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For More Information:

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1 For More Information:

2  Additional Alternative Instruments › Ensure a Robust Teacher Evaluation › Capture Unique Facets of Effective Teaching › Reflect Student Academic Performance Impacted by the Teacher

3  Follow guidelines set forth by Okla. State Board of Education based on recommendations of TLE Commission.  Require teachers to select an OAM relevant to their job duties.  Provide at least two OAM options relevant to each teacher’s job duties.  Create OAM evaluation rating for each teacher on 5 point scale (5 is Superior and 1 is ineffective.)

4 During the First Nine Weeks of School: 1. Determine academic area of focus for teacher’s students to guide OAM. Examples: - Mathematical problem solving skills. - Reading on grade level. - Reading sight music fluently. - Understanding verb conjugation in world languages. 2. Administer pre-assessment or locate previous data to guide OAM. Examples: - 4 th grade state math test scores of current 5 th grade students. - Students results from reading screener administered in first weeks of school. - Beginning of year benchmark/baseline data. - Selections from Approved OAM List.

5 During the First Nine Weeks of School continued: 3. Select an OAM to measure the performance of the academic area of focus at end of year from Approved OAM List. 4. Establish a SMART goal based on pre-assessment data. - S pecific - M easurable - A ttainable & Ambitious - R esults driven - T ime bound

6 During the First Nine Weeks of School continued: 5. Establish 5-point rating scale for the SMART goal. 5 = Superior 4 = Highly Effective 3 = Effective 2 = Needs Improvement 1 = Ineffective 6. By way of signature, receive agreement from the evaluator on SMART goal and 5-point scale.

7 At the End of the School Year: 6. Teachers will consult with their respective evaluators to determine if SMART goal was reached and to assign TLE OAM score based on 5 point rating scale. Documentation of student performance should be provided. Because the results of OAMs are typically unavailable until after evaluations must be completed for re-employment decisions, OAM results will be calculated as 15% of the overall TLE evaluation during the year following attainment.


9 Tulsa Model 50% Value Added 35% OAM 15% We do not have info on Value Added part yet. More training to come…

10 Keep it SIMPLE!

11 State Assessments  End of Instruction (EOI)  Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT)  Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP) Sample Goals 5 – 90% proficient or advanced 4 – 80% proficient or advanced 3 – 70% proficient or advanced 2 – 60% proficient or advanced 1 – less than 60% proficient or advanced 5 – 20% increase in student proficiency 4 – 15% increase in student proficiency 3 – 10% increase in student proficiency 2 – 5% increase in student proficiency 1 – less than 5% increase in student proficiency

12 “Off the Shelf” Assessments  Advanced Placement (AP)  ACE Alternative Test List  DIBELS  Study Island/Successmaker  EXPLORE/PLAN/ACT/WorkKeys  Industry Recognized Certification Exams (Career Tech)  SAT/PSAT  Star Reading/Star Math  Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL)  Gates/ASFAB Sample Goals 5 – 90% on grade level 4 – 80% on grade level 3 – 70% on grade level 2 – 60% on grade level 1 – less than 60% on grade level 5 – 20% increase in passing rate 4 – 15% increase in passing rate 3 – 10% increase in passing rate 2 – 5% increase in passing rate 1 – less than 5% increase in passing rate

13 A-F Report Card Competencies  Overall School Grade or GPA  Student Academic Performance Grade  Student Growth Rate  Whole School Performance Grade  Any A-F Report Card Component (Graduation Rate, Bottom 25% Growth, etc.) Sample Goals 5 – A on individual component 4 – B on individual component 3 – C on individual component 2 – D on individual component 1 – F on individual component 5 – Improvement of GPA by 1 point 4 – Improvement of GPA by.5 point 3 – Improvement of GPA by.25 point 2 – Same GPA 1 – Lowered GPA

14 Student Competition  National, State, or Regional Competition (sponsored by OSSAA or similar org.)  Robotics Competitions  State Science Fair Sample Goals 5 – 1 st or 2 nd place in area competition 4 – 3 rd of 4 th place in area competition 3 – 1 st or 2 nd in regional competition 2 – invitation to regional competition 1 – No invitation to regional competition 5 – 20% increase in students who qualify to compete 4 – 15% increase in students who qualify to compete 3 – 10% increase in students who qualify to compete 2 – 5% increase in students who qualify to compete 1 – less than 5% increase in students who qualify to compete

15 Miscellaneous  IEP Goal Attainment  LinguaFolio  Service Learning Project Portfolios  Student Community Service Project Portfolios  Teacher Portfolios  Third Grade Promotion  State, District, and/or Consortium Developed Benchmark Assessments Sample Goals 5 – 90% of students meeting IEP goals 4 – 80% of students meeting IEP goals 3 – 70% of students meeting IEP goals 2 – 60% of students meeting IEP goals 1 – less than 60% of students meeting IEP goals 5 – Artifacts for 75% of indicators 4 – Artifacts for 65% of indicators 3 – Artifacts for 55% of indicators 2 – Artifacts for 45% of indicators 1 – Artifacts for less than 45% of indicators

16 Do career teachers scoring a 3.8 or above from the previous year have to complete the OAM portion? Yes!

17 Will all teachers with the same job title/description have the same OAM? Not necessarily. Each teacher has the freedom to select an OAM relevant to his/her job duties. Teachers may use the same OAM with the same SMART goals, but they are not required to do so.

18 If I teach multiple subjects or grade levels, do I need a separate OAM for each one? No. Just pick one OAM for the subject or grade level that you want to focus on.

19 Can teachers choose two OAMs in a given year? It is suggested that no more than one OAM be chosen in a given year. If two are chosen, the scores attained will be averaged together to make the 15%.

20 What if I do NOT see two OAMs on the approved list that are relevant to my job duties? Contact one of the following:

21 What if I have problems with my evaluating administrator not agreeing to my OAM choice, goal, and/or rating? Contact one of the following:

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