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FINISH SENTENCE PATTERNS FROM THURSDAY, NOV. 6TH Monday, Nov. 10: Please see Ppt “Mon Nov 6 Finishing up last Thursdays Sentence Patterns and MUGS” PPt.

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Presentation on theme: "FINISH SENTENCE PATTERNS FROM THURSDAY, NOV. 6TH Monday, Nov. 10: Please see Ppt “Mon Nov 6 Finishing up last Thursdays Sentence Patterns and MUGS” PPt."— Presentation transcript:

1 FINISH SENTENCE PATTERNS FROM THURSDAY, NOV. 6TH Monday, Nov. 10: Please see Ppt “Mon Nov 6 Finishing up last Thursdays Sentence Patterns and MUGS” PPt on the JM website

2 Nov. 10-14 Week 2

3 We took notes through the slide entitled “The Transcendentalism Club”

4 Transcendentalism


6 America’s Emerging Literary Tradition- Take SHORT notes!

7 The Emerging American Identity in Literature : Mid-1800s

8 Defined: Take notes  1800s American literary movement founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson  Henry David Thoreau is the second key supporter – friend of Emerson– both lived in Concord, MA, and both wrote poems and essays  Let’s get in tune with “ nature.”  1800s American literary movement founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson  Henry David Thoreau is the second key supporter – friend of Emerson– both lived in Concord, MA, and both wrote poems and essays  Let’s get in tune with “ nature.”

9 Transcendentalism’s Key beliefs: Intellectual movement founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson Truth lies outside the reach of the senses and is known only through the spirit/intuition. Optimistic belief in human potential Deep interest in nature and man’s relationship to it Through the “Over-soul,” we are all one. Intellectual movement founded by Ralph Waldo Emerson Truth lies outside the reach of the senses and is known only through the spirit/intuition. Optimistic belief in human potential Deep interest in nature and man’s relationship to it Through the “Over-soul,” we are all one.

10 Spirituality came from one’s understanding of self and nature, not from organized religious doctrines.


12 Tuesday, Nov. 11th

13 The Transcendental Club

14 Announcements:

15 Transcendentalists in Literature Key figures  Ralph Waldo Emerson – founder of Transcendentalism  Henry David Thoreau – friend and co-supporter Other emerging American Transcendentalist authors:  Poet Emily Dickenson [ 1800+ poems!]  Walt Whitman “Song of Myself”  Washington Irving [ Sleepy Hollow author]  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Key figures  Ralph Waldo Emerson – founder of Transcendentalism  Henry David Thoreau – friend and co-supporter Other emerging American Transcendentalist authors:  Poet Emily Dickenson [ 1800+ poems!]  Walt Whitman “Song of Myself”  Washington Irving [ Sleepy Hollow author]  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

16 Think of ONE WORD to sum up this picture: Think of ONE WORD to sum up this picture:


18 Emerson “We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds...A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul which also inspires all men.”


20 1. Read aloud the bio on p. 362 2.Read aloud p. 364: Excerpt from his book Nature. 3. Read aloud p. 366: Excerpt from his essay Self-Reliance 1. Read aloud the bio on p. 362 2.Read aloud p. 364: Excerpt from his book Nature. 3. Read aloud p. 366: Excerpt from his essay Self-Reliance Nature is portrayed as a beneficent living force that can, if studied and understood through careful and intentional reflection, offer enduring lessons about what it means to be human Emerson stresses that you should NOT conform blindly to the ideas and behaviors of society or peers. Rather, he urges his readers to both THINK and ACT independently after you have considered all of your options, choosing the path best for you. “Rely upon yourself.”


22 1.Read “The Snowstorm,” P. 368 2.Read “Concord Hymn,” P. 369 1.Read “The Snowstorm,” P. 368 2.Read “Concord Hymn,” P. 369

23 Ralph Waldo Emerson– For the Final:

24 Wednesday, Nov. 12th

25 Wednesday, Nov. 12

26 Henry David Thoreau

27 “I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was [raking] in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn,” Henry David Thoreau US Transcendentalist author (1817 - 1862) “I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was [raking] in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulet I could have worn,” Henry David Thoreau US Transcendentalist author (1817 - 1862)

