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Amber Chmelecki Michaelyn Hoffman Grade Level: 5th Pen Pal Letters ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Amber Chmelecki Michaelyn Hoffman Grade Level: 5th Pen Pal Letters ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amber Chmelecki Michaelyn Hoffman Grade Level: 5th Pen Pal Letters ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2010

2 Michaelyn Hoffman Prewriting Stage ELA5W1. The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.

3 PLO Students will develop a plan for prewriting by completing a graphic organizer for a pen pal letter using words and phrases.

4 Form of Writing Pen pals: – A new friend who you will get to know through writing letters – People who regularly write to each other – Long distances

5 Form of Writing Pen Pal Letter – Getting to know a friend by learning about their life and culture Asking questions Talking about yourself – Can live anywhere in the world

6 Stage of Writing Prewriting = most important Form, topic, purpose, audience, graphic organizer Brainstorming Graphic Organizer – Use phrases only – Sequences steps – Gather ideas

7 Tell Me About Yourself… 7 Kennedy, J. (2010). Pen pal letter graphic organizer. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Adapted from Character info blank. (n.d.). Retrieved from /org-character-blank.pdf

8 APA Citation of example Cleary, B. (1983). Dear mr. henshaw. New York, NY: William Morrow and Company, Inc.

9 Published Example November 24 Dear Mr. Henshaw, Here we go again. Time to answer some more questions. 4. Where do you live? After the divorce Mom and I moved from Bakersfield to Pacific Grove which is on California’s central coast about twenty miles from the sugar refinery. Mom said all the time she was growing up in California’s Great Central Valley she longed for a few ocean breezes, and now we’ve got them. We’ve got a lot of fog, especially in the morning. There aren’t any crops around here, just golf courses for rich people. We live in a little house, a really little house, that used to be somebody’s summer cottage a long time ago. Now it is what they call a garden cottage. Sincerely, Leigh Botts Page, P. (Artist). (1997). Dear mr. henshaw. [Web]. Retrieved from

10 Practice activity Fill out the graphic organizer as a class to President Obama

11 Assessment activity Audience: fellow 5 th grader Students will be partnered with another student Fill out the graphic organizer to exchange with assigned partner

12 Amber Chmelecki Drafting Stage GPS: ELA5W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a.Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.

13 PLO Students will draft a letter to a pen pal using a completed graphic organizer as an outline.

14 Form of writing Pen pals: – A new friend who you will get to know through writing letters – People who regularly write to each other – Long distances or close by

15 Form of Writing Pen Pal Letter – Getting to know a friend by learning about their life and culture Asking questions Talking about yourself – Can live anywhere in the world

16 Stage of Writing: Drafting Use graphic organizer as outline Write details into sentences Focus on content Correct spelling and neatness not important Skip lines Format – Heading, Body, Closure, Signature

17 Heading: Street _________________________ City, State, Zip Code______________ Date__________________________ Greeting Dear_______________________, Body ___________________________________________________________ X_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ X_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ X_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ X_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ X_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Closing & Signature__________________ __________________ 17 Cobb, J. (2010). Pen pal letter format. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.

18 APA Citation of Model Nichol, Barbara. (1993). Beethoven lives upstairs. New York, NY: Orchard Books.

19 Published Example Dear Uncle, Another week has passed, but life is no calmer here. I’ve been thinking. If Mr. Beethoven were to leave, surely we could find someone nice to live upstairs. The rooms are large, and Father’s patients always talked about the view of the river. Father used to carry me down to the riverbank on his shoulders, even down the steep part right behind home. I think that of all the places in the house, I like outside best. I can be alone there and get away from all the noise inside. But on this day even the stray dog outside was making his pitiful voice heard. Yours truly, Christoph Beethoven lives upstairs. (1993). [Web]. Retrieved from

20 Practice Activity Use details from class graphic organizer to draft a pen pal letter to President Obama.

21 Assessment Activity Create your own draft of a pen pal letter to a classmate from your individual graphic organizer.

22 References Kennedy, J. (2010). Pen pal letter graphic organizer. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Adapted from Character info blank. (n.d.). Retrieved from character-blank.pdf Page, P. (Artist). (1997). Dear mr. henshaw. [Web]. Retrieved from Cobb, J. (2010). Pen pal letter format. Unpublished graphic organizer. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Beethoven lives upstairs. (1993). [Web]. Retrieved from

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