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Positive Rewards and Praise in St. Margaret’s Academy. Karyn Reilly and Sonia Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Rewards and Praise in St. Margaret’s Academy. Karyn Reilly and Sonia Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Rewards and Praise in St. Margaret’s Academy. Karyn Reilly and Sonia Ryan

2 Workshop Aims To share the wide range of systems and strategies departments and faculties use throughout the school to celebrate success and reward pupils. To collate ideas of ongoing practice in individual classrooms and generate discussion surrounding the idea of ‘praise’ and ‘reward’ and its impact on pupils.

3 Social Subjects Stars On the wall and announced at assemblies. Given for a range of activities the class teacher views as excellent, such as: effort, behaviour, consistently good homework etc.

4 Social Subjects Pupil work displayed and updated regularly so pupils feel their contribution is valued. Stamps - simple way of ensuring pupils know they are doing well. Also not too much in terms of teachers having to put lots of comments. Positive comments on work. Comments in planners - maintains contact with home. They try to make time for positive comments also in the planners as it was becoming the case that it was only used for more negative information.

5 English

6 English Use a variety of ‘instant praise’ such as: stickers, raffle tickets, star prizes and sweets. Run weekly rewards such as ‘Quiz Fridays’ and ‘Freaky Fridays’. Write positive comments home in the pupils’ planners to praise individual success. Display good work across department and corridors.

7 English Burns’ Project Celebrating Success

8 Health and Technology S1- The department operate a positive sticker scheme in their planner: the aim is to get six stickers and achieve a certificate. S2- Awards for ‘Clean Cook, Tidy Cook’ and the certificate is presented during assemblies. S3/4- ‘The Culinary Skills Award’ where the highest achieving pupil wins a trophy and is presented at the awards ceremony. Primary 7 Transition- CRES Award (confident individuals, responsible citizens effective contributors and successful learners) which promotes success and achievement.

9 Health and Technology

10 Science The department celebrate success by using outside agencies such as: ‘National Science and Engineering Week’ and the ‘CREST Awards’. Pupils receive a certificate of participation. Pupil work is displayed throughout classrooms and corridors. Praise and reward sticker charts are in operation in various classrooms as well as a star pupil scheme.

11 Science Fair

12 Modern Languages The department operate a ‘star pupil’ board to celebrate success and achievement. Frequent use of stickers and stamps and positive comments in pupils’ jotters.

13 Modern Languages


15 Physical Education The department display their ‘Sporting Superstars’ in their corridor.

16 Maths The department use certificates for personal achievement and Mathematician of the Week. They show case work, have prizes for inter-class competitions, participate in inter-school Maths Challenges.

17 Music Wider Achievement

18 Music The department celebrate their weekly recording artists.

19 TLC Acknowledge their shining stars.

20 TLC Green Room

21 Over to you… Each group will have one of the following questions on their table: 1. What is your earliest memory of receiving praise and how did it affect you? 2. Why is praise important to individual pupils? 3. What impact does praise have on your classroom environment? 4. How does praise impact on our our whole school ethos and community?

22 References Morgan, N., and Ellis, G. (2011) A Kit Bag for Promoting Positive Behaviour in the Classroom. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Carnell, E. and Lodge, C. (2002) Supporting Effective Learning. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Galton, M., Steward, S., Hargreaves, L., Page, C., and Pell, A. (2009). Motivating your Secondary Class. London: SAGE. Nash, R. (2009) The Active Classroom – Practical Strategies for Involving Students in the Learning Process. California: Corwin Press.

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