (Homosexuals) CIRCLE #7.3.3: Violence Against Art CIRCLE #7.3.3: Violence Against Art

20 Descent into lower Hell: Circle 6: Heresy atheists & Non- believers in the afterlife

21 Circle Violence against God, his creations, and self Circle 7: Violence against God, his creations, and self

22 Forest of the suicides

23 TheSodomites violence against nature male homosexuality


25 Entry to lowest levels of Hell – for those who use their God- given intellect to distort the truth: Fraud Fraud Treachery Treachery

26 CIRCLE #8.1: Pimps, Panderers, and Seducers pan·der·er n. 1. A sexual procurer. 2. One who caters to or exploits the lower tastes and desires of others.

27 CIRCLE #8.7: Thieves CIRCLE #8.7: Thieves

28 CIRCLE #8.8: Evil Counselors and Deceivers


30 traitors CassiusBrutus Judas

31 Dante Alleghiri’s Inferno home!index Page 542

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