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Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black.

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Presentation on theme: "Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION Chişinău – 25 – 26 martie 2014 Cross Border Cooperation

2 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION Analysis of the Romanian concepts in the on-line competition in Education Management - common topics, interests and prospects for cooperation - Cross Border Cooperation

3 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  TEAMWORK. CONFLICT SITUATIONS. CONFLICT MEDIATION Period: 2011 – 2012 Institution: Ovidius High School, Alina Trache Partners: Constanta County School Inspectorate, County Council for Psycho-pedagogical Assistance, Ovidius High School Students’ Council, Ovidius High School Parents’ Association Objectives: Creation of a Board of Mediators at school level. Training mediator students; setting up an intervention programme and procedures. Creating a transferable model Cross Border Cooperation

4 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  TEAMWORK. CONFLICT SITUATIONS. CONFLICT MEDIATION -The Board of School Mediators was created. -Training for students interested in becoming School Mediators (test + interview assessing candidate’s potential) -Raising awareness that the possibility of mediation exists -Creating conditions for conflict mediation to happen -Drawing up ‘Resolution Forms’ and ‘Mediators Assessment Forms’ -Creation of a Code of Conduct for all actors involved in the educational process. Cross Border Cooperation

5 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  STUDENTS’ SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION – FROM PROJECT TO STRATEGY Type: curriculum development Period: 2001 - ongoing Institution: Ovidius High School, Cristina Anghel Partners: teachers of Sciences and Humanities, students, parents Objectives: Creation of an elective course (optional curriculum) aimed at students interested in developing and managing projects. Cross Border Cooperation

6 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  STUDENTS’ SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION – FROM PROJECT TO STRATEGY -The process of education should be extended outside the classroom – continuous education -Content and teaching methods must be adapted to the ever changing reality. Students must take responsibility of their own learning process. -Creation of the ‘Virtual Science Fair’ – an online teaching and learning opportunity. -Encouraging educational partnerships such as Comenius, Youth in Action, etc -Creation of the elective course “European Projects” which has been chosen by over 900 students in our school; the course offers information on and the possibility for project management, project development and assessment, Cross Border Cooperation

7 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  NGO’s AND EDUCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AT THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COASTAL AREA Period: 1994 – ongoing Institution: Mare Nostrum, Carmen Bucovala Partners: specialists, biologists, students, members of the community Objectives: to promote education for sustainable development; to offer scientific, functional and operational environmental training; to attain the sustainable usage of the Romanian Black Sea Coastal Zone, in order to preserve and prevent the further degradation of the habitats, species, and social/cultural elements within the region. Cross Border Cooperation

8 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  NGO’s AND EDUCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AT THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COASTAL AREA -Consolidating new school curriculum and training of teachers for the development of school curriculum. -Updating and upgrading teaching methodologies and content. -Development of teaching materials for education for sustainable development. -Organization of 5 – 8 workshops a year for students and teachers -Conducting follow-up activity monitoring trainees and gathering feedback. Cross Border Cooperation

9 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  READ IT - “Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling” Type: Comenius Multilateral Projects Period: 2010 – 2012 Institution: Ovidius High School Partners: Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”, Italy, Scottish Book Trust, Scotland, University College Lillebaelt, Denmark, Marsilio Editori, Italy, Curtea Veche Publishing, Romania, Rustu Akin Kiz Teknik Meslek Lisesi, Turkey, Objectives: to train and assist teachers in using ICT tools in the classroom; to promote and encourage reading and literacy, to engage students and allow them to take responsibility of their learning process. Cross Border Cooperation

10 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects  READ IT - “Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling” -A free online course for teachers on ‘digital storytelling’ – a new teaching method meant to encourage reading -More than 100 teachers from 5 countries attended the online training simulateneously; more than 500 students were involved in the creation of booktrailers. The course continues to be available for interested teachers -Using ICT tools in the process of teaching national language and literature; creation of model class projects -A network of teachers was created with the aim of promoting and encouraging reading, writing and the development of self-expression in the students’ own language. Cross Border Cooperation

11 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects IQ – EQ - HQ : elements for a balanced student facing the new challenges of an unstable European society Type: Comenius Regio Period: 2012 – 2014 Institution: Constanta County School Inspectorate, Alina Elena Nitu Partners: Nicolae Dumitrescu, Cumpana High School, World Vision Romania, The Directorate of Secondary Education of Piraeus, Senior High School AG, Ioannis Renti, Municipality of NIKAIA Objectives: to prevent school drop-out; to create a network aimed at encouraging students to stay in school, identifying their educational, social and emotional needs; to exchange experiences with teachers Cross Border Cooperation

12 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects IQ – EQ - HQ : elements for a balanced student facing the new challenges of an unstable European society -Exchanging experiences, attitudes, feelings, expectations and needs in order to target possible drop-outs -Creation of a working network promoting good practices in the prevention of the phenomenon of school abandonment. -Assessing and increasing IQ – EQ and HQ in learners. -Collaboration on examining IQ – EQ and HQ as predictors for academic success -Familiarisation with the existing experiences in the partner country; enhancing the quality and significance of European education; Cross Border Cooperation

13 Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No., MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION -common topics and interests -prospects for cooperation Cross Border Cooperation -Creation of networks of like-minded professionals in order to encourage and promote successful practices in the educational sector. -Creation of networks of students, sharing their experiences, needs, feelings and expectations. -Promotion of modern, adequate teaching strategies and methods to assist students in achieving academic and emotional success. -Promotion of the concept of lifelong learning among teachers, students, parents school managers and local communities.

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