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Southwest Early College Campus A World of Opportunity.

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1 Southwest Early College Campus A World of Opportunity

2 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Overview  Early College school for grades 6-12  Math/ Science emphasis  Open Enrollment, no entrance exam required  Opens August 2008 with 6th & 9th grades  Limit of 120 students per grade

3 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Overview  Project-based learning  Opportunity to earn college credit  Ongoing campus experiences at UMKC  Classes taught by master teachers & college professors  Math/ Science related internships & mentors  Extended day & summer enrichment

4 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Partners

5 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Curriculum Core Curriculum  Accelerated Mathematics & Science  Communication Arts  Social Studies  World Language Elective Curriculum  Science/Mathematics Learning Lab  METS Internships  METS Research Project  Math Lab experiences

6 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Supports School day supports  mid-day tutoring around lunch periods  Zero and 8 th hour tutoring Additional supports  Saturday school (TBD)  Summer School Immersion experiences

7 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Outstanding Facilities  On-site Planetarium*  Horticultural Green Houses*  State-of-the-Art Science Laboratories * With support from The Kauffman Foundation

8 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Parental/Community Involvement  Deep family commitment  Family Advocacy System  Active involvement in school evolution, mission, and vision  Coalition of willing business partners Southwest Parents & Community Groups Business Partners

9 Southwest Early College Campus (816) 418-7977 Student enrollment  Cap of 120 students per grade  Wait list for 9th grade  Close to capacity for 6th grade (limited seats may be available)  Representation from all 6 sub districts in the school district  Demographic characteristics mirror that of the district as a whole

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