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Ch 3- Sect 1 The 6 Principals of the US constitution

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1 Ch 3- Sect 1 The 6 Principals of the US constitution
1. Popular Sovereignty 2. Limited Government 3. Separation of powers 4. Checks and Balances 5. Judicial Review 6. Federalism

2 The Constitution is built on 6 Principles
Preamble 1. Article I 2. Article II 3. 4. Article III 5. Article IV 6. Article V Article VI

3 The Constitution is built on 6 Principles
Preamble The People rule 1. Popular sovereignty Art I Legislative Branch 3 separate branches 2. Separation of Powers Art II Executive Branch -Powers granted & denied -Powers overlap 3. Limited Govt 4. Checks and Balances Article III Judicial Branch Power to declare laws “ Unconstitutional” 5. Judicial Review Art IV Relations among the States -Creates Federal Structure -States have “reserved powers” 6. Federalism Art V Amendment Process Involves both Natl and State Govts. Federalism Art VI Supremacy Clause National Law supreme over State Law Art VII Ratification Ratified by States

4 The 6 principles of the Constitution
Preamble- -“We the people” -6 purposes: more perfect union justice peace protection general welfare liberty 1. Popular Sovereignty

5 Separation of Power 2. Separation of Power
2.Art I Legislature Art II Executive Art III Judicial Separate * Structure/ term/ qualifications * Manner of Election 2. Separation of Power

6 Limited Government Checks & Balances
*Each article includes- “enumerated” Powers that are delegated & denied. 10th Amendment= Reserved Powers for the states. Powers that affect the other two branches. Each branch is subject to restraints by the other 2 branches.

7 5. Judicial Review * Power is not literally in the Constitution, so how do we know the framers intended to give the Judicial Branch this power??? 5.Art III= “one supreme court” = courts have the FINAL say on questions concerning laws and acts of government. Federalist Papers #78 & #51 = Judicial power is …”precaution against possible dominance of one branch of the government over the other.” Established in the case Marbury V. Madison

8 6. Federalism 6. Art IV -Guarantees to the states 6. Federalism
-Rights and Duties of the states -Guarantees to the states 6. Federalism Also… -Limited Govt, -Sep of power

9 Art V The Amendment Process
-Both National and state govts play a role. -People can petition Congress to call for a convention. Federalism

10 Art VI the Supremacy Clause
*Created: “Ladder of Supremacy” 1. Constitution Federal Laws & Treaties 3. State Constitutions 4. State Laws - Federal structure Union =Federal structure = gave up state sovereignty Federalism Judicial Review

11 Art Vii Ratification Process
*Process for the adoption of the new government & constitution. * Constitution had to be adopted by the People, at conventions in each State. Federalism National Government and State Government

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