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European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Recent changes at World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (Edinburgh) Susan Macmillan, Tom Shanahan and.

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1 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Recent changes at World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (Edinburgh) Susan Macmillan, Tom Shanahan and Sarah Reay

2 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 The World Data Centres started 50 years ago by ICSU as part of IGY to ensure open access to global data for academic use and long-term stewardship for future scientists originally focussed on physical sciences e.g. solar-terrestrial, geomagnetism, oceanography, meteorology centres today more broadly environmental e.g. soils, climate, biodiversity, ecology WDC Conference last week in Bremen, Germany. Discussions on:  relationships with other umbrella organisations e.g. GEOSS, FAGS  metadata standards – more for geospatial data and not ideal for time series data e.g. ISO  data publication and need for persistent identifiers e.g. DOI assignation

3 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 New Journal, to be published by Copernicus Publications credit: H. Pfeiffenberger/A. Richter

4 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Recent changes at WDC (Edinburgh) Operation of online Geomagnetic Data Master Catalogue for observatory minute and hourly values passed from DMI to BGS in May 2007 Address is See poster!

5 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007

6 Repeat data collection what we do.... Letters sent every year to organisations operating observatories requesting repeat station data (this misses out countries which have repeat station networks but no observatories) Data received in wide variety of formats and reformatted into common format Data compared with previous data and IGRF for gross errors

7 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Global magnetic survey data holdings 1900 onwards Feb 2003Mar 2005May 2007 One-off land vector data126172 Aeromagnetic vector and scalar data13512 Marine vector data13087 Marine scalar data24515 Repeat vector data205892079020937 Total197875

8 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Number of repeat vector data in world and in Europe TOTAL = 20937

9 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Locations of repeat vector data 1975-2007 TOTAL = 8407 (8260)

10 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Locations of repeat vector data added since Mar 2005

11 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 These stations provide data for global modelling e.g. the new GUFM model by Jackson and Finlay where differences are used to remove the crustal bias Issue 1: some stations have reoccupation intervals of up to 15 years (and more!)

12 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Issue 2: number of repeat station SV estimates/year not even in time

13 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 credit: Chris Finlay Issue 3: difficult to assign meaningful errors...but still useful!

14 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Locations of repeat vector data in Europe 1975 - 2007 TOTAL = 4244 (4125)

15 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Example of data available from 260 external requests/year

16 European Repeat Station Workshop Bucharest May 2007 Summary WDC Edinburgh actively maintaining Geomagnetic Data Master Catalogue for observatory data and global magnetic survey dataset Several global models incorporate repeat station data However, main purpose of collecting repeat station data should remain the derivation of regional models Would welcome help checking that data held are complete and correct Data reformatted by Gerald Duma’s RS-ENTER particularly welcome!

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