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General Data: Name: Baby Boy G Neonate

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1 CARDIOVASCULAR CONFERENCE: Approach to a patient with cyanotic heart disease

2 General Data: Name: Baby Boy G Neonate
born of a 22 year old primigravida

3 History of the Present Illness
Initial prenatal check-up 6th month of pregnancy at local health center CBC, urinalysis normal UTZ (9/6/10): right ventricle appears collapsed Single live intrauterine pregnancy, cephalic, good cardiac and somatic activity, weeks AOG, rule out hypoplastic right ventricle. Suggests congenital anomal scan scan with detailed cardiac evaulation preferably using fetal echocardiogram Referred to USTH

4 September 8, 2010 UTZ: 2nd and 3rd trimester
Single live intrauterine pregnancy of about weeks in breech presentation with good cardiac and somatic activity Suggest fetal 2D echo c/o Dr. Cuaso

5 September 8, 2010 Assessment: Pregnancy weeks AOG based on 2nd trimester ultrasound, t/c hypoplastic right ventricle Advised: Multivitamins + FESO4 1 cap OD Milk formula 1 glass OD Request for CBC with blood typing, urinalysis, 50g OGCT Request for congenital scan Attend mother’s class every Saturday am

6 September 13, 2010 Macroscopic Exam Result Microscopic Exam Color
Dark yellow WBC 24-26/hpf Transparency Slightly turbid RBC 6-8/hpf Reaction Acidic Mucus threads Moderate Specific gravity 1.020 Epithelial cells pH 6.0 Amorphous urates Many Sugar Negative Bacteria Protein negative Cast, parasites

7 September 13, 2010 Test Result Hemoglobin 129 g/L Hematocit 0.38
RBC count 4.07 x 10/L WBC count 10.74 x10/L Segmenters 0.68 Lymphocytes 0.30 Eosinophils 0.02 platelets adequate

8 September 16, 2010 OB GYN OPD Speculum exam: cervix violaceous, smooth with moderate frothy yellowish creamy discharge Assessment: Trichomoniasis Advised: Metronidazole 500 mg/tab 1 tab BID Fetal 2D Echo once with funds 50g OGCT, repeat urinalysis clean catch

9 September 24, 2010 Follow-up Unremarkable
Still for fetal 2D Echo, 50g OGCT

10 October 5, 2010 (+) terminal dysuria Urinalysis Normal OGCT results
Acidic (++) bacteria 2-5/hpf pus cells Normal OGCT results Advised: Amoxicillin 500 mg/tab 1 tab q8 for 7 days Once with 2D Echo results, refer to pediatric surgery (+) hyperemic conjunctiva OD- referred to Ophtha

11 October 15, 2010 USTH (October 11, 2010)
Fetal 2D- Echocardiogram: hypoplastic Left Ventricle, hypoplastic Mitral Valve, and a patent foramen ovale FHT 142 Assessment: Pregnancy weeks, hypoplastic left heart Advised: Refer to pediatrics-cardiology and pediatric surgery

12 November 22, 2010 (+) persistence of dysuria
Assessment: Pregnancy weeks AOG, cephalic, Hypoplastic left ventricle, t/c UTI Advised Urinalysis, Hepatitis B Ag, Blood typing

13 November 25, 2010 Assessment: UTI Advised:
Amoxicillin 500mg/cap 1 cap q8 for 7 days Increase oral fluid intake

14 November 25, 2010 Pediatric Surgery Consult
Assessment: Pregnancy 36 weeks AOG, (?) hypoplastic left ventricle Plans: will evaluate any time after delivery

15 November 26, 2010 Blood type: AB+

16 December 10, 2010 UTZ: 2nd and 3rd trimester
There seems to be a mass in the interventricular septum Single live intrauterine pregnancy of about weeks in cephalic presentation BPS 8/8; SEFW 2823 grams Cardiomegaly Suggest referral to Dr. Cuaso

17 December 10, 2010 High Risk OB GYN clinic
Assessment: Hypoplastic left ventricle, hypoplastic mitral valve, UTI, r/o IUGR Advised: Terraferon, Clusivol OB, Cefuroxime 500 mg/tab BID for 7 days Repeat urinalysis after 7 days BPS

18 December 17, 2010 UTZ: 38 weeks 6 days AOG (-) dysuria
(+) fetal movements, irregular hypogastric pains, SEFW p10-50 IE: 1 cm dilated, 60% effaced, (+) BOW, cephalic, Stn -3 Assessment: Pregnancy weeks, cephalic, not in labor, ? Mass at the interventricular septum, UTI s/p treatment

