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Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Sandeep P. Kishore, Ph.D. Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network Universities Allied for Essential Medicines.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Sandeep P. Kishore, Ph.D. Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network Universities Allied for Essential Medicines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Sandeep P. Kishore, Ph.D. Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network Universities Allied for Essential Medicines

2 The Global Burden of Disease (Mortality) Disease Deaths (x 10^6) % of total 1.Ischemic heart disease7.212.2 2.Cerebrovascular disease5.79.7 3.Lower respiratory infections 4.27.1 4.COPD3.05.1 5.Diarrheal Diseases2.23.7 6.HIV/AIDS2.03.5 7.Tuberculosis 1.52.5 8.Trachea, bronchus and lung cancers1.32.3 9.Road Traffic Accidents1.32.2 10.Premature birth/low birth weight1.22.0 … 14. Malaria0.91.5 15. Birth trauma0.91.5 16. Self-inflicted injuries0.81.4

3 $7536 $30 $19 Burden of Disease 1.Tobacco (1 in 10 deaths, women,youth) 2.Poor diets (high-fat, high-salt, sugary) 3. Inadequate physical activity 4. Harmful use of alcohol

4 10/2010 – Modalities Resolution for NCD HLM @ UNGA 4/2011– WHO Global Forum on NCDs (IFPMA chairs A2M session; civil society groups are pharma-funded; affirm IP non-issue…)) 8/2011 – UN political draft declaration negotiations stall (trade issues) TRIPS flex/Doha/IPR @ center. Bullying by EU/USA. 9/2011 – HLM @ UNGA. References to Doha excised. HPV/HBV vaccines called for. First youth rally on NCDs @ UN. 1/2012 – WHO EB (Targets/commitments) [Access Indicator]; for global monitoring system finalized by WHA 5/2012 6/2012 – Rio+20 Sustainable Development (MDGs)/ UNDP 12/2012 – Proposals for a global partnership (e.g. Stop NCDs); [COI] 9/2014 – Review of UN NCD HLM

5 Short-term: 1. Focus on influencing the 2012 WHO targets/commitments process. Formulate and lobby for time-bound, numerical A2M indicator. 2. Drug-specific: heart disease (fixed dose combination; polypill); cancer (HPV; HBV vaccines; herceptin, imatinib); diabetes (insulin); asthma (patented inhaler technology). CANCER AS PRIORITY. 3. Feed outrage at surgical removal of Doha Declaration from NCD political declaration into statement / press release from this meeting Long-term: 1. Aggressively call out/resist pharmaceutical COI in public sector policy- making / civil society actors and via nodal patient advocacy groups. 2. NCDs framed in human rights context (e.g. youth/students) 3. Global mapping re: price/generic manufacturers/tech transfer OSI Scoping paper on disease-/ field-specific strategies 4. Beyond IP: Procurement/Stop Stock Out campaigns for off patent meds (e.g.aspirin, beta blockers)

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