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Analyzing World Poetry January 15, 2008

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1 Analyzing World Poetry January 15, 2008
Structure and Effects Analyzing World Poetry January 15, 2008

2 Review of TPCASTT 1 of 2 T? P? C?
What does the title make you think of? P? In your words rephrase the poem by line and stanza. C? What is the speaker implying? What can you infer? Find as many examples and meanings of: imagery, symbolism, metaphor, simile, rhyme scheme including end rhyme and internal rhymes, allusions. Look at the punctuation. Where does the author want you to stop, pause?

3 Review of TPCASTT 2 of 2 A? What is the attitude of the speaker? What is the attitude of the poet? What words/phrases show you this attitude? S? Does the poem shift in tone, topic, or perspective? Why? What affect does this have on the rest of the poem? T? Now that you understand the poem what else is the title telling you? How has the title become more significant to the reader/speaker/message? What is the theme of the poem?

4 Unique Elements of World Poetry
Each poet has a unique world view This world view is based on his or her culture, lifestyle, and life experience. Use words such as maxim, adage, axiom, belief to allude to the author’s background Use action words to explain

5 Love Does Not Know Secrets p 54
“Love Does Not Know Secrets” tells the reader immediately that ___________. The phrase ______________ explains (forces, reinforces, illustrates) that the reader must _____________. Love knows no secrets, when it is hidden it will be discovered. Love has no choice; when it seizes a man, he will confess everything, everything that was not done

6 How do I write the analysis
Make notes for each stage of TPCASTT Have several examples to use for each stage of TPCASTT Have a main statement about the poem’s meaning – this is your THESIS Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence relating TPCASTT to your thesis

7 The Analysis Love knows no secrets, when it is hidden it will be discovered. Love has no choice; when it seizes a man, he will confess everything, everything that was not done In this piece of Swahili poetry, the speaker reveals four main tenets of the sophisticated Swahili beliefs on love and its affect on man. According to the Swahili tradition in “Sudden Moods” the speaker explains that man is held helpless at the force of a powerful love through the use of maxims, images, and emotional pleas. This belief is presented in the first stanza with the maxim_____________.

8 Analysis continued Qualifying this statement of Swahili belief he explains that ______________. Man cannot attempt to _______________. According to the poet love __________________________. Now its your turn. Write the next part of the explanation of this message.

9 Group time 1. Answer the questions: Who is the speaker?
Who is the audience? What is the purpose of the poem? What images are used to explain the purpose? Does the author achieve the purpose What are the author’s or speakers beliefs found in the poem What is the speaker’s attitude about the subject?

10 Groups Night of Sine Rubyiat Inferno Dan Brianne Sara Mike Guyanna Ian
Olivia Hashem Marian Allen Chris Zach Robert

11 Dante Aligheri’s INFERNO
Take a multimedia tour through the nine layers of hell as presented by Aligheri. Purpose? Audience How did he achieve his purpose (CASTT)

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