19 December 12, 2010 UTZ: 2nd and 3rd trimester Findings:
There seems to be a mass at the interventricular septum Single live intrauterine pregnancy of about weeks in cephalic presentation BPS 8/8; SEFW 2823 grams Cardiomegaly Suggest referral to Dr. Cuaso

20 December 20, 2010 For follow up Supposedly for repeat Fetal 2D Echo
3 cm dilated, 70% effaced intact BOW, there was progression of labor alongside with spontaneous rupture of BOW. Clear, non-foul smelling amniotic fluid

21 Maternal History (-) exposure to radiation
(-) symptoms of viral exanthems (-) use of illicit drugs and abortifacients Non-smoker Non drinker of alcoholic beverages (-) hypertension, allergy, thyroid disease, diabetes, asthma, liver disease, or blood dyscrasia Hep B screening non-reactive OGCT normal

22 Family History Name Age Relation Educational Attainment Occupation
Health MPG 22 Mother 2nd year nursing student Student Healthy LG 23 Father High school graduate Unemployed

23 Family History No diabetes, hypertension, cardiac diseases, cancer, tuberculosis, allergies Denies hereditary illnesses

24 Physical Examination General Data
live, term, singleton, male, delivered via normal spontaneous delivery BW 2.75 kg, BL 48 cm AS 6 and 7 at 5 minutes, MT weeks AGA

25 Physical Examination on Admission
HR 134 bpm, RR 58 cpm, T 37.2˚C Blue, pale, (+) circumoral cyanosis (-) Rash, (-) birth marks, (+) palmar and plantar cyanosis (+) Molding, (+) caput succedaneum (-) cephalhematoma (+) ROR OU, (-) eye discharge, normal set ears, (-) preauricular pits, patent nares, (-) Epstein’s pearls

26 Physical Examination on Admission
(-) Palpable neck masses, intact clavicle, no crepitations (-) Chest deformities, symmetrical chest expansion, (-) retractions, clear and equal breath sounds, good respiratory effort Adynamic precordium, regular heart rate and rhythm, grade 1 holosystolic murmur at left parasternal area Globular abdomen, (+) umbilical stump with 2 arteries and 1 vein, (-) organomegaly, (-) palpable masses

27 Grossly male, bilaterally descended testes, good rugae, patent anus
Femoral pulses full and equal, good flexion of extremities, (-) Barlow, (-) Ortolani Straight spine, (-) sacral dimpling, (-) tuft of hair (+) Moro, grasp, rooting, plantar, and sucking reflexes


29 Indicators that heart disease may exist
Cyanosis Cardiomegaly (Radiologic or Pericardial bulge) Pathologic heart murmur Tachypnea or overt respiratory distress (dyspnea) Sweating especially during feeding Increased or decreased pulses Failure to thrive

30 Classification of Congenital Heart Diseases
A) Acyanotic B) Cyanotic

31 Major Considerations Is there a shunt (LR or RL)
Is there obstruction to inflow or outflow Abnormal heart valves Abnormal connections of great vessels Combination

32 Subgroups of Acyanotic Diseases
Shunt anomalies Valvular defects Obstructive lesions Inflow anomalies Primary myocardial diseases

33 Shunt Anomalies L  R shunt Increased pulmonary blood flow
Increased pulmonary vascular arterial markings on chest Xray ASD, VSD, PDA

34 Obstructive Lesion Discrepancy in amplitude of the peripheral pulses
Coarctation of the Aorta

35 Inflow Anomalies Increased pulmonary venous markings on chest Xray
No murmur Cor Triatriatum, Pulmonary vein stenosis

36 Valvular Defects Stenosis or regurgitant Characteristic murmur

37 Primary Myocardial Diseases
No murmur Disparity between cardiac size and pulmonary vascular markings Glycogen storage disease Cardiomyopathy

38 Hemodynamic Consequences
A) Volume (Diastolic) overload B) Pressure (Systolic) overload

39 ASD Hemodynamic Consequence Diastolic overload of RV

Hemodynamic Consequence MODERATE SIZE Volume overload of LV LARGE SIZE Pressure overload of RV

41 Cyanotic Heart Disease
Cyanotic heart disease exist when one defect or association of defects allow the mixture of saturated and de-saturated blood to reach the systemic circulation

42 Do you suspect that patient is Cyanotic?
When in doubt Clubbing CBC Hyperoxia test

43 Hyperoxia Test Hyperoxia test is considered positive for intracardiac shunting if PO2 < 150 mmHg (torr) after 10 minutes of 100% fiO2

