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Completing the Game By: Taylor Miller Ashley Torres Patrick Dunagan.

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1 Completing the Game By: Taylor Miller Ashley Torres Patrick Dunagan

2 He killed so many robots and nothing was going to stop him now. GAME OVER “Oh no! We died again, Buzz.” said Rex. “Well,” said Buzz, thinking. “We cant get far with your little arms…” Rex thought for a moment. “We could try the game again, but this time like a Space Ranger.” “Yeah. I'm a Space Ranger.” Buzz said, smiling. “I have quick lightning reflexes. Let me have the controller, Rex.” Rex gave Buzz the controller.

3 “First we got to know what moves we need to do and quick.” Rex said logically. Buzz smiled and said,” We can use mechanical energy to get to Zurg.” Rex got excited. “We run through Planet Z and then- Buzz jump you are about to die! I don’t want to start all over again.” Buzz shot his laser into the crystal sticking up right in the middle from where video game Buzz was standing… surrounded by Zurg’s robots. “Buzz! I have an idea! Why don’t you use your jet pack and fly to the big Z on the ground. The jet pack has thermal energy to propel you through the air.”

4 Buzz thought for a moment. “Remember when I first got here and I thought I could fly?” “Yeah,” Rex recalled. “I remember.” “Well, I had potential energy before I jumper off the end of the bed. I had kinetic energy when I went off the bed and landed on the hot wheel car and did that loop.” “Oh yeah. I definitely remember that.” Rex said excitedly. Buzz continued. “Then, after I went off the loop, I landed on the airplane and went around in circles for a little bit.” Rex got excited. “I just thought of an idea. We can use your loop demonstration to win the game and finally defeat Zurg!”

5 Buzz fiddled with the controller for a little bit. “Buzz! We are at the battery!” Rex exclaimed. “Hey, Buzz, did you know that the battery hologram is using electrical energy to have the battery like that?” “Well,” said Buzz. “Aren't you smart. Good job, Rex.” Rex thought for a second. “Well, a dinosaur has to know these things, you know.” “Rex, I’m about to use the force field as he is falling. That’s nuclear energy, you know.” “Yes! We are fighting Zurg!” Rex exclaimed very excitedly. “Rex, use chemical energy to defeat him.”

6 YOU WIN “We won! We finally won!” Rex yelled, jumping up and down. Buzz nodded, smiling. “We used all sorts of types of energies. They all belong to Law of Conservation of Energy.” “Wow,” Rex sighed. “We learned a lot in ten minutes, you know, Buzz?” Buzz nodded. “Yes we did Rex. Those energies are very important. Use them in the future.” Rex looked at Buzz. “You know, come to think about it, your laser has radiant energy.”


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