28 Henry David Thoreau: #2 Transcendentalist Thoreau advocates the deliberate and public refusal to obey any law which you feel violates your personal principles. Believes our gov’t often impedes us It is your duty to help improve your gov’t Thoreau advocates the deliberate and public refusal to obey any law which you feel violates your personal principles. Believes our gov’t often impedes us It is your duty to help improve your gov’t 1.Read aloud the bio on p. 372 2.Walden, pp. 374- 377 3.Read aloud pp. 380-381: Excerpt from Civil Disobedience 4.https://www.yout =eEYIhulK8S0https://www.yout =eEYIhulK8S0 1.Read aloud the bio on p. 372 2.Walden, pp. 374- 377 3.Read aloud pp. 380-381: Excerpt from Civil Disobedience 4.https://www.yout =eEYIhulK8S0https://www.yout =eEYIhulK8S0

29 What to remember about Henry David Thoreau for the final: Lived a simplistic, transcendental lifestyle– wrote Walden after living there for 2 yrs, 2months Outspoken abolitionist / friend of Emerson– both lived in Concord, MA One of the earliest conservationists Practiced/wrote Civil Disobedience Lived a simplistic, transcendental lifestyle– wrote Walden after living there for 2 yrs, 2months Outspoken abolitionist / friend of Emerson– both lived in Concord, MA One of the earliest conservationists Practiced/wrote Civil Disobedience

30 To sum up, Emerson and Thoreau would say…. It is okay to break rules/laws if the rules go against your beliefs or principles. The individual person is more important than the community. If a person makes a decision, he/she should stick with it. In other words, do not be a “flip-flopper. The best way to get in touch with one’s spiritual self is to immerse oneself in nature. Material wealth and the pursuit of possessions consume many people’s lives, making their lives less meaningful and less fulfilling. Each person has a responsibility to live up to his/her potential. It is okay to break rules/laws if the rules go against your beliefs or principles. The individual person is more important than the community. If a person makes a decision, he/she should stick with it. In other words, do not be a “flip-flopper. The best way to get in touch with one’s spiritual self is to immerse oneself in nature. Material wealth and the pursuit of possessions consume many people’s lives, making their lives less meaningful and less fulfilling. Each person has a responsibility to live up to his/her potential.

31 However, they would ALSO say…. …that although it is your right and moral imperative to seek your own path, IT MAY NOT come at the cost of another person’s rights, happiness or safety …your “rights” end the moment you harm yourself, another or nature …that although it is your right and moral imperative to seek your own path, IT MAY NOT come at the cost of another person’s rights, happiness or safety …your “rights” end the moment you harm yourself, another or nature

32 Other Transcendentalists of the Time

33 What to know about Emily Dickinson Reclusive poet Known as “the lady in white” Topics of nature and death Used unusual poetic devices for her time +1800 poems! Reclusive poet Known as “the lady in white” Topics of nature and death Used unusual poetic devices for her time +1800 poems!

34 “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul. And sings the tune Without the words, and never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson US poet (1830 - 1886) “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul. And sings the tune Without the words, and never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson US poet (1830 - 1886)

35 Dickenson om/watch?v=Ev15wAJk zwM om/watch?v=Ev15wAJk zwM Read aloud her poetry, p.397

36 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Read aloud bio: p.248 “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” om/watch?v=_dKJ75F3tj 8 “A Psalm of Life,” pp. 250-251 Read aloud bio: p.248 “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” om/watch?v=_dKJ75F3tj 8 “A Psalm of Life,” pp. 250-251

37 “The Good Gray Poet”: Walt Whitman JDEp4jw

38 “After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on - have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear - what remains? Nature remains.”

39 Believed in equality, democracy, and spiritual unity of all mankind Showed this through his poetry Believed in equality, democracy, and spiritual unity of all mankind Showed this through his poetry

40 Most famous for writing Leaves of Grass and Song of Myself UTDJ72q9k UTDJ72q9k 8wT6Pm9g 8wT6Pm9g



43 Sentence Construction Quiz Take out a blank sheet of paper OR TYPE –your choice. This is OPEN NOTE -- you may NOT SHARE NOTES. Your quiz and anyone you share with will get a zero if you do. Be academically honest, young Rocket! Name, date [ 11/13/14] and hour in the upper left- hand corner There are 6 slides. You will have limited time on each slide with a 20 min. class – work quickly. Two points per question – must be COMPLETELY CORRECT for +2 Partial points for answers with errors

44 Question #1:

45 Question #2

46 Question #3

47 Question #4

48 Question #5

49 Question #6

50 Friday, Nov. 14th

51 Directions for today’s assignment, to be finished at home—due Tuesday :

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