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美國刑法 楊智傑. 性侵害犯 Rape 強暴 sexual assault 性暴力 statute of limitations 時效 pleaded guilty 認罪 Investigation 調查 prosecutor 檢察官 Victim 受害人.

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Presentation on theme: "美國刑法 楊智傑. 性侵害犯 Rape 強暴 sexual assault 性暴力 statute of limitations 時效 pleaded guilty 認罪 Investigation 調查 prosecutor 檢察官 Victim 受害人."— Presentation transcript:

1 美國刑法 楊智傑

2 性侵害犯 Rape 強暴 sexual assault 性暴力 statute of limitations 時效 pleaded guilty 認罪 Investigation 調查 prosecutor 檢察官 Victim 受害人

3 要起訴另兩名嫌犯需要更多證據 More evidence is needed to prosecute two suspects in a 1984 sexual assault case even though a recovering alcoholic recently confessed to the crime as part of his 12-step program and promised to help investigators

4 重罪沒有時效 There is no statute of limitations on felonies in Virginia, and Seccuro said she remains hopeful that someone will come forward with new information that will lead to additional arrests.

5 大學校園霸凌 霸凌 bullying 反霸凌法 anti-bullying act 欺負大一新生 hazing 禁止大一新生入會欺負法 anti-hazing legislation

6 重罪( Felony )与轻罪 ( Misdemeanor )的区别 Most states in USA divide their crimes into two major groups -- felonies and misdemeanors. Whether a crime falls into one category or the other depends on the potential punishment. If a law provides for imprisonment for longer than a year, the crime is usually considered a felony. If the potential punishment is for a year or less, then the act is considered a misdemeanor.

7 Hazing is considered a felony In the U.S. hazing has resulted in several deaths and serious injuries. Colleges and fraternities have also faced civil liability in actions brought for injuries and deaths caused by fraternity hazing Hazing is considered a felony in several U.S. states, and anti-hazing legislation has been proposed in other states.

8 欺負大一新生案 Morton received a two-year prison sentence from Circuit Judge Kathleen Dekker, a judge who took full advantage of a 2005 felony law designed to prevent such hazing prevalent througout fraternities and sororities. Wanting to send a clear message that this type of torture would not be tolerated on college campuses, the judge created Florida's first prosecutions beneath this particular hazing law.

9 假釋 parole Parole 假釋人 parolee 假釋委員會 parole board 囚犯 inmate prisoner 監獄 prison 刑期 sentence parole is granted or denied at the discretion( 裁量權 ) of a parole board( 假釋委員 會 )

10 假釋 parole In criminal justice systems, parole is the supervised release of a prisoner before the completion of their sentence in prison. parolees are still considered to be serving their sentences, and may be returned to prison if they violate the conditions of their parole

11 假釋條件 Conditions of parole often include things such as obeying the law, refraining from drug and alcohol use, avoiding contact with the parolee's victims, obtaining employment, and maintaining required contacts with a parole officer.parole officer

12 不確定刑期 In the United States, courts may specify in a sentence how much time must be served before a prisoner is eligible( 符合資 格 ) for parole. This is often done by specifying an indeterminate sentence of, say, "15 to 25 years," or "15 years to life". The latter type is known as an indeterminate life sentence; in contrast, a sentence of "life without the possibility of parole" is known as a determinate life sentence.United States

13 廢除某些犯罪的假釋 some states (including New York) have abolished parole altogether for violent felons,New York the federal government abolished it in 1984 for all offenders convicted of a federal crime, whether violent or not.

14 強制假釋 mandatory supervision Some states in the US have what is known as "mandatory supervision," whereby an inmate is released prior to the completion of their sentence due to legal technicalities which oblige the offender justice system to free them. mandatory supervision does not involve a decision making process: one either qualifies for it or does not.

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