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In Class FOCUS: Macbeth and his connection to the world Vocabulary Crossword – Unit Seven Peer Editing – The Whole Paper SAS Curriculum Online Turn in.

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Presentation on theme: "In Class FOCUS: Macbeth and his connection to the world Vocabulary Crossword – Unit Seven Peer Editing – The Whole Paper SAS Curriculum Online Turn in."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Class FOCUS: Macbeth and his connection to the world Vocabulary Crossword – Unit Seven Peer Editing – The Whole Paper SAS Curriculum Online Turn in draft Announcements…dont get up please…youll have time at the end English 10 – Monday Week Ten Homework Enjoy your CSAP Time... Start reading Kite Runner Blog Post: Define Family (Link)Link Independent Reading Project – Work Time Tomorrow Independent Reading Projects – Due Friday, March 13 th Vocabulary Quiz Unit Seven – Friday, March 13 th Keep working on your Macbeth papers – Due on March 20 th

2 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay Peer Editing Expectations: Switch and move away Quiet Give good feedback…they will then do the same Musical Chairs Editing English 10 – Monday Week Ten

3 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay Peer Editing … FIND A PARTNER Introduction: A.Attention getting idea (red) B.Explain the attention getting idea (red) C.Background information (purple) D.Transition to thesis (purple) E.Thesis (yellow) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, one compliment and one suggestion English 10 – Monday Week Ten

4 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay Peer Editing … NEW PARTNER First Paragraph: 1.Topic Sentence (yellow) 2.Set-up (purple) 3.Lead-in (green) 4.Quote (green) 5.Citation (green) 6.Explaining the quote (yellow) 7.Connection to the topic sentence (yellow) 8.Transition to the next quote (blue) Two to three quotes per paragraph Grammar, spelling, punctuation, one compliment and one suggestion English 10 – Monday Week Ten

5 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay Peer Editing …NEW PARTNER Second Paragraph: 1.Topic Sentence (yellow) 2.Set-up (purple) 3.Lead-in (green) 4.Quote (green) 5.Citation (green) 6.Explaining the quote (yellow) 7.Connection to the topic sentence (yellow) 8.Transition to the next quote (blue) Two to three quotes per paragraph Grammar, spelling, punctuation, one compliment and one suggestion English 10 – Monday Week Ten

6 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay Peer Editing …NEW PARTNER Conclusion Paragraph: A.Re-state thesis (yellow) B.Main points (blue) C.Hit it home (purple) Grammar, spelling, punctuation, one compliment and one suggestion English 10 – Monday Week Ten

7 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay Where to now? Take their suggestions and improve your paragraphs Two minutes of revising Expectations…stay with me please. Really cool, but it is only a program. English 10 – Monday Week Ten

8 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay SAS Online Editing – Page 1 Second Paragraph: SAS Online (Link)Link Pull-up the webpage Login: ahswarriors Stop when you get there and stand up! English 10 – Monday Week Ten

9 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay SAS Online Editing – Page 2 Second Paragraph: Click on Writing Reviser Click Start Wait for software to load STOP when you get there! English 10 – Monday Week Ten

10 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay SAS Online Editing – Page 3 Second Paragraph: Enter Name Enter Topic Copy and paste paper into the box Click Next IMPORTANT – Separate Paragraphs with a space STOP when you get there! English 10 – Monday Week Ten

11 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay SAS Online Editing – Page 4 Second Paragraph: Look at statistics– Do you know what all those things are? STOP when you get there! English 10 – Monday Week Ten

12 Macbeth Four Paragraph Essay SAS Online Editing – Page 5 Second Paragraph: Closer Look Section Look through the Variety Section Click one of the subsections and then click the Find in the upper right-hand corner o Sentences o Transitions o Repetition STOP when you get there! English 10 – Monday Week Ten


14 In Class FOCUS: Macbeth and his connection to the world Turn in your Macbeth paper drafts Questions over Independent Reading Projects We will be presenting these in class on Friday You must be working on English stuff…the whole time… Announcements…then put the computers away…thanks! English 10 – Tuesday Week Ten Homework Enjoy your CSAP time... Start reading Kite Runner Independent Reading Projects – Due Friday, March 13 th Vocabulary Quiz Unit Seven – Friday, March 13 th Keep working on your Macbeth papers – Due on March 20 th

15 Turn In Macbeth Drafts Write two things at the top: What have you done well in this paper so far? What do you still need help with? English 10 – Tuesday Week Ten

16 Independent Reading Projects We will be presenting these in class on Friday! Brief presentation (stand up, talk) Gallery walk Set three goals for yourself for the work time REMINDER: English 10 work …what does that look like? English 10 – Tuesday Week Ten

17 Independent Reading Projects You must be working on English stuff Independent Reading Projects Macbeth papers o If you are struggling, we would be more than willing to meet with some of you and give you ideas 10 Points for work time today…show me that you can work and I will be grading you at the end of the period English 10 – Tuesday Week Ten


19 In Class FOCUS: Macbeth and his connection to the world Vocabulary Quiz: Unit Seven Sharing your Independent Reading projects Specific Macbeth paper editing English 10 – Friday Week Ten Homework Keep working on your Macbeth papers – Due on March 20 th Edit: Thesis, Topic Sentences, Quote Incorporation, & Citations – Have an electronic draft for Monday Kite Runner : Chapters 1-3 Due Wednesday, March 18 th

20 Specific Macbeth Paper Editing Look at: Thesis statements Topic sentences Quote Incorporation / Lead-ins Citations Link English 10 – Friday Week Ten

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