44 PVA / IVS Hemodynamic Consequence Pressure overload of RV

45 PVA / VSD Hemodynamic Consequence Pressure overload of RV

46 PDA Dependent Pulmonary Circulation
Pulmonary valve atresia (PVA) with intact interventricular septum Other lesions with accompanying PVA

47 Approach to diagnosis A) Chest Xray Increased or decreased pulmonary vascular arterial markings B) EKG RVH, LVH, CVH C) Character of second heart sound S2 single, loud S2 single, normal Split S2

48 Chest x-ray

49 Causes of Cyanosis Noncardiac Cardiac
Pulmonary disorders (structural abnormalities of the lung, ventilation-perfusion mismatching, congenital or acquired airway obstruction, pneumothorax, hypoventilation) Abnormal forms of hemoglobin (methemoglobin) Poor peripheral perfusion (sepsis, hypoglycemia, dehydration, hypoadrenalism) primary or persistent pulmonary hypertension Increased pulmonary vascularity D-TGA TAPVR without obstruction PTA Single ventricle DORV w/o PS PPHN Decreased pulmonary vascularity TOF Ebstein’s anomaly PS PA TA with PS DORV with PS

50 Pulmonary Vascular Markings Decreased: Cyanotic
TOF Tricuspid Atresia Complex heart with PS PVA / IVS

51 Second Heart Sound (S2) Single Loud Single Normal Split S2 TGA TOF
TAPVR without obstruction Aortic / Mitral atresia Tricuspid atresia Truncus Arteriosus PVA

52 Cardiac Work-Up EKG Chest Xray 2D echocardiography
(TTE, TEE, ICE, IVUS) Cardiac catheterization CT angiography, cardiac MRI


54 Modalities of Management
Pharmacologic Catheter based therapy Surgical

55 Pharmacologic digoxin, diuretics, inotropes (pressor), vasodilators

56 Catheter Based Therapy (DI KO PA ALAM ITO, EXAMPLES LANG TO)
Balloon atrio septostomy (Rashkind) Balloon valvuloplasty Balloon angioplasty Delivery of occlusion devices Radio frequency ablation

Shunts like Modified Blalock-Taussig PA band Complete repair Glenn, Fontan Norwood Jatene, Mustard, Senning

58 Course in the Wards 1:31 AM (12/21/10)
May feed 10-15mL FBM q3 with strict aspiration precautions Keep O2 sat >62% Refer to pedia cardio Prewarmed radiant warmer Labs: CBC with PC, CXR, 2D echo, 15L ECG Routine newborn care Erythromycin strip 1cm OU Vit K 1mg/IM Hepa B vaccine 0.5mg/IM at lateral thigh Cord care with 70% ethanol


60 Course in the Wards 7:30 AM (12/21/10) 1:00PM (12/21/10)
Opted to withhold any further aggressive treatment 1:00PM (12/21/10) Referral to pedia cardio answered 7:00 AM (12/22/10) Feeding: 20-30mL FBM q3 9:00 AM (12/23/10) Decision to take home baby

61 Course in the Wards 12:00 NN (12/23/10) Discharge instructions
Daily cord care with 70% ETOH q6 Daily bath with mild soap and lukewarm water Daily sun exposure 7 to 9 AM for 15 min Exclusive breastfeeding q2-q8 15 to 30min for each breast Discharge medications Multivitamins 0.5mL/day Follow up at Pedia High Risk and cardio clinic For hearing screening as out patient

62 15L ECG Normal axis Sinus tachycardia LVH

63 2D echo PDA Pulmonary valve atresia Intact ventricular septum
Hypertrophied right ventricle Probably tripartite chamber R->L shunt across formen ovale Pulmonic annulus 5.6cm, MPA 5.22mm, RPA 5.0mm, LPA 6.0mm Normal aortic arch, coronary arteries, pulmonary veins

64 CXR Lung fields are clear Prominent cardiac silhouette
Suspicious prominence of pulmonary vascularity Normal hemidiagphragms and sinuses Unremarkable visualized osseous structures

65 Lab results Result Hemoglobin 171 g/L Neutrophils 0.62 RBC
4.74 x 10^12/L Metamyelocytes - Hematocrit 0.51 Bands MCV U^3 Segmented MCH 36.10 pg Lymphocytes 0.35 MCHC 33.60 g/dL Monocytes 0.02 RDW 16.90 Eosinophils 0.01 MPV 8.30fL Basophils Platelet 227 x 10^9/L Note 1 nRBC/100 WBC WBC 25.20 x 10^9/L Blood type B +

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