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Respect. Showing respect makes for happiness! Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’! Address everyone with respect: ‘Yes, Miss. Yes, Sir’ Open a door to an adult,

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Presentation on theme: "Respect. Showing respect makes for happiness! Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’! Address everyone with respect: ‘Yes, Miss. Yes, Sir’ Open a door to an adult,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect

2 Showing respect makes for happiness! Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’! Address everyone with respect: ‘Yes, Miss. Yes, Sir’ Open a door to an adult, to a friend or to someone in another class Tidy up your mess! Be polite when you ask for something: ‘Can we play football, please?’ A smile costs nothing. A kind word costs nothing.

3 Showing disrespect makes for unhappiness! Answering back Interrupting someone/not allowing them to have their say Defiant gestures: shoulder shrugging, a smirk or a spiteful look, muttering… Deliberately being unkind to someone Deliberately hurting someone

4 What will happen if you show a lack of respect? Your name, the date and what you did wrong will be recorded by your teacher You will be given lines that will reflect what you have done wrong. You will write the lines at home and your parents must sign them. If the lines are not returned the next morning, your parents will be contacted by phone on that day If you do not repeat the behaviour, your name will be taken off the list kept by your teacher Dinner ladies and Teaching Assistant will report any bad behaviour to the teacher who will decide your punishment

5 Ideas to help you! Line up quietly, in line and facing the front Wear uniform correctly: tie done up, shirt in Walk around school and the Wildlife Garden Avoid shouting out in the Dining Hall Listen in assembly! Expect to get lines if you don’t!

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