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Where 2.0 Australia? How can online spatial and interactive technologies connect people and places for environmental sustainability? Presentation to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Where 2.0 Australia? How can online spatial and interactive technologies connect people and places for environmental sustainability? Presentation to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where 2.0 Australia? How can online spatial and interactive technologies connect people and places for environmental sustainability? Presentation to the Geographer and Environmental Studies Annual Conference 12-13 July, 2012, University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay Alister Clark PhD Candidate School of Geography and Environmental Studies University of Tasmania Supervisors: Dr Lorne Kriwoken, Dr Jon Osborn, Dr Kate Booth and Dr Richard Mount

2 PLACES The “Open” Geospatial Web 2.0 Photos Text Sites PEOPLE News Video Embed Share Link

3 Origins and history 1993- first web based GIS - OGC interoperability standards - barriers: bandwidth, complex software and poor user interfaces. 2000 - Web 2.0 emerges - removal of selective availability of GPS signal - increased computing power vs. cost, speed, better software and interfaces - crowdsourcing, P2P production, user generated content 2005- Geospatial Web 2.0 emerges - Google Earth and maps launched - GPS enabled smart phones develop - Mapping API’s – “mapping mashups” - Neography, Volunteered Geographic Information

4 What does this mean? The world on our desktops c. 2005 Printing Press c.1460--70 The world in our hands c. 2010?

5 Downloaded 19/6/2012 from Interact Contribute Share Reuse Adapt

6 Rich, contextual, free, open information What is Where, When, Who says so?

7 Contribute to planning for Victoria’s Parks ( Help monitor fish movements


9 Concerned about Coal Seam Gas Mining? Interested in food sustainability?

10 Connecting Country

11 Current Australian GW2 initiatives: Are focussed on a particular subject matter Decide manner of interaction: subject matter, form of the subject matter Open in some ways to a greater or lesser extent, but limited ability to interact outside given structure, sometimes to reuse or adapt What if…?

12 Methodology & methods Participatory Action Research Action Research For or with the community? Observe or participate? Affecting change: Participants Researcher Environmental Management Systems Adaptive Resource Management

13 Methodology & methods Complex Adaptive Systems The Adaptive Cycle (Gunderson and Holling 2002) Self organisation Loose connections Emergent complexity Sub optimal Bottom up, organic evolution Environmental Management Systems Adaptive Resource Management

14 / Online wiki and map: Communication Participation Collaboration Researcher position - validity? Reflexivity Power relationships Insider Outsider

15 What do participants do (online)? What do participants think ? conversations, emails, meetings

16 Results so far - my practice the platforms I have used are easy to use to communicate many subjects in different ways. limitations for larger amounts of information and more complex representations. simple representations can influence environmental management outcomes in novel ways. changed awareness, attitude, practice

17 Results 2 - Participants Little online – most offline Variable but increasing understanding of GW2 Barriers to participation: Approach is too broad, vague Lack of ability, time or desire Concerns over security and privacy Loss of intellectual property Unexpected participation…

18 Discussion / Analysis Open GW2 can empower individuals, but with limitations Wide participation may require focussed efforts GW2 is a new socio-technological phenomena My community is “cautiously interested” Interactions outside of the internet are important Relationships appear crucial – motivation?

19 Conclusion Individuals can use the GW2 now to influence environmental management outcomes Broader potential for environmental management is influenced by a mix of socio-technological factors Australian commentary and understanding is limited and in its infancy Geographers and the academy have important roles to play in fostering commentary and understanding regarding Where 2.0 Australia